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Hi, I have a rotary macerator and it produces blaze powder too quickly for me to pump out. I was wondering if it is possible to make redstone engines leading into a golden conductive pipe and then into the wooden item pipe to make it move items really fast. I think this makes sense?

Basically can I power wooden item transport pipe with golden conductive pipe?

Thanks for your help in advance, of you have any other idea that might help me please post them too!

Thanks you! :D


I suggest using an energy link, it converts BC power to IC power and vice versa. If you supply it with a decent source of power it will pump faster than 400 redstone engines.. :)


what about using a transposer on it? a transposer pumps out an entire stack per pump.

actually, i may mean filter.

either way check out redpower, it should be able to help you.


what about using a transposer on it? a transposer pumps out an entire stack per pump.

Or a filter.

I was assuming he wanted to use buildcraft not redpower :P

Unless you have a HUGE power source, filters/transposers are a better option


You can use different engines too.

A steam engine will pump out stacks of 24 items each piston stroke. It strokes once per 52 ticks, as opposed to a Redstone engine at maximum speed, which will stroke once per 20 ticks. This means that in the same timeframe that four Redstone engines (the maximum you can slap on a single wooden transport pipe) pump out 104 items, a single steam engine will pump out 240, more than twice as much (and almost 10 times as much as a single Redstone engine).

Of course, the steam engine requires coal, but considering you have what appears to be a blaze rod condensing EMC loop running there, paying for that tiny amount of coal on the side shouldn't even register in your output statistics.


Simply use more than 1 redstone engine on the wooden pipe leading from the macerator, each engine will pump put it's own blaze, so in theory with a redstone engine on each side of the pipe you'll be pumping 4x the blaze powder. I know you can back stack (put one redstone engine behind another) in some circumstances, not tried this with pipes but it's worth a shot.


You cannot daisy chain Redstone engines due to the way they work. The chain will look like it's working but the front engine will not put out any more power than it would if it was by itself. Explaining why would require a long-ish post; I recommend looking at the Buildcraft wiki, it's all there.

Daisy chaining is meant more or less exclusively for steam engines, which can be hooked up to chains of up to 12 in one line without incurring penalties or becoming dangerous. You can theoretically chain combustion engines too, but it doesn't add very much of an advantage, only very much of an additional explosion hazard. Usually it's not worth it.

You can have multiple Redstone engines on one pipe, namely up to four - one on each side not occupied by the source machine/chest or the continuing pipe. A single steam engine is still more than twice as fast as this, as outlined above.


A steam engine will pump out stacks of 24 items each piston stroke. It strokes once per 52 ticks, as opposed to a Redstone engine at maximum speed, which will stroke once per 20 ticks.

RP filters can stroke reliably about once every 6 ticks, and pump stacks of 64 each time. Thus, in the same timeframe that a redstone engine would pump approximately 2.5 items, or a steam engine would pump 24 items, the RP filter will pump 204.

Same goes for a retriever too, which can also pull from multiple inventories. Assuming you have fully spun up rotary macerators, you're getting 5 blaze rods every 0.85 seconds, or one every 3.4 ticks. Which means a single redpower retriever could keep up to pace with over a dozen rotary macerators at a time. And a single filter (possibly even a transposer) could easily supply all those same macerators with blaze rods again.

So 4 solar panels or so + retriever + filter + 2 timers = 8 blocks to supply a dozen macerators with RP.


12 steam engines out + 2 steam engines in + at least 4 dozen blocks of pumps and cooling setup (or about 4 dozen blocks of vanilla timers and wiring and blocks to hold the wires and crap to make cooling unnecessary) + about maybe 3 dozen blocks of piping and stuff to supply coal to all those steam engines without crossing other pipes = about 100 blocks to supply a dozen macerators with BC.


You would be correct; retrievers are neat like that. But if he already has the BC infrastructure, upgrading the engine is by far the cheapest option and therefore deserves the mention.

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