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Anchor in the Science and Gasses Mod Thoughts


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Anchor in Science is a mod that adds

Chemistry,Geology,and fair enough Technology.


Gasses mod is a mod that adds gasses and machine to play with the gass elements.

Link:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1454173-132-forgesmp-gasses-in-minecraft-v12/page__st__20__hl__ gasses#entry18301838

Edit* Anybody going to share there thoughts?

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I'd totally download the Chemistry/Geology one, except that it messes with iron and gold. I need iron too badly for IC2 to make it harder to get.

As for the gases, meh. Cool, but useless as far as I can tell, with a side of dangerous.

They both look pretty cool actually, the science one looks like it might mess with Iron too much to make it hard to get for IC2, but the gasses certainly seem fun to play with, if not a little bit pointless though.

These posts seem eerily simmilar...

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I like the gasses one... pockets of flammable gas that explode when contacting a torch? That could be an interesting twist to the dull drudgery of mining...

Try mining like this:

  • No sounds enabled
  • Low or moody brightness
  • Fog on
  • Fog gets closer as you approach bedrock
  • Dark or otherwise moody texture pack (Isabella/JohnSmith Technician's Version... etc.)
  • Hard difficulty

All the way to mid-game on most of the mods you'll be using it'll not be fun for you. ;) It's exactly how I mine and how I plan on mining in the future - when exploring a dark rift or stronghold it gets much more interesting with a real threat of death.

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