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WTF?! server help please


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not really tekkit related, but if your running it on your pc, make shure thet you stopped the prevoius server properly, try to kill all java tasks

if you on a rented host, contact support, you mignt user the default port witch could be occupied, chk your maild then to see what port are you should be on

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Then you already have another program/process using that port.

Try running MC on port 25566 Or just pick a random one between 25500 and 65000

(My port range might be a little off, it's been a while since I had to worry about what the lower bound and upper bound user defined port ranges are.)

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all of the suggestions so far have not worked, and i probably do have a firewall, but i have no idea how to use it for that

If you do not know what a Firewall is......


That being said, did you try any of these ideas? (mainly the port-forwarding ones, that's where most people get stuck)




Do you have a Static IP? If not, you won't be able to run a server.


If for some reason we can't help, try to Google this:

https://www.google.com/search?q=minecraft server another server running on port&rlz=1C1CHNY_enUS439US439&oq=minecraft server another server running on port&sugexp=chrome,mod=0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

I really wish we could fix your problem =(

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If you have issues in selecting ports, simply go to wiki and type the word Port and a number, this will tell you if that port is commonly used and if it is generally used by a specific function.

For server hosting Use the ports as these do not have any uncommon or common uses that is found in everyday computers.


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