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[3.1.2] .Ckz#craft tekkit server [PVP][20 slots][EE enabled][ Nukes disabled][Anti-grief][24/7]


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In game name: Crazygamer185

Age? 16

Why should I let you in my server? Im looking for a server without abusive owners, and staff that actually takes care of its people. The last server

i was on the owner screwed around with everyone, Griefing was rampant, mods and the owner did nothing to stop it. The owner had screwed around with me

That day, so i was joking around with him and he banned me for it (No i was not griefing or anything, Just typing)

What time zone do you live in? Virginia (EST)

How long will you be able to play? 2-5 hours a day maybe, depends on what i have planned

Have you ever been banned? Besides mentioned above no

main mod? Industrial/Buildcraft/EE(Not much anymore)/Redpower/Railcraft (Some) Computercraft (Some) no really MAIN mod, Just what mood im in

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In game name:Old_cheese


Why should I let you in my server?because i love tekkit and are looking to find a server with the whole package and want to have a good time

What time zone do you live in? 0 GMT

How long will you be able to play?i would probably play 5 ou of 7 days for about 2-3 hours each

Have you ever been banned?not from what i know

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You need to have a minimum of 15 posts.

In game name: Crazygamer185

Age? 16

Why should I let you in my server? Im looking for a server without abusive owners, and staff that actually takes care of its people. The last server

i was on the owner screwed around with everyone, Griefing was rampant, mods and the owner did nothing to stop it. The owner had screwed around with me

That day, so i was joking around with him and he banned me for it (No i was not griefing or anything, Just typing)

What time zone do you live in? Virginia (EST)

How long will you be able to play? 2-5 hours a day maybe, depends on what i have planned

Have you ever been banned? Besides mentioned above no

main mod? Industrial/Buildcraft/EE(Not much anymore)/Redpower/Railcraft (Some) Computercraft (Some) no really MAIN mod, Just what mood im in

In game name:Old_cheese


Why should I let you in my server?because i love tekkit and are looking to find a server with the whole package and want to have a good time

What time zone do you live in? 0 GMT

How long will you be able to play?i would probably play 5 ou of 7 days for about 2-3 hours each

Have you ever been banned?not from what i know

Added both of you. And remember breaking the rules will result in permanently bans.

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In game name: LevRAge

Age? 16

Why should I let you in my server? I enjoy building things and playing with communities, i am friendly and i always get on well with other Minecraft players.

What time zone do you live in? GMT England

How long will you be able to play? hmm well i'm in year 11 and have loads of work to do but i always have time for Minecraft so about 4 hours a day and at weekend 6 hours.

Have you ever been banned? Yes but only as i was wrongly accused for griefing the server spawn but when they found out who it was they un banned me.

main mod? Computer-craft as i always enjoy watching Star Wars lol

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server back up

In game name: LevRAge

Age? 16

Why should I let you in my server? I enjoy building things and playing with communities, i am friendly and i always get on well with other Minecraft players.

What time zone do you live in? GMT England

How long will you be able to play? hmm well i'm in year 11 and have loads of work to do but i always have time for Minecraft so about 4 hours a day and at weekend 6 hours.

Have you ever been banned? Yes but only as i was wrongly accused for griefing the server spawn but when they found out who it was they un banned me.

main mod? Computer-craft as i always enjoy watching Star Wars lol


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In game name: jzpelaez

Age? 10

Why should I let you in my server? I am highly experiencced in using Industrial Craft and Redpower so I could help people in need

What time zone do you live in? PAcific Time Zone

How long will you be able to play? Atleast an hour a day I mean I have school

Have you ever been banned? Yeah I have but I don't do garbage anymore

main mod? Indsutrial Craft

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In game name: Demonicwolf9

Age? 27

Why should I let you in my server? im a good quite player, looking a small quite server. As well im really good with almost every part of trkkit.

What time zone do you live in? EST

How long will you be able to play? 3-4 hours a day

Have you ever been banned? nope

main mod? redpower 2 and ic2

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In game name: Goofyschooler

Age? 16

Why should I let you in my server? I have high experience with tekkit and the mods inside it which could bring lots of help to your server. I have the maturity to withstand a server without being perverted like other people and I'm not disrespectful. Very Trustworthy.

What time zone do you live in? PST

How long will you be able to play 2-4 hours a day.

Have you ever been banned? yes 1 BanList not on a tekkit server and I do not ever remember getting that, but since its their I might as well tell you.

main mod? EE and BuildCraft

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Why did it crash? did someone do something they weren't suppose too?

I think not, my clan leader hosts the server and the server box crashes from time to time. Depends on what happens with his internet etc. I asked him why. but not yet an response but meanwhile you can join craft4now.worldofminecraft.be:25584 a server I won for a month and I'm going to setup correctly after my exams. But it would be nice to keep this server for more then a month 10 euro's will do for 10 slots if you people would be kind to donate it would be very awesome to have more server.

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In game name: ownigek

Age? 17

Why? Looking for a good server to play with friends.

What time zone do you live in? EST

How long will you be able to play? A long time :D!

Have you ever been banned? No sir!

This is my friend, he is at my house atm.

In game name: drakmar09

Age? 19

Why? I want ownigek to teach me to play tekkit, and for us to have a good time with others!

What time zone do you live in? EST

How long will you be able to play? for as long as i can!

Have you ever been banned? nope!

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You need to have a minimum of 15 posts. In game name: macmactoro Age?13 Why should you let me in your server?Because I've been searching for a good tekkit server trying to find a REALLY simple one but i think i would enjoy yours very much. What time zone do you live in?Umm...sorry i dont know much i just know that i live in the USA.(Im'a dumb dumb :P) How long will you be able to play?Hmm that depends.On weekdays from monday to friday i will most likely be on at about 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. and weekends is mostly at 4:00 to 11:00 P.M. Have you ever been banned?Im not sure if you mean tekkit-related servers or any kind of white list server but no i've never been banned since im not playing servers alot. Is all that fine?I've never done a thing about me for a server

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After a lot of hassle I managed to reboot the server.

You need to have a minimum of 15 posts. In game name: macmactoro Age?13 Why should you let me in your server?Because I've been searching for a good tekkit server trying to find a REALLY simple one but i think i would enjoy yours very much. What time zone do you live in?Umm...sorry i dont know much i just know that i live in the USA.(Im'a dumb dumb :P) How long will you be able to play?Hmm that depends.On weekdays from monday to friday i will most likely be on at about 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. and weekends is mostly at 4:00 to 11:00 P.M. Have you ever been banned?Im not sure if you mean tekkit-related servers or any kind of white list server but no i've never been banned since im not playing servers alot. Is all that fine?I've never done a thing about me for a server

In game name: ownigek

Age? 17

Why? Looking for a good server to play with friends.

What time zone do you live in? EST

How long will you be able to play? A long time :D!

Have you ever been banned? No sir!

This is my friend, he is at my house atm.

In game name: drakmar09

Age? 19

Why? I want ownigek to teach me to play tekkit, and for us to have a good time with others!

What time zone do you live in? EST

How long will you be able to play? for as long as i can!

Have you ever been banned? nope!

You guys do not exceed the minimum requirements!!!!!!!

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