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[3.1.2] Machinecraft [PvM] [100 slots] Under Construction!


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Username : Skylord_MD

Age: 14

Country/Timezone: England

Years playing Minecraft : 1 1/2

Previous op/mod experience? : yes i was owner of a server fer 2 months but then the server closed because of griefers (why im looking for a new server)

What you feel you can contribute : I am not the best builder but i am good with nerley all of the mods and like to build.

Time you can contribute to the server : again, 3/4 hours a day on weekdays and 8 hours on weekends

Do you have any Mysql, Java, or HTML experience? Not Really did it for a bit :L

Other information you feel may be pertinent : Friendly and willing to show others how to play.

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Username : bshot561

Age: 21

Country/Timezone: US/ -6

Years playing Minecraft : 1

Previous op/mod experience? : yes

What you feel you can contribute : I'm awesome, I have a creative mind and come up with ingenious ideas to build.

Time you can contribute to the server : 3-4 hours/day

Do you have any Mysql, Java, or HTML experience? How many years? : MySQL- a year on and off, Java - a little bit, HTML - a little but not fluent

Other information you feel may be pertinent : The pie is a lie, the floor is lava and NEVER divide by 0.

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Username : jasentyonmine

Age: 16

Country/Timezone: US/Mountain Time

Years playing Minecraft : 1

Previous op/mod experience? : Yes

What you feel you can contribute : I know my mods and I can learn them quickly if I happen to not know one.

Time you can contribute to the server : Whatever time I have to spare, which could be a lot...

Do you have any Mysql, Java, or HTML experience? How many years? : No... None to really speak of...

Other information you feel may be pertinent : Velociraptors are pretty cool. The cake is a lie.

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Username : Fint

Age: 26

Country/Timezone: +1

Years playing Minecraft : 1

Previous op/mod experience? : No

What you feel you can contribute : Relatively good understanding of Tekkit, creative thinking

Time you can contribute to the server : Will varry but i'd be able to help a few hours a week

Do you have any Mysql, Java, or HTML experience? Yes but no enough knowledge for it to be significant

Other information you feel may be pertinent : End goal is to have fun

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Username : KENyakky

Age : 19

Country/Timezone : United States/West Coast

Minecraft years : Half a year

Previous op/admin experience : No

What you feel you can contribute : I have fully mastered Equivilent Exchange and am proficient in railcraft and industrial craft. I am an experienced builder and do not mind spending time on community builds as well.

Time you can contribute to the server : About 4-6 hours on the weekends, varies on weekdays.

Do you have any Mysql, Java, or HTML experience: A small amount, but not enough to make much of a difference

Other informatoin : My creative mind is always working and comes up with new ideas faster than I can build them, so I always have at least one idea in my head at any given time. I also have a gift for storytelling.
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Did I get the IP correct? Or did I enter something wrong? I says that I can't reach the server. I put "Machinecraft.selfip.com" is it this one, or in Machine lower case? Of course it could be connection issues on either end and that I have bad timing.

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IGN: Scios

Age: 16

Timezone: Eastern (North America)

MInecraft: Year and a half, been playing technic since beta 1.8

Mod/Admin Experience: Admin on small (24 player server), Mod on a mid (48) Both now closed

Time: Depends, weekends 4-6 hours. Weekdays, 2 max.

Contribuitions: I am good with logistics, also am good at building power plants and setting up local governments. :P

Info: I like playing with power: big set ups, complicated, any mistakes and KABOOM. Routing that power into factories is also fun. Oh, and i enjoy romantic strolls down the beach. :P

Programming: Can't even do python

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Did I get the IP correct? Or did I enter something wrong? I says that I can't reach the server. I put "Machinecraft.selfip.com" is it this one, or in Machine lower case? Of course it could be connection issues on either end and that I have bad timing.

IP is correct, my ISP went down last night.

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Username : kailtyson23

Age: 16

Country/Timezone: USA Eastern Standard

Years playing Minecraft : I have been roughly playing for a year and a half

Previous op/mod experience? : I have been op on one server Liquidcraft and mod on two other servers: Fearcraft, and MineSworn

What you feel you can contribute : I can build donate and spend my time on what ever is needed

Time you can contribute to the server : 7-10hrs. on week and all the time needed on the weekends

Do you have any Mysql, Java, or HTML experience? How many years? : For the most part no. But i have played around with it a little and am willing to learn if needed

Other information you feel may be pertinent : I love rp2 and EE i am very very handy with them. Also i know bout most of the mods in tekkit and items.

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Username: wildestname

Age: 11

Country/timezone: Australia DST

Years playing minecraft: 3-4

Previous op/mod experience: Yes i have had experience but i would like to have a single player adventure on this server

what you fell you can contribute: I feel that i could contribute alot by helping others fairly and never using caps ,griefing or swearing. I am also a whiz with tekkit machines and power.

time you can contribute to this server: i can contribute about 5 hours every day

Do you have any Mysql,Java or HTML experience?: i know a bit about java but otherwise no i dont but i am happy to learn.

Other imformation you feel might be pertient: I will always help you or other players if help is needed. And Velociraptors are the coolest dinosaur to roam this earth!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i would like to ask if it is ok if i do a tekkit youtube series that you can be in (if you want to) thanks!

I really hope that you will accept and if you do cant wait to play!


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Username : Alendir

Age: 24

Country/Timezone: CET/+1

Years playing Minecraft : 2,5 Not really sure

Previous op/mod experience? : no

What you feel you can contribute : Studying civil engineering, so if there is anything building wise you wanna know

Time you can contribute to the server : Dunno, playing very on and off

Do you have any Mysql, Java, or HTML experience? How many years? : no

Other information you feel may be pertinent : Velociraptors are my favourite dinosaur

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