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Ask for mods to be made


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Could somebody make a mod like the MineZ server with things like helicopters, cars, guns, and new structures added into the game? There could also be new items like tents and backpacks but you can have guillie suits and you have thirst aswell. So basically the MineZ server but has a more DayZ like feeling to it because you know why not :) So please somebody make soething like this because it would be awesome THNX!!

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RIP English language :(

and good riddance, i don't like the English language...but seeing as how its being coming a standard with forums and other such places...

it is however unbelievably hard to talk like that...

Sry. il corct dat to engrish! olo!

engrish is the best YOLO!!!!

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O, u meen engrish? Tht maiks mor sens. I C nw, thx1

N0 prb1m!lovin dat engrish ta de max!1!1!

Edit: Ah ha! He got Kellered! I think that's a record to be Kellered in two posts without being a ban dodge! Place your bets if he'll be a success story!

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