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Incorrect Java being used, Update Failed! [fix]



ok, well, I have no experience with programming at all, how would I make a batch file to run minecraft specifically with java 6?

Mod Note: The following information is offered AS IS and we can not officially support it since we haven't had to do it and can't test it. It's there for anyone who wants to try it.

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I'll go ahead and point to my thread before my explanation: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,10647.0.html

And the previous thread from when I was running windows 7 32-bit and had a similar problem: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,9134.0.html

(I tried the same fix, no luck. Note that before I was running tekkit just fine on java 7)

Also, I am capable of running vanilla minecraft using java 7, 64-bit just fine. I use the java shortcut with the following info:

target:"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.exe net.minecraft.LauncherFrame

start in: "C:\Users\M. Tyson\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin"

Summary: Launching techniclauncher.jar opens a cmd prompt for about a millisecond, then closes it. Nothing else happens. Running techniclauncher.exe opens a window that says "checking launcher version" for about 1/10th of a second, then closes and does nothing.

If this thread is detailing a different problem from the one i'm having, please tell me. I'm just trying different things in hopes that they'll work.

I have Java 7u4 installed, and Java 6u32 installed. I've tried with just one and then the other.

So I put the batch file on my desktop, techniclauncher.exe on my desktop, and created the batch file by literally copy and pasting what has been stated a few times:

mkdir %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\rtemp

"C:\program files\java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1G -jar %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\technic-launcher.jar


The batch file created a folder on my desktop as the following:

C:\Users\M. Tyson\Desktop\Tyson\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\rtemp

It did not create the file inside the proper appdata folder located at

C:\Users\M. Tyson\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher

Note that my username is "M. Tyson". Is my username causing problems?

edit: Realized my post is a little hard to read.

Launcher/pack Version: latest from

Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

Version of Java: JRE7u4 64-bit / JRE6u32 64-bit

Description of Problem: Launching techniclauncher.jar opens a cmd prompt for about a millisecond, then closes it. Nothing else happens. Running techniclauncher.exe opens a window that says "checking launcher version" for about 1/10th of a second, then closes and does nothing.

Antivirus program: Microsoft Security Essentials

Error Messages: n/a

Link to pastebin of log: n/a

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i have a question. i'm using a mac and this error message popped up for me :--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 69a8eb00 --------

Generated 5/20/12 11:59 AM

Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5

OS: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.6.6

Java: 1.6.0_22, Apple Inc.

VM: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Apple Inc.

LWJGL: 2.4.2

OpenGL: ATI Radeon X1600 OpenGL Engine version 2.0 ATI-1.6.26, ATI Technologies Inc.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ic2.api.CropCard.registerBaseSeed(Laan;IIIII)Z

at ic2.common.IC2Crops.registerBaseSeeds(IC2Crops.java:82)

at ic2.common.IC2Crops.init(IC2Crops.java:43)

at mod_IC2.load(mod_IC2.java:522)

at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:891)

at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:189)

at ahu.<init>(ahu.java:77)

at ahu.<clinit>(ahu.java:8)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:394)

at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:732)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)

--- END ERROR REPORT 9701656c ----------

what does it mean and what do i do?

also if i posted this on the wrong spot sorry also i dont know anything about programing so yea...

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I had my own problem with this as the launcher failed to find the Java path. I kinda figured out that my Java was located under Program Files (x86), so I moved my entire Java folder (Java 7, in case you were wondering) into my Program Files folder, and ran the launcher. Everything started working perfectly.

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Re: Re: Update Failed!

just to clarify, the mkdir line is only needed for the technic launcher. if you're running vanilla minecraft (not through the launcher) then you can get rid of that entirely. also, you'd want to point it at the minecraft.exe file instead of technic-lancher.jar. that would allow you to run regular minecraft in the regular way. I know you already figured it out, but maybe there are other people with similar issues that aren't as swift so I thought I'd be as clear as possible.

Whilst OP managed to edit is bat file for vanilla could you post the code for running vanilla with java 6

  • 0

I'll go ahead and point to my thread before my explanation: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,10647.0.html

And the previous thread from when I was running windows 7 32-bit and had a similar problem: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,9134.0.html

(I tried the same fix, no luck. Note that before I was running tekkit just fine on java 7)

Also, I am capable of running vanilla minecraft using java 7, 64-bit just fine. I use the java shortcut with the following info:

target:"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.exe net.minecraft.LauncherFrame

start in: "C:\Users\M. Tyson\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin"

Summary: Launching techniclauncher.jar opens a cmd prompt for about a millisecond, then closes it. Nothing else happens. Running techniclauncher.exe opens a window that says "checking launcher version" for about 1/10th of a second, then closes and does nothing.

If this thread is detailing a different problem from the one i'm having, please tell me. I'm just trying different things in hopes that they'll work.

I have Java 7u4 installed, and Java 6u32 installed. I've tried with just one and then the other.

So I put the batch file on my desktop, techniclauncher.exe on my desktop, and created the batch file by literally copy and pasting what has been stated a few times:

mkdir %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\rtemp

"C:\program files\java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1G -jar %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\technic-launcher.jar


The batch file created a folder on my desktop as the following:

C:\Users\M. Tyson\Desktop\Tyson\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\rtemp

It did not create the file inside the proper appdata folder located at

C:\Users\M. Tyson\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher

Note that my username is "M. Tyson". Is my username causing problems?

edit: Realized my post is a little hard to read.

Launcher/pack Version: latest from

Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

Version of Java: JRE7u4 64-bit / JRE6u32 64-bit

Description of Problem: Launching techniclauncher.jar opens a cmd prompt for about a millisecond, then closes it. Nothing else happens. Running techniclauncher.exe opens a window that says "checking launcher version" for about 1/10th of a second, then closes and does nothing.

Antivirus program: Microsoft Security Essentials

Error Messages: n/a

Link to pastebin of log: n/a

This is my problem as well

  • 0

Re: Re: Update Failed!

you basically just have to tell it to use the right java.exe. in the case of java6, the default install path should be C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe

I typed out a bunch of stuff explaining what you should put in the batch file, but in the end it will be way simpler if I just give you some lines to copy/paste

mkdir %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\rtemp

"C:\program files\java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1G -jar %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\technic-launcher.jar

there you go. google batch files to find out how you make them, it's very very simple and needs no programing knowledge.

Thanks for the explanation, just one problem in running a mac could u please write a mac version and tell me.

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Thanks for the explanation, just one problem in running a mac could u please write a mac version and tell me.

I have no idea how it would work on a mac, sorry. I'm not really a mac guy.

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I have no idea how it would work on a mac, sorry. I'm not really a mac guy.

Is there anyone that u could ask aka. admins,mods .etc.

And also is there any way to manually insall tekkie without the launcher

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Re: Re: Update Failed!

you basically just have to tell it to use the right java.exe. in the case of java6, the default install path should be C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe

I typed out a bunch of stuff explaining what you should put in the batch file, but in the end it will be way simpler if I just give you some lines to copy/paste

mkdir %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\rtemp

"C:\program files\java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1G -jar %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\technic-launcher.jar

there you go. google batch files to find out how you make them, it's very very simple and needs no programing knowledge.

I can't find my Java.exe.

Can you help me?

I think i need to DL the java from http://www.oracle.com (the link in the top left of the Technicpack main site) but i am unsure witch one i need.

I don't know if it helps, but i am running Win7 64.bit

  • 0

I'll go ahead and point to my thread before my explanation: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,10647.0.html

And the previous thread from when I was running windows 7 32-bit and had a similar problem: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,9134.0.html

(I tried the same fix, no luck. Note that before I was running tekkit just fine on java 7)

Also, I am capable of running vanilla minecraft using java 7, 64-bit just fine. I use the java shortcut with the following info:

target:"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.exe net.minecraft.LauncherFrame

start in: "C:\Users\M. Tyson\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin"


Summary: Launching techniclauncher.jar opens a cmd prompt for about a millisecond, then closes it. Nothing else happens. Running techniclauncher.exe opens a window that says "checking launcher version" for about 1/10th of a second, then closes and does nothing.


If this thread is detailing a different problem from the one i'm having, please tell me. I'm just trying different things in hopes that they'll work.


I have Java 7u4 installed, and Java 6u32 installed. I've tried with just one and then the other.


So I put the batch file on my desktop, techniclauncher.exe on my desktop, and created the batch file by literally copy and pasting what has been stated a few times:

mkdir %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\rtemp

"C:\program files\java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1G -jar %APPDATA%\.techniclauncher\technic-launcher.jar


The batch file created a folder on my desktop as the following:

C:\Users\M. Tyson\Desktop\Tyson\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\rtemp

It did not create the file inside the proper appdata folder located at

C:\Users\M. Tyson\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher

Note that my username is "M. Tyson". Is my username causing problems?

edit: Realized my post is a little hard to read.

Launcher/pack Version: latest from

Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit

Version of Java: JRE7u4 64-bit / JRE6u32 64-bit

Description of Problem: Launching techniclauncher.jar opens a cmd prompt for about a millisecond, then closes it. Nothing else happens. Running techniclauncher.exe opens a window that says "checking launcher version" for about 1/10th of a second, then closes and does nothing.

Antivirus program: Microsoft Security Essentials

Error Messages: n/a

Link to pastebin of log: n/a

This is my problem as well

You Both Need Norton, Easy Fix:)

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I've gone through this whole thread, tried everything, first launcher wasn't work (Loading) now it is, then avatar didn't show, now it does then minecraft stopped working and I managed to fix all that .... Just the ever so slight problem I have right now is in the launcher it keeps on saying update failed.

I'm using java 7 (jre7u4) totally uninstalled 6, created batch file as said for the launcher, but it just won't connect for some reason :S

Yeah it's not connecting to minecraft.net because it says connecting, then updating and that's when it fails.

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I have the same Problem, If you have found out how to fix this problem, please tell me, I most likely won't be on the forums, so Contact me on Facebook, Brandon Doehrman, I have the Halo 3 picture, or you can also contact me at [email protected]

this is not how you get help with an issue. I will bet you $5 that your problem is not what I initially fixed in this thread, or even the same as the guy above you.

if you want some help from people here, make a thread on it. we even have a handy form you can fill out that ensures you are given every opportunity to provide the relevant information so that you may actually get an answer instead of a warning. we're just swell guys like that.

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If none of the other solutions work for you, try to delete the entire technicssp folder located in %appdata%/.techniclauncher

I had the exact problem, "Update Failed!", and it turned out I apparently had corrupted files in my technicssp folder. The Technic Launcher couldn't update, because the files couldn't be removed. I had to run Chkdsk to fix it, because some of the files were corrupted.

This wasn't the Technic Launcher's fault, nor the mod maker's fault. It was mine alone.

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Well ok, i think i understand what peopl are saying here, but i have another problem that might not be remotly conected with technic or anything like that.

So when i tried to install and load Technic it said download failed, so i saw the posts here about having to have both java 6 and 7 (i only had 7). So i thought ok, fair enought. I went to java's website and got the latest java 6 update and downloaded the installer. But when i tried to install it java 7 wouldent let me downgrade to java 6... (so i probably did something i shouldn't have) so i deleted java 7 from both programfiles (x86) and from programfiles because apperently you have to install java 6 then java 7. So i deleted java 7 and went to controlpanel just to make sure that i had removed them compleetly. Once at the control panel interface i saw that both java 7 and java 6 was on the list, so i deleted java 7 first, and then i tried to delete java 6, but when i did that this message popped up:

Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

This popup window gave me but one option "ok" so i pressed it and it reversed the progressbar... so it is missing a fine to de-install java!?

Anyways i thought i tried to install the new java 6. And guess what, the same message popped up and wound not allow me to install it either.

So I am assuming i am just being a noob right now, but does anyone know how to fix this ? Would be greatly appreciated.

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Posted · Hidden

im running windows 7 (64_bit) tried installing the tekkit lancher and it just does not work

for whatever reason can u please help me (ok the link for it to work is not opening properly)

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Posted · Hidden

The problem I'm having is completely my fault, and I've tried everything. I accidentaly set my technic-latest-jar (And every .jar file on my computer) to open with the wrong program, now I can't find the right program. I've tried every executable file in both java 6 and java 7. .exe never worked for me, and I would REALLY like to fix this. I've also tried a lot of the solutions here, (almost all) that applied to this problem, and they don't work. I actually got a dropbox account and put important files in there to prepare to reset this account. I don't really want to do that and would LOVE some help. I created this forum account just to get help. I just need the exact path for the program, or a way to just reset the settings for the .jar files. (Also, minecraft is working fine, It's just the technic-latest.jar, so I was wondering if making a .exe file to launch the .jar file would fix it.

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Here's my problem:

The launcher and server has been working fine for months.

About two weeks ago my friends couldn't connect to my server anymore, but could run the launcher just fine.

We tried again today and now none of us can start technic launcher without all sorts of errors.

It takes 10 times as long to start up, with an "Updater has stopped working" message half the time. i pick "close" and the launcher starts.

sometimes the launcher starts but can't connect to minecraft.net, but if it can i click login and it says "Update failed" about half the time.

If i manage to actually start Tekkit i can't join my server (localhost) i get either "Failed to verify username" or "Failed to login: Bad login"

Regular minecraft works fine.

We have deleted technic launcher and downloaded the exe again.

I have downloaded Tekkit server again, and checked that the ports in server.properties still matches the ports in Windows Firewall and my router.

I have tried using Java 6 and 7 at the same time, uninstalled Java6, didn't work.. uninstalled Java 7, re-installed Java 6, didn't work..

tried placing Technic launcher on desktop and making a .bat file with the lines in this thread.

WHY MUST LIFE BE SO HARD!!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm080jEt2hc

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My problem was similar. Couldn't get the launcher to run, or the .jar file. I tried the .bat file which did nothing, actually less then nothing, cause what it did I had to remove anyway being useless. No offence to the creator. I tried only 64 bit java, and only 32 bit java, changing the path name, different versions of java, nothing worked.

In the end, I tried something I should've done in the first place, but completely forgot about. I merely right-clicked the technic-launcher.jar file and used open with, and chose both of my Java options (64-bit system, I have 32-bit and 64-bit Java installed) until one of them worked. Dunno whether this'll fix anyone else's problems or not, but just in case other people didn't think to try it. :)

indeed. however there seems to be a group of people who cannot run the client properly under 7 for whatever reason. chances are good that it's something they did to screw up their own PC, but it's far easier to tell them how to use 6 instead of 7 when needed than it is to figure out what kind of nubcakery they have perpetrated on their systems and fix that.

Freakachu, my pc never installed the JDK whenever I tried either, and that's with only just Java downloaded straight with the JDK. So it's not necessarily the users fault, sometimes there are glitches in programs that users can't figure out, because they either don't have the experience, or the users that could fix it are lucky and don't get the problem.

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My problem was similar. Couldn't get the launcher to run, or the .jar file. I tried the .bat file which did nothing, actually less then nothing, cause what it did I had to remove anyway being useless. No offence to the creator. I tried only 64 bit java, and only 32 bit java, changing the path name, different versions of java, nothing worked.

In the end, I tried something I should've done in the first place, but completely forgot about. I merely right-clicked the technic-launcher.jar file and used open with, and chose both of my Java options (64-bit system, I have 32-bit and 64-bit Java installed) until one of them worked. Dunno whether this'll fix anyone else's problems or not, but just in case other people didn't think to try it. :)


Right-clicking the jar and just opening it (without choosing a Java btw)

just gave me the error "could not connect to minecraft.net" two times and then it worked!

Me and my friend could connect to my server and everything is working O.o

Thank you Denwa Denwash!

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Posted · Hidden

My problem is as following: I have been running technicssp for a couple of weeks. And all of a sudden industrialcraft crashed when I logged on my sp world. So I closed my window and went to the home page new update so I am like ok. Now when I ran my launcher it said connecting to minecraft.net BAM! update failed shut my computer down so I am like WTF! so rebooted and ran hitman pro (virus cheker). No virus so now I am here cause I am only 13 and need help!

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