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[3.1.2] Homeless [48 Slots ++] [Sci-Fi][PVP][CutomServerPlugin] Server


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Sorry guys for a silence this weekend. But had a day off yesterday. Today decided to make a big update before next step.

And that required to stop the server to avoid clashes. Changes to the code are significant since all hard coded stuff I'm making configurable now.

This enable possibility to save user created/generated structures such as

-set outpost

-claim empty area/subarea

-save structure vehicle, custom crafted physical item etc.

-allow quests to your area

To addition to this, I'm sorting out the latest issue, when somehow stuff from nether came along to default spawn :)

There is a bukkit bug (another one) when you cannot use custom chunk generator on default world. This needs to be rearranged.

Also, dreaming will no longer takes you to Nether, but instead to the mirrored Ghea planet.

It is going to be massive update, will enable me to progress with many things, but still need a day or 2 to make it happen.

Stay tuned, I'll keep you informed.

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IGN: SquirtleMaster (Don't ask)


Skype: I have one

Why would you like to join?: I enjoy sci-fi and roleplaying

Which nation would you like to join and why?: Rebels, I would like to destroy the Death Star multiple times (just kidding) I like the idea of rebelling against the people who destryed your world

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OK, server is not going to be ready for public today. Still have tones to do. However it is back on-line as whitelisted for testing purposes.

There are some things needs to be tested in more than 1 person ;)

ETA to back to public? 2nd of May.

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Hi Guys! Status update.

Server is open again, so everyone can log in. You can use /visit command to look around the locations.

However to join the actual gameplay you need to be whitelisted. There is only few things left to do but are crucial to keep the world in order.

Locations for visitors

I was trying to make it attractive for visitors, so they can look over entire (almost) structures.

/visit Natives

/visit Colonists

/visit Rebels

/visit Start, to go back to main spot

planing to ad /visit tilo to see the moon, but that will be enabled when moon will be ready.

This is the stuff I am working on, my TODO priority list.

And hope will be ready within next day or 2.

We have new chat feature as well. 100% completed

Easy to use channels:

use #g switch to global, talk to everyone

use #w switch to world, you can talk to all people on the same world

use #f switch to faction, talk to members of your faction only

use #l switch to local, talk to all people in 64 blocks radius

Subareas and claims 80% completed

On many servers you can see area management when informs you about the location where you are at.

We have something else. You can have smaller subareas within each area!

For instance as a newbie you can't build inside your base, only high ranked people can.

However, all nations have some flats/rooms/huts already, as small chunks that you can claim for yourself using /claim command.

Outposts 90% completed

This is still work in progress and one of the must-have feature to open the game for public.

Everyone above Newbie rank will be able to set outpost. Give it a name and members of his nation will be able to use it.

Outpost can also be taken by alien nations, so be aware :)

There is a limit to this as well, you will not be able to create outpost when within 500 blocks there is one already.

But that will give yo idea about your next target ;)

Custom crafting mechanism 50%completed

Many of you already know this idea. But now when I have code fully configurable, got possibility to store those custom crafted items.

How it works?

Build little structure 3x3 blocks, use some tool (usually a wrench) and right click into the middle block.

That will check configuration. If blueprint for it exist it will register it as Structure.

This way you can craft shields, engines, thrusters and much more stuff to come.

Also, there will be a discovery element into it. Mobs when killed will randomly drop a blueprint about configuration of some item.

DO NOT ask me for recipes, ask mobs! ;)

Protection and guests list 50% completed

I keep adding more items to the list of 'protectable'

Currently you can secure wooden chests, door, trapdoor and stone pressure plate to cover other type of doors.

There will be also a possibility to allow your friends to access those blocks. But this is another feature needs some work yet.

More to come. But this is a basic set of features I have to do, before it will be fully open again.

Stay tuned!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys, quick status update.

To addition to above list of features we have one more. Big one!

Right now testing flying custom vehicles! And please feel free to come over. I need to see how it performs with many passengers on board :)

So far flying myself on the server, even with unoptimised code yet, works just brilliant. I am testing it on the Moon in case of crash landing.

There is more work that needs to be done to make it available to players. But nearly there!


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Status update.

We have 1st economy item implemented.

Trade Terminal. - lets you sell ores and turn it into credits. For natives it is called Trade Portal and I am sure you will get why ;)

Credits can be used for many things in game. For instance, you can protect any block for 50 credits. Player by default have 500 of them on start. So it is enough to secure basic stuff like a chest, doors and surrounding blocks to make it super secure. But yes, ANY block in game can be secured. In theory you can build your own house and secure all its blocks. But that will cost you lots of credits. Now turning any ore into credit will make it possible.

Rates are calculated based on algorithm that ran entire night, to measure how much of each resource is on Ghea planet. Chunk by chunk and block by block.

As the part of custom crafting system, players can build structures such as shipyards, outposts, turrets, shields etc.

Those also requires credits beside materials.

Meantime we added some fun for Colonists, In order to go to the planet you can skydive. When on Ghea atmosphere, you can use /parachute command to safely land on the ground.

I will continue with development towards the end of this week, and after that will focus on adding more info into our wiki page.

Plugin getting more and more stuff, and it is becoming impossible for me to explain to every individual all this. Planing to add some YT videos as well.

And yes, taking over Outposts is still disabled. It will only make sense when all 3 nations have established their leadership and there is enough players to have a territorial war fun.

We planing to add reward system for certain things in game, and taking over enemy outpost will give you 10 diamonds. Just one idea for it.

We ironing the plugin every day and getting closer to the public release of the server.

Stay tuned!

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Well, some kids thinks they are clever and on top of the world, having fun using hacked clients/ cheats etc and blowing up servers.

Not sure what drives those retards, but after yesterday accident (10 stacks of nukes deployed) I was wondering if there is an public black list available somewhere.

If not I will at least publish those who every server admin should avoid.

xxxsaw [/]

scrxyer [/]

bolsward1 [/]

logs like this are cool to read :) just 1 per player, don't want to paste the entire log here but trust me it was long.

2013-05-21 00:09:26 [iNFO] Player xxxsaw placed a nuke at 1862/71/2188

2013-05-21 00:12:30 [iNFO] Player scrxyer placed a nuke at 1790/78/2109

2013-05-21 00:12:30 [iNFO] Player bolsward1 placed a nuke at 1730/69/2112

btw xxxsaw seems to be a winner in placing nukes if you retards had some competition ;)

and bolsward, I am sorry that I ignored you, I know how you feel being overlooked after all this effort.

Well, map is currently restored. It takes usually less time that for those kids placing those nukes anyway.

But instead of focusing on game features, I see it's time now to take care of the security part of plugin.

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Hi guys, I think I owe you some explanation on what is going on at the moment with the server.

I had 2 days of extensive research of existing modpacks that we could possibly adapt to the game and run them via tekkit launcher.

There is many pros and cons but there is no perfect solution. I have the vision of this game very clear in my head.

One thing for sure, we can't go any further with tekkit classic. For many reasons.

Then, today I got a chance to finally take a look at MFL and custom mod development. I kind of got use to crafting server-side only plugin, getting familiar with API over past 3 months.

But all this effort was just entry level for me. Hard to say I wasted my time, I learn a lot. But bukkit is not the option either.

So, I started working on client/server mod for this game. And instead capture/override/do mode aka tekkit/bukkit I can finally create whole structure from ground up.

My goal is to create more realistic mods, no stuff out of nowhere, no more shortcuts and bad/imaginary science. I am looking for something more realistic and then add elements of fiction into it.

I always loved those Sci-Fi movies, that you actually could believe it, that may happen. Something like, "we are not quite there yet, but..." more sci than fi. And yes, this is what I was looking for and expecting from tekkit when 4m ago came to this platform.

How naive...

In fact after 4 months of being here I completely changed my mind about this platform. I do understand that there is bunch of people loving it still for many things, but for me it's time to move on and never look back.

I would like to provide SCI-FI MMORPG experience for players on top of minecraft platform. And looking for only those players who can appreciate solid foundations behind the story, science and all items in the world. Even if magical, not realistic, there must be some level of justification for it.

Right now is like, Doctor Who entered StarWars world but the guys from StartTrek came along and said, those people with Void ring not wearing mithril and ring is fake and can be duped.

Hope you know what I mean by this. Currently the whole thing feels fake. Being limited to the server plugin is like bending reality, applying patches and wasting time and resources.

Only custom mod can introduce fully what I had in mind.

So, I will come back soon with prototype of custom and running modpack for this server.

Right now working on the BixBite Ores which will bring lots of realism to the mining, introduce additional 30 ores (no imaginary but known from real world actually).

When smelting them you will get real values about how much and what you can get from it. And only random drop rate will determine if you can find a precious gemstone in it.

About same amount of ingots and alloys and around 20 gemstones. And yeah, Red Beryl (old school name Bixbite) is the name of the mod as well as one of the gemstone on the list.

All data, hardness, melting points, what they are made of, what can be made of them etc, are based on real science. Source wikipedia and http://webmineral.com

Draft I am using for development can be found at http://www.bixbite.org/homeless/wiki/index.php/Mods/BixBite_Ores

This set of blocks will become the base of the entire economy, and foundation to build more mods on top of it.

So, at the end, most of the mods currently available are just shortcuts and hacks. The very original purpose of mod, back in time when I was a teenager and enjoying some games, was to extend capabilities of the game. If that wasn't a case it was called a cheat and it was banned by game producers. These days people seems to have different views about this. But If I see Computer block made of 8 stones and 1 redstone something is clearly wrong, and I don't think it was original intention of the Notch himself. What made me love Minecraft was simplicity but also intuitive crafting based on such simple idea. Still, based on some logic we know from the real world.

Well, so long tekkit.

Homeless will reborn in new form for sure with BixBite mods.

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IGN: sszaakcus

Age: 16

Skype: nope.

Why would you like to join?: Love sci-fi and the idea of coloniseation on other planets.

Which nation would you like to join and why?: Colonist because ive been reading a book lately and the storys pretty much the same and i like the idea of colonisation.

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IGN: willybobsta

Age: 13

Skype: Not Available

Why would you like to join?: Becuase It looks like a good server and I haven't tried Roleplay before.

Which nation would you like to join and why?: Could I be a Rebel please? I would like to be that becase I don't want to be a Native but the Colonists are not good people.

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