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hi all.

me and my friends are starting a server to film and put onto YouTube. but we need a website to host it on. does anyone know any tekkit server hosting websites that are high quality and available in Australia and are quite cheap? we don't have a set budget yet but i would like to keep it under $20/month (Australian dollars). any suggestions?

happy mining and don't fall in lava (it hurts)


just a small update.

I have found a website called beastnode which provide a server starting at $US4.95/mo and a mumble voice chat server as well for free. 84)

however, through lot off browsing I found that it is recommended that at least 1gb is dedicated to a tekkit server but this offer only has 256MB but says that it is fully tekkit compatible. is this true or will the game lag a lot? also will I have a good connection here? or should I look for another deal? if it is the last option then can you tell me of any other tekkit server hosting websites that can hold at least 8 people, cheap and has a voice chat software with it. please help?

happy mining and don't fall in lava (it hurts)


just a small update.

I have found a website called beastnode which provide a server starting at $US4.95/mo and a mumble voice chat server as well for free. 84)

however, through lot off browsing I found that it is recommended that at least 1gb is dedicated to a tekkit server but this offer only has 256MB but says that it is fully tekkit compatible. is this true or will the game lag a lot? also will I have a good connection here? or should I look for another deal? if it is the last option then can you tell me of any other tekkit server hosting websites that can hold at least 8 people, cheap and has a voice chat software with it. please help?

happy mining and don't fall in lava (it hurts)

Um I honestly do not think 256 MB can load a fourth of tekkit (wait it maybe can) I suggest another deal. my recommendation is creeperhost

please clarify.

website hosting is for having a website, while server hosting is for having a server, bit obvious don't you think?


I used to buy an Australian server off a host called Admixhosting but I think he stopped offering Australia plans as they weren't really worth it.

The problem is that internets expensive here, so most host in US and some in EU that's about it really

And yes 256mb ram will go for like 3 houses once it starts lagging up


will 1GB be enough to run tekkit or should I go for a higher deal?

1 gb is enough to support 8 people REALLY good, 10 people ok, 13 *types in hi* 5 minutes later... (in chat) hi

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