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[WIP] TheMadWolf's 32x WolfCraft Texture Pack Upcoming Technic Pack Support

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As you tell by the title TheMadWolf's WolfCraft is currently adding support so, it's still a work in progress and its only a 32x texture pack so it isn't that laggy when playing the game. Also has 60 Animated Textures! Anyway I thought it would be cool to post here as an Unofficial Progress of the pack and also to get more recognition for it. (PS: A little buggy with Optifine :l but will be fixed in later updates so no worries.)

Has Current Support For:

Red Power 2

Connected Textures Mod and Randomobs (Optifine)



Balkons Weapon Mod

Nether Ores

Mods Currently Being Worked On:

Buildcraft 3 (Has Some Support)

Equivalent Exchange 2 (Has Some Support)

IndustrialCraft 2 (Has some Support)




Red Power:









A little Setup Showing a Little Bit of Everything



Connected Texture Mod




For more info please visit the Official MCForums Post Here


Re: TheMadWolf's WolfCraft Upcoming Technic Pack Support


If only someone would make a 16x16 texture pack for Technic Pack *sigh*

Try the Isabella texture pack it has a mod support page.

  • 3 weeks later...

TheMadWolf is making some panoramas for the texture pack and he said he will make a Technic specific one. We need just need to supply him with a map. Any one got any cool maps they want to let him use?



TheMadWolf is making some panoramas for the texture pack and he said he will make a Technic specific one. We need just need to supply him with a map. Any one got any cool maps they want to let him use?

tried getting him to contact nearbygamer? am sure if he looks at his lets plays he can see what is what and build a pack based on it. am sure his most recent world copy will have most items in. only problem is the new up and coming update to Technic, he is better off building one from his own world based on all the items available.

looks good though and i hope the is a full Technic pack soon as id love to use it



Those creeper faces are terrifying :)

jakj, have you tried the Faithful 32x32 pack that's designed for Tekkit? It works pretty good.

I did, but honestly I just can't use a 32x32 pack. My brain has come to assimilate the default 16x16 textures, and when I use an HD pack, there's such a vast difference that my brain isn't bothered by little differences and can just enjoy the prettiness of it, but a 32x32 pack is so close to the original resolution that any slight differences send me into OC overload.

If someone were to just take every texture file, scale it up to double the resolution, and smooth out the jaggies a bit, I could probably use that, but not a pack that changes things but leaves them almost the same resolution as vanilla. It's just the way my mind works.


Wow looks pretty good, but how is only having 1 major mod and two minor ones considered technic support? If he or she does manage to get all the mods done, I'll be more impressed, but I'm not holding my breath about it.

I did, but honestly I just can't use a 32x32 pack. My brain has come to assimilate the default 16x16 textures, and when I use an HD pack, there's such a vast difference that my brain isn't bothered by little differences and can just enjoy the prettiness of it, but a 32x32 pack is so close to the original resolution that any slight differences send me into OC overload.

If someone were to just take every texture file, scale it up to double the resolution, and smooth out the jaggies a bit, I could probably use that, but not a pack that changes things but leaves them almost the same resolution as vanilla. It's just the way my mind works.

Hmm, why is that though? I would think faithful would be right up your alley. I mean it is the vanilla textures, just upscaled a bit. I actually wish we could get sphax as 64x or 32x for technic, then people with lower end computers could use it as well. I know there are different resolutions of it, but the mod support is only in 128x



I actually wish we could get sphax as 64x or 32x for technic, then people with lower end computers could use it as well. I know there are different resolutions of it, but the mod support is only in 128x

Because any idiot should be able to open up a bunch of png in a free editor like GIMP and scale them down. It'd take you half an hour, tops, to do the entire pack, and that includes the time spent figuring out how to use the program.



Because any idiot should be able to open up a bunch of png in a free editor like GIMP and scale them down. It'd take you half an hour, tops, to do the entire pack, and that includes the time spent figuring out how to use the program.

I'm one of the few idiots who hasn't actually messed around with textures all that much. Most I've done is add mod support for the faithful pack into the main texture pack. I've just next been good with graphic design, I'd probably end up messing it up :(



Because any idiot should be able to open up a bunch of png in a free editor like GIMP and scale them down. It'd take you half an hour, tops, to do the entire pack, and that includes the time spent figuring out how to use the program.

haha yes anyone can edit them, i might spend some time soon working on this lowering them down and also up scaling the faithful pack if your interested? let me know as if a few people wish to have it then ill do it.

I haven't done it already is that i need to build a new pc to run 128x packs correctly as my graphics card is on its way out ><



Wow looks pretty good, but how is only having 1 major mod and two minor ones considered technic support? If he or she does manage to get all the mods done, I'll be more impressed, but I'm not holding my breath about it.

He currently working on the support it will be out eventually.



tried getting him to contact nearbygamer? am sure if he looks at his lets plays he can see what is what and build a pack based on it. am sure his most recent world copy will have most items in. only problem is the new up and coming update to Technic, he is better off building one from his own world based on all the items available.

looks good though and i hope the is a full Technic pack soon as id love to use it

No, but I'll see if he well.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

WolfCraft has been updated with full Railcraft support and also variation between different stone, grass, and sand blocks. Someone should make a post to break my string of posts lol.

  • 2 months later...

Looks great! I'm a bit confused though, is this downloadable for use with the latest Tekkit...or...still a WIP and I should wait for support on the other items listed above before I screw something up?


  "LaliPops said:
Looks great! I'm a bit confused though, is this downloadable for use with the latest Tekkit...or...still a WIP and I should wait for support on the other items listed above before I screw something up?

It is still a WIP and I'm not sure if the mod support download has been updated yet so I would still wait until everything is done.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

  "Made_You_Look said:
Is this project still alive?

Yes, the dude thats doing it though hasn't updated the link for it. He's says he wants to wait until everything is finished before he releases it. He also said he is making like a full-on indie game so that might be another reason.

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