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Hello everybody,

I installed Blightfall and opened it but when I tried create a world and open it, Forge Mod Loader says "Forge Mod Loader detected missing blocks and items". When I tried to join another one's game on LAN, it says "Fatally missing blocks and items". I checked my game, reinstalled Technic Launcher, reinstalled Blightfall, reinstalled Java (I have both of 7 and 8), I formatted my computer (Its OS is Windows 7 x64), I tried to copy mod folder from my friend's computer, then I tried copy game folder but nothing changed. World can open without that "missing blocks and items" but they're important items and blocks.

Here is my launcher log: http://chopapp.com/#2dxnhz4t

Pastebin refused it because it's bigger than 500 kb.

By the way I'm sorry about my English :(


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