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[3.2.1]Superior Minecraft[No Pvp][60 Slots][Open][Anti-Grief & Steal]

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  "Daltassia said:
why what are the the bonuses on the gem armour?

The Abyss Helmet has 2 abilities:

Innate: Breathe underwater

Offensive: press R to shoot lightning at whatever the crosshair is on

Infernal Armor has 2 abilities:

Innate, Invulnerable to fire and lava

Offensive, Create an explosion around you with C

The Gravity Greaves have 3 abilities/effects:

The armour negates 90% of all damage taken to the player.

Increases free falling speed when holding Shift (As of the technic verson, offensive abilties need to be on to use this ability.)

Offensive, Slow and repel approaching mobs within a 5 block radius while holding Shift.

he Hurricane Boots have 2 abilities:

Innate: Immunity to fall damage while not sprinting.

Movement: Quickly ascend by holding Jump, always sprint while on the ground

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  "Daltassia said:
why what are the the bonuses on the gem armour?

the set itself takes ages to get legit because each piece takes just under 80,000,000 emc each to make


if you got that much time, or even patience to make it, would it be worth even bothering to grief thou?. considering time to make it isnt worth being banned within 20 minutes.


you could say add another rank, trusted member or something that unlocks some of the more high powered items such as collectors mk 2 3, just so not all the fun items have to banned due to griefing


  "Daltassia said:
if you got that much time, or even patience to make it, would it be worth even bothering to grief thou?. considering time to make it isnt worth being banned within 20 minutes.

i was given enough red matter yesterday to make the chest piece so yer if a girefer in waiting got given the amount i did he could cause a lot of damage with that


  "Daltassia said:
you could say add another rank, trusted member or something that unlocks some of the more high powered items such as collectors mk 2 3, just so not all the fun items have to banned due to griefing

wait what happened to collector mk 2 and 3?


Server is now online again. Everyone has lost their work done in the past 4 days, we are really really sorry about this, but this was the only way we could get our map back


  "kyllingman2 said:
We just got the map back, it's just like it was yesterday! Nothing has been deleted AT ALL!

Except for where i sethome... cant get home now until my friend gets on. xD Well either way..., I didnt receive your reply to the Moderator Application. D:

My email (in case you dont have it) : skifische@yahoo.com

If you would like I can send you the Application again.


  "sharphunty said:
Except for where i sethome... cant get home now until my friend gets on. xD Well either way..., I didnt receive your reply to the Moderator Application. D:

My email (in case you dont have it) : skifische@yahoo.com

If you would like I can send you the Application again.

I will send a reply once I've read it, the reason it takes some time is because of the errors we had earlier.


  "kyllingman2 said:
I will send a reply once I've read it, the reason it takes some time is because of the errors we had earlier.

Okay... I only said that because yesterday you said 'I have sent a reply :)' and I couldnt find it.


  "kyllingman2 said:
It must be rails that can be powered, if it doesn't work I'll check the config

The problem comes with the advanced rails. They can't be built.


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