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tekkit mod for the x-box 360


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it would be amazing hell relly awsome to make the tekkit mods for minecraft avalible to the x-box360 just a suggestion. my pc is crap 2 gigs of ram and still lags minecraft like crazy. iv tryed every thing . reinstaling java programs uptading them, aloting java more ram ect.. and it still lages me out of the game its that bad, i hvae minecraft for x-box thu and i love tekkit but would like to see the tekkit mods avalible to x-box for some of us who cant afford a new pc due to bills and food =D

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This isn't the place to ask for that. FIRST someone would need to make a special program to apply mods to minecraft, since the Xbox version and the PC version are totally different architecture. Then people would have to port their mods over to the Xbox version, including accounting for changes in the actual content. THEN people could start packaging mods together.

You don't just have the cart before the horse, you've also got the horse upside down, and your trying to whip/and or spur the cart.

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Also, the XBOX does all kinds of checksumming and what-not, to prevent modification in the first place, so you'd probably have to crack through its security (and warrantee) to get it to work at all. Hell, Sony/Microsoft won't even let in Skyrim mods, and Bethesda has flat-out stated that the code is already there for it to work, but that they're just not allowed.

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