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TCR's ghost

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The standards of mods have been declining, we once had new mods added at every update but now it's more of a crawl then a run.

The admins are useless I think the modders died frapping to porn or are lazy, the mods that we want are never added. Mention train, plane or ship mod here and you are branded a faggot. We want this added but we have to instead make do with shitty railcraft and balkon's weopons mods and other rubbish half baked mods.

A man on this forums was executed for saying that he would use HIS OWN MONEY to buy mods FOR TEKKIT.

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The admins are useless I think the modders died frapping to porn or are lazy, the mods that we want are never added.

I think the modders died frapping to porn or are lazy

frapping to porn

I love drinking frappes, but who the hell does it to porn?

On a more serious note, I think one of the main issues is compatibility between mods and the general stability of the modpack. With more mods there would obviously be a higher chance of there being certain incompatibilities between mods, be it with the game engine or with how they interact in the game, which can (in some cases) easily cause crashes. Some of the requested mods are also really badly coded, don't have modloader support, or just don't cooperate with the modpack in general.

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There is a reason that people who post that they want planes trains or ships added are called idiots. It's because they are idiots. The subject has been beaten to death. Many people have given perfectly valid reason for why thise mods won't be added. yet people continue to ask for them. You say the admins are useless? Who do you think put this amazing modpack together, along with a launcher for it? Not only that, they have done that at personal expense to themselves to pay for this site and bandwidth to host the launcher. And, they have to deal with idiots and morons like you. So no, the admins are not useless, far from it. They are some of the hardest working, nicest, funniest people I have had the pleasure to share a forum with. So take your "stagnation" and GET BENT!

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I know the OP is banned, but just in case anyone has similar sentiments I will address them anyway. the technic pack has really only ever been about the mods that kaker, cheapshot, icewolf, and more recently sct think are cool and enjoyable. it's not a democracy and you do not get a vote. at best you can try to bring a mod to their attention that they may have simply never heard of before.

we aren't the only mod pack in town (we're the best though) either, feel free to try one of the other packs or make your own if technic isn't to your liking.

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Off course he is. And by the way, that's his fourth account here, the precedents have all been banned too.

All for incredibly stupid things too. In fact, i think his whole posting career is available in the whalebox.

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