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Powering Refinery

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Hi Guys,

A bit stuck trying to get my refinery creating oil on stock tekkit.

- The refinery is full of oil (it is buildcraft oil but seems to work, i couldn't find the portable oil extractor in NEI and the recipes I saw didn't seem to work).

- It flickers between status type: idle and ready and tries to automatically make oil but stops

- It is being powered via gold conductive pipes connected from the top of the machine that is connected about 15 blocks away from a wooden conductive pipe connected to 5x combustion engines full of lava.

Any ideas?

All of the youtube videos I've seen use coal generators but can't see it in NEI..

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You're trying to put 3 Combustion Engines on 1 Wooden Pipe. I'd suggest using HV Wooden Pipes if they still exist. If not, use Redstone Energy Conduits instead of those Conductive Pipes. Just make sure you use a Crescent Hammer or OmniWrench to turn the input (Where the engines are) to Orange instead of Blue.

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You're trying to put 3 Combustion Engines on 1 Wooden Pipe. I'd suggest using HV Wooden Pipes if they still exist. If not, use Redstone Energy Conduits instead of those Conductive Pipes. Just make sure you use a Crescent Hammer or OmniWrench to turn the input (Where the engines are) to Orange instead of Blue.

That's part of the Transformers IC2 add-on, and was removed from tekkit awhile ago.

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You're trying to put 3 Combustion Engines on 1 Wooden Pipe. Use Redstone Energy Conduits instead of those Conductive Pipes.

Just make sure you use a Crescent Hammer or OmniWrench to turn the input (Where the engines are) to Orange instead of Blue.


The BC conductive pipes are limited in the amount of power they can manage, may also be a powerloss related to BC pipes, not entirely sure on that one though..

(I've read/heard that they can only transfer upto 25MJ/t, and experimented to verify the fact that they're limited)

But Conduits are my new favorites for transfering power, as they can manage what the energy cell can output ^_^

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Hi, it's a known issue that this is not very informative, but any time the refinery resets back to ready in the middle of the refining process, it means that the refinery did not have enough energy to continue the process.

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