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New Subforum Idea - Challenge Zone


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So quite a few of us are bawss at Technic/Tekkit.

I would like people to be able to offer semi organised challenges to prove it.

So someone submits a challenge thread for review by a moderator - it may look something like,

"I challenge you to build RedPower frame machine... that replicates itself"

The challenger would then set a few goals that can get you points for - for example

10 points - You got it working, well done you.

25 points - You have automated the production of all the resources for duplicates

50 points - You made the process exponential by having duplicate machines duplicate themselves

These points gained by approved threads (up to a max of 50 or any other value) will appear under a users short profile in posts (perhaps only in the challenge forum if you're worried about bragging being a problem)

Only if the challenge issuer sees enough proof to assign them, though. The winners of points will be put by that challenge author in the original post, and once the time limit of the challenge is up, the thread is locked, and the moderator that locks it also issues points to winners.

So how does that sound? Too much like hard work? Or a true outlet for imagination?

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I know what the prize can be: cookies!

Perhaps it could be a forum of people posting the challenges, and other people posting videos of them completing it as fast as they can. The person making the challenge would have to provide a video of themselves doing it too, of course, to prove it's possible. Then if the person doing the challenge gives up and asks how to do it, the post-maker would have to give them the video to prove it's possible.

No idea for a real prize. Perhaps forum money, where you can hire a hitman(moderator) to assasinate(Keller) someone you hate >:3

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That could be neat, but we have a philosophy around here that users actions should speak for themselves, and as such we try to avoid things like trophies, signatures, and anything that automatically shows itself to everyone you talk to.

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Why can't you just post the challenges in the Technic/Tekkit subforums? The challenger can give out 'points' to the winner, but nobody will ever know they got the points unless they visited the thread of the challenge and saw that the challenger gave the 'points' to the challenge completer. The biggest thing I could think of is if this became popular you could have a challenge megathread stickied in the Technic subforum. Besides, they're both imaginary points, so what's the point (pun intended) of having them display under the username?

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I got the idea from the Kerbal Space Program forums over here


While it would be cool just to have such a subforum anyway, I was just throwing ideas out there in terms of the moderation and points tally.

Oh, golly! Another KSP player, how joyful. I really love this game, gotta like this feeling of pride when you kill your astronauts in the most explosive way possible finally land on something.

On-topic, I propose an hybrid. There could be a new section, but it is managed like Mooseman proposes.

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I was toying with this idea when I realized people hadn't been getting into angry arugments anymore since this place is so awesome. P.A.I.N.S has been sitting empty, waiting.

We're never going to give out forums "points" or anything like that. The closest you can get to becoming elevated above other posters is becoming a mod, or getting the "P.A.I.N.S Heavyweight Champion" belt, both of which will probably get you banned while trying.

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What about getting a yellow name? Does that count?

Because I want a yellow name(and hopefully not a pink one in the process).

Yes, but you need to make a mod to get one of those. Backplague doesn't count as a modder, but somebody noticed his really awesome build. :)

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