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[3.1.2]PeePCraft[PvE][22 slots][Greylist][LWC][ChopTree2][No ComputerCraft]


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Minecraft Username: Hmmmmmm37

Age: 13

Tekkit Experience: on a scale of 1-10 i'd say 9

Ever been banned? yes because i wanted to

Why This server? there are very few banned items and most servers have more than you have

Additional Notes: When i got myself banned i did nothing to the harm the server. If you use that thing where you search a name it it gives you bans, that has glitched out for me (not me personally but another server i was trying to get whitelisted on)before it said i was banned for massive griefing. This was on servers i have never even heard of so not sure what happened there but thought i should mention it. I went on the website and searched my name and came up with no bans.

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Minecraft Username: EpicBaconz

Age: 14

Tekkit Experience: I'd like to consider myself pretty experienced. Never used RailCraft before though.

Ever been banned? Nopeeeee.

Why This Server? Looks like a friendly server, and need a place to go when my other server is down.

Additional Notes: I like Trains. And thanks in advance.

EDIT: Oh cool. Last part rhymed.

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Minecraft Username: iam13islucky

Age: 15, 16 in april

Tekkit Experience: Quite alot, have an advanced SSP tekkit map

Ever been banned? Nope.avi

Why This server? Looks like a great one, my last few have been rather boring and full of bad builds.

Additional Notes: Would like to team up with some people on this server to do some co-op building.

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Minecraft user name:Flopus24


Tekkit experience: 7 months. Good with machines, bc and industrial craft

Ever been banned: Nope

Why this server:Because i want to start in a small server where there is lttle lag and not so many immature people.

I also like if a server is not too populated as then you have to run very far to get away from others. I want to be able to build machines, factories or buildings without aving to fear raid or griefing.

Additional notes: Please think about letting me into your server.

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I've given up hope of ever being able to run minecraft (even just solo or vanilla). Nothing works now. I started not being able to load the multiplayer screen server select. And now it won't even load vanilla.

I don't know what to do.....we've done ALL the steps every half-nerd with a wiring fetish can throw at us and they can't figure it out short of a reformat (which I can't do because we don't have the windows discs) or a new computer (which is pretty much out because money is super low).

:( I miss you guys and my builds!!!! :(

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Minecraft Username:t00lcraft Age:12 Tekkit Experience: 1 year Ever been banned? ya one time Why This server?i would just like to start a new beginning on this server Additional Notes:i love anything but computercraft. i hope to have a fun time and i wish i could join :):):):):):)

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Minecraft Username:Bdl3700


Tekkit Experience:months and months

Ever been banned? never

Why This server? i like how it looks and the last one i used appears to be down possibly permanently

Additional Notes: I have hosted servers in the past and know how to deal with people

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Minecraft Username: liquid49


Tekkit Experience:I Starte'd playing on Tekkit 2 month ago,

I like using Industrial Craft 2 But i prefer Equvalent Exchange 2

Ever been banned? Nope.

Why This server?The Other one have Waaay too much people playing on it,

and some of them are grieffers. I like the small community servers like this

because if there is a grief problem, you can get help pretty fast.

Additional Notes:I think i'll stick to the magic ways of the EE2 mod and i'll help

as much as I can if needed.

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Minecraft Username:craftypal


Tekkit Experience:Loads I can do all of tekkit

Ever been banned? Once because my freind on greif free said can you brake that block so I did and then he said I grefied

Why This server? Because it looks Epic

Additional Notes:I will give any kind of help when needed

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