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I'm trying to build a massive elevator system (I'll see about getting some screens taken once I'm off work) but the bundled cable I'm using needs to go almost 130 blocks. I noticed there is some loss in signal strength for the red alloy wire (Once separated via the colored cable then into un-insulated). I was wondering if there's some way to put a repeater for the bundle as a whole or will I need to individually separate the cables to buffer them?


I would try playing around with a bus tranciever. From what I've been able to figure out, applying a signal to the sides of the transceiver will allow you to controll the passing of signals through it. Try building a test setup with some bundled cable and colored lights/levers to test it yourself. You can also change the distance of red alloy wire if the config file.


I'm pretty sure there's no signal loss in bundled cables. Just make sure that the entire thing is chunk-loaded and it should work fine.


It's a vertical set up, and the entire building has world anchors under it (my building provides most of the power) for the config thing, that's changing it server side then?


A computercraft computer could act as a repeater

This is a very simple example that will replicate an input on the left out the right side

while true do

  signal = rs.getBundledInput("left")

  rs.setBundledOutput("right", signal)



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