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Multiverse/Multiworld issues


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I'm struggling massively setting up a multiworld/multiverse plugins, for somereason, once it's all set up and I /mv create (world name) normal - it says Failed. (that's using multiverse) and if I use multiworld and create a world, and then /goto it crashes and gives me this - Minecraft has crashed! ----------------------

Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Exception in world tick

Any ideas?

I have BukkitForge, Essentials, PEX, WE, WG, CommandBook. All works fine, but I want another world for quarries to prevent grief in the main world.


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What are you using for bukkit compatability? I use mcpc plus, and found that jenkins build 431(c version) is the final version that will allow bukkit based plugin world managers to work. It has a small bug though. I spent last weekend trying to fix it in. many ways. finally I got the source code for that build an made the change that fixed the bug. I posted a mediafire or dropbox link(cant remember) a few days ago. If you want to fix it, find my previous thread and use my bugfixed versioin, or wait until tekkit hits 1.5.2 and then yu can use the new versions again, for the multiworld stuff has been fixed(will need to use at least multiverse dev build 667)

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i am using royal commands integrated world manager on mcpc build 341 with a tweak for the death inventory bug and the worlds work. grief prevent can only protect the main world though. i run a family kids server so i need a creative world , and i have a small group of older players that play survival...

everyone says use mystcraft, but i dont think I can seperate inventories with it.

from my research, it looks like the multiverse devs and mcpc devs have the initial fix in place, but its 1.5.2. by the time all the tekkit mods update so tekkit can update, this will probably be all sorted...

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