Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "floflorocks said: I know this is probably a noob question but how do I disable a mod? Delete the mod in your servers mod folder & coremod folder if it has a dependency mod. This also applies to your client in %appdata%/.technic/modpack/mods
floflorocks Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 Thanks! Sry I edited the post a little. How do I ban items?
Mooseman9 Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 "floflorocks said: In my opinion here are the mods that defenetly new to be disabled. BetterDungions: I'm getting errors whith kitchen structures spawning a corrupted chest/furnace thing but it could be other structures too. Well then, what's the point in playing Hexxit anymore?
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "floflorocks said: Thanks! Sry I edited the post a little. How do I ban items? To ban an item you need to have a plugin to do it. I myself use Essentials and go into the config and add the item id to the list of items to prevent placement & usage. "Mooseman9 said: Well then, what's the point in playing Hexxit anymore? Well then whats the point of you defending a mod that has issues? Its not just me bro, many people as you can see are having problems with this mod pack. Stop defending whats broken and accept it. And Twilight has its own dungeon generation on its own world.
Mooseman9 Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 "Zilacon said: Well then whats the point of you defending a mod that has issues? Its not just me bro, many people as you can see are having problems with this mod pack. Stop defending whats broken and accept it. And Twilight has its own dungeon generation on its own world. It doesn't have any issues aside from the turtle boss which you have already been given a fix for. If you can't follow simple instructions, that's your own problem. Also, it accounts for about 90% of the world generation in Hexxit, so taking it out would make a Hexxit server pointless. You won't have to wonder why your Hexxit server isn't doing as good as the others if you take BD out. Edit: Addressing your OP "Zilacon said: So far the mods i have had to remove are: Better Dungeons Twilight Forest Battle Towers Dimensional Doors Falling Meteors. Soul Shards I don't know why you don't just run a vanilla server since you've just taken all the world generation out of Hexxit which is the entire point of the pack, and complain about everything that's added.
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "Mooseman9 said: It doesn't have any issues aside from the turtle boss which you have already been given a fix for. If you can't follow simple instructions, that's your own problem. Also, it accounts for about 90% of the world generation in Hexxit, so taking it out would make a Hexxit server pointless. You won't have to wonder why your Hexxit server isn't doing as good as the others if you take BD out. Edit: Addressing your OP I don't know why you don't just run a vanilla server since you've just taken all the world generation out of Hexxit which is the entire point of the pack, and complain about everything that's added. So explain to me where this "fix" is for Better Dungeons?
Mooseman9 Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 "Zilacon said: So explain to me where this "fix" is for Better Dungeons? "CanVox said: Hi, you can get rid of swampTurtleCave.prop to stop the turtle cave from spawning, or inside that file change the boss to a different boss than the turtle boss. "CanVox said: The best thing to do at current is use creative mode to remove the turtle from your game when you get this crash. "CanVox said: Do some research.
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "Mooseman9 said: Do some research. Any way to fix this dungeon error? java.lang.NullPointerException at chocolate.mods.BD.builder.docorator.DecoratorRoom.placeFurnace(DecoratorRoom.java:281) at chocolate.mods.BD.builder.docorator.DecoratorRoom.decorateKitchen(DecoratorRoom.java:202) at chocolate.mods.BD.builder.docorator.DecoratorRoom.placeDecorationBlock(DecoratorRoom.java:42) at chocolate.mods.BD.builder.configurable.DungeonRoom.decorate(BuilderDungeon.java:416) at chocolate.mods.BD.builder.configurable.BuilderDungeon.generate(BuilderDungeon.java:57) at chocolate.mods.BD.builder.configurable.BuilderDungeon.generate(BuilderDungeon.java:46) at chocolate.mods.BD.WorldGeneratorNew.generateBigDungeon(WorldGeneratorNew.java:200) at chocolate.mods.BD.WorldGeneratorNew.generateSurface(WorldGeneratorNew.java:127) at chocolate.mods.BD.WorldGeneratorNew.generate(WorldGeneratorNew.java:63) at cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld(GameRegistry.java:134) at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73153_a(ChunkProviderServer.java:383) at net.minecraft.world.chunk.Chunk.func_76624_a(Chunk.java:1259) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(ChunkIOProvider.java:65) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(ChunkIOProvider.java:15) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.util.AsynchronousExecutor$Task.finish(AsynchronousExecutor.java:179) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.util.AsynchronousExecutor.finishActive(AsynchronousExecutor.java:287) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_5_R3.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor.tick(ChunkIOExecutor.java:26) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:774) at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:320) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:721) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:605) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573)
EpicDictator Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 Okay.. I'd just like to ask why you question lag when you're hosting a server for 100ish people that has mods, people generating chunks everywhere, and just about doing everything? I allocate 6GB to my Hexxit Server for less than 10 people and I get lag. No matter how much RAM you throw at a modpack-ed server, you will probably get lag 99% of the time. It's just how it is. I think this modpack is near perfect. I am only disliking dimensional doors due to MY stupid mistake, which doesn't warrant me disliking it really. I disabled the mod after it was already added in and it made memory/world leaks. Unfortunate. But fixed after a fresh new world and not having the mod. I'm not having any issues with it in this version, though. This modpack also wasn't meant for 50+ people really, as far as I can tell... You know what I've noticed? The more mods you add to a modpack and/or server, the more issues you get. You know what else I noticed? The more people you add along with those mods, the more issues you get. I don't see how you are having crashes from loading just a dungeon, either. Twilight Forest is a laggy mod, why would you expect 50+ people plus that to run smoothly? You shouldn't. I'm just going to keep repeating myself on how there's a fine line between you can't have a lot of "poorly" coded mods and a lot of people going at it at the same time. Falling Meteors? Get a Meteor Shield. Again. The mod was not intended for servers of 50+ so I don't get why you are complaining. Soul Shards? The mod is meant to be exploring DUNGEONS and FIGHTING, not going out to find food. Don't get me wrong i love technic, but please guys i beg of you! Make a pack that is bug free! Test it, fix it up, perfect it. So we are not ripping it apart just to fix things that should have been fixed when we downloaded it. Let me tell you a few things wrong with this. A) A bug free modpack? You're completely out of your mind. You even said yourself. Mods a poorly coded. And the fact that you have 50+ people doesn't help. These guys can't fix "fix" the modpack. They mainly put them together and the mod authors fix their mods. Why do you think redpower isn't in Tekkit? The mod author hasn't updated. They rely on the mod authors the majority of the time. They can squash some bugs. Please.. think too yourself: "Will poorly coded mods combined with other poorly coded mods work with a lot of people on a server where a bunch of mods cause lag even in singleplayer?"
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "EpicDictator said: Okay.. I'd just like to ask why you question lag when you're hosting a server for 100ish people that has mods, people generating chunks everywhere, and just about doing everything? I allocate 6GB to my Hexxit Server for less than 10 people and I get lag. No matter how much RAM you throw at a modpack-ed server, you will probably get lag 99% of the time. It's just how it is. I think this modpack is near perfect. I am only disliking dimensional doors due to MY stupid mistake, which doesn't warrant me disliking it really. I disabled the mod after it was already added in and it made memory/world leaks. Unfortunate. But fixed after a fresh new world and not having the mod. I'm not having any issues with it in this version, though. This modpack also wasn't meant for 50+ people really, as far as I can tell... You know what I've noticed? The more mods you add to a modpack and/or server, the more issues you get. You know what else I noticed? The more people you add along with those mods, the more issues you get. I don't see how you are having crashes from loading just a dungeon, either. Twilight Forest is a laggy mod, why would you expect 50+ people plus that to run smoothly? You shouldn't. I'm just going to keep repeating myself on how there's a fine line between you can't have a lot of "poorly" coded mods and a lot of people going at it at the same time. Falling Meteors? Get a Meteor Shield. Again. The mod was not intended for servers of 50+ so I don't get why you are complaining. Soul Shards? The mod is meant to be exploring DUNGEONS and FIGHTING, not going out to find food. Don't get me wrong i love technic, but please guys i beg of you! Make a pack that is bug free! Test it, fix it up, perfect it. So we are not ripping it apart just to fix things that should have been fixed when we downloaded it. Let me tell you a few things wrong with this. A) A bug free modpack? You're completely out of your mind. You even said yourself. Mods a poorly coded. And the fact that you have 50+ people doesn't help. These guys can't fix "fix" the modpack. They mainly put them together and the mod authors fix their mods. Why do you think redpower isn't in Tekkit? The mod author hasn't updated. They rely on the mod authors the majority of the time. They can squash some bugs. Please.. think too yourself: "Will poorly coded mods combined with other poorly coded mods work with a lot of people on a server where a bunch of mods cause lag even in singleplayer?" ALL of my issues are independent issues of a single plugin. That error i just looked up and the author already fixed it just hexxit hasn't updated. Most of these issues are being reported by tons of people to the authors every day and are fixed rather quickly, its Technic that wont make updates as fast as these fixes come out for the mods. As for expecting the server not to lag? No its possible to have no lag on the server, im doing it. 80+ players online and 20 TPS with zero lag just when a mod has a booboo it crashes the server, which honestly is more annoying then lag. Forge was never meant to be multiplayer it was meant to be single player only. But because of people thinking outside of the box projects like MCPC+ and ForgeEssentials come out and bam here we are. And you know what? It works quite well. I can throw together a mod pack in 15 mins by downloading all the mods updates and throwing it on my website and all my problems fixed. However all of the people who play on my server use technic launchers which arent updated. So i can fix the problems by updating and lose all my players. Or complain about it and hope they update hexxit.
theprolo Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 "Zilacon said: ALL of my issues are independent issues of a single plugin. That error i just looked up and the author already fixed it just hexxit hasn't updated. Most of these issues are being reported by tons of people to the authors every day and are fixed rather quickly, its Technic that wont make updates as fast as these fixes come out for the mods. As for expecting the server not to lag? No its possible to have no lag on the server, im doing it. 80+ players online and 20 TPS with zero lag just when a mod has a booboo it crashes the server, which honestly is more annoying then lag. Forge was never meant to be multiplayer it was meant to be single player only. But because of people thinking outside of the box projects like MCPC+ and ForgeEssentials come out and bam here we are. And you know what? It works quite well. I can throw together a mod pack in 15 mins by downloading all the mods updates and throwing it on my website and all my problems fixed. However all of the people who play on my server use technic launchers which arent updated. So i can fix the problems by updating and lose all my players. Or complain about it and hope they update hexxit. So, basically you're being complaining about what you're asking for then? "WHY DON'T YOU TEST IT BEFORE GIVING IT TO US!!!!1!1!1!!!1one!!!!!" "OMG THESE MODS WERE UPDATED LIKE 3 HOURS AGO WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED YET!!!!exclamationmarks!!!!!!" Seriously though, you're completely contrasting what you've already said, just because the alternative appears to suit you more now. The Technic team have already discovered the problems involved in pushing updates without testing, look at Big Dig 1.3.9. They're not pushing updates as soon as they get released because they're doing exactly what you asked for at the start of this thread. And now you complain about it. Good job.
pomop Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 I'll be honest, like it's been said before, Hexxit is not a huge player map. It's a pack that should be played with 1-4 close friends at most. Otherwise you just have a basic vanilla server with ores everywhere since all the dungeons have been cleared. On a fun note, I highly suggest when in a dungeon, not to destroy any mob spawners. Especially in the towers, having mob spawners at each level makes it a lot more intense, especially when there's a golem at the top and the tower comes crashing down, running down the tower with mobs still there add to the awesomeness of the event. Plus, more exp! The only mod that gave me trouble is the more bows mod. It's really awesome and I wish it worked great, but the Nether Bow /always/ crashes my server when it shoots. The mod itself I cannot add to any other mod pack like tekkit either; it makes tekkit stop responding when it's loading and the console isn't showing anything new being loaded.
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "theprolo said: So, basically you're being complaining about what you're asking for then? "WHY DON'T YOU TEST IT BEFORE GIVING IT TO US!!!!1!1!1!!!1one!!!!!" "OMG THESE MODS WERE UPDATED LIKE 3 HOURS AGO WHY HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED YET!!!!exclamationmarks!!!!!!" Seriously though, you're completely contrasting what you've already said, just because the alternative appears to suit you more now. The Technic team have already discovered the problems involved in pushing updates without testing, look at Big Dig 1.3.9. They're not pushing updates as soon as they get released because they're doing exactly what you asked for at the start of this thread. And now you complain about it. Good job. Ever heard of a hotfix? Maybe you should look it up so your brain can comprehend its meaning.
theprolo Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 "Zilacon said: Ever heard of a hotfix? Maybe you should look it up so your brain can comprehend its meaning. I've heard of a hotfix, and fully comprehend its meaning. You, on the other hand, seem to be unable to understand that nothing is perfect, especially when it comes to amateur mods created in people's free time for free. Just because one bug is fixed, doesn't mean another hasn't been created. Here's a little example of what you want to happen: http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/version-139-now-recommended-and-what-the-heck-happened.27 Face it, if they did what you're asking and another bug appeared, you'd be straight to the forums complaining that they never test, but now they're actually testing stuff, you're instantly complaining that they're not pushing updates the moment a mod update appears. You're being hypocritical and can't even admit it, instead resorting to pointless, baseless and useless insults to hide it. That's not an argument, that's you throwing insults in an attempt to make it look like you have the upper hand.
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "theprolo said: I've heard of a hotfix, and fully comprehend its meaning. You, on the other hand, seem to be unable to understand that nothing is perfect, especially when it comes to amateur mods created in people's free time for free. Just because one bug is fixed, doesn't mean another hasn't been created. Here's a little example of what you want to happen: http://www.technicpack.net/article/view/version-139-now-recommended-and-what-the-heck-happened.27 Face it, if they did what you're asking and another bug appeared, you'd be straight to the forums complaining that they never test, but now they're actually testing stuff, you're instantly complaining that they're not pushing updates the moment a mod update appears. You're being hypocritical and can't even admit it, instead resorting to pointless, baseless and useless insults to hide it. That's not an argument, that's you throwing insults in an attempt to make it look like you have the upper hand. It takes several days to fly around generating chunks to see if the server crashes? Their server must suck. Everything your saying is not backing anything up for technic if a mod fix has come out it takes but an hour or 2 max to fully test it on a public server. With this mod pack which is pretty much nothing but generation mods all you need to do is fly around at high speeds and let things generate, if it crashes look at the error and tell the mod authors ITS REALLY HARD!
theprolo Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 Well, this build worked pretty much fine for them, and look how that went. Just because the errors aren't as obvious doesn't mean that they're not worth finding and fixing. You're still being hypocritical. "Zilacon said: And yet, here we are again... Technic releases another mod pack filled with problems. Does almost no testing, no bug fixes, or even tell the mod authors about issues and have them fix them. You're first post undermines your entire argument.
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "theprolo said: Well, this build worked pretty much fine for them, and look how that went. Just because the errors aren't as obvious doesn't mean that they're not worth finding and fixing. You're still being hypocritical. You're first post undermines your entire argument. There releasing a mod pack for public servers to run which will have 50+ players on. They simply make a friggin test server to let people beta test the changes like a development build like so many other developers do. When a problem comes up they report it and await for the mod to update then update it on their test server and add another development version to the launcher & server pack. I am not asking them to make recommended versions of Hexxit or Tekkit with this and that all I'm saying is for them to hotfix stuff and release it to the public! This is not hard to do in fact its so very simple its frustrating it hasn't been done yet. On the launcher u got Recommended and Latest, why not throw a Beta in there?
theprolo Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 I did expect them to have put out a dev release of some sort by now if fixes are available, but without any information from them about that there's no way to know what's holding them up. They're probably waiting on a specific bug to be fixed, such as the BetterDungeons crashes if they haven't been fixed already, but of course I can't say that for certain. There's not much point releasing a build if they know it's broken, though. Just to point out by the way, Latest is the equivalent of a Beta version - when they put one of those out, there's your beta.
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "theprolo said: I did expect them to have put out a dev release of some sort by now if fixes are available, but without any information from them about that there's no way to know what's holding them up. They're probably waiting on a specific bug to be fixed, such as the BetterDungeons crashes if they haven't been fixed already, but of course I can't say that for certain. There's not much point releasing a build if they know it's broken, though. Just to point out by the way, Latest is the equivalent of a Beta version - when they put one of those out, there's your beta. Holy shit your starting to see my point! I am going to use Tekkit as an example. Recommended: 1.0.6 Beta: 1.1.5 Latest: (Development Versions) ^ that is how it should be to allow servers to go to the latest to see if any issues there having on those other 2 builds were fixed. Pretty much EVERY developer i have seen has development builds, be it MCPC+, Forge Essentials, Bukkit, Spigot, Spout, Tons of plugins like mcmmo/lwc/griefprevention/world edit & more, hell even Forge Mod Launcher itself has development versions. So my question stands why doesn't technic?
CanVox Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 "Zilacon said: Holy shit your starting to see my point! I am going to use Tekkit as an example. Recommended: 1.0.6 Beta: 1.1.5 Latest: (Development Versions) ^ that is how it should be to allow servers to go to the latest to see if any issues there having on those other 2 builds were fixed. Pretty much EVERY developer i have seen has development builds, be it MCPC+, Forge Essentials, Bukkit, Spigot, Spout, Tons of plugins like mcmmo/lwc/griefprevention/world edit & more, hell even Forge Mod Launcher itself has development versions. So my question stands why doesn't technic? We do. We don't promote a build to "latest" until it's ready to be tested, which is probably the source of your confusion. I can make a fork of the launcher that replaces "latest" with "beta" especially for you if it will calm you the fuck down.
Zilacon Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 "CanVox said: We do. We don't promote a build to "latest" until it's ready to be tested, which is probably the source of your confusion. I can make a fork of the launcher that replaces "latest" with "beta" especially for you if it will calm you the fuck down. Dodge my entire point and then cuss me out. Awesome staff you have here.
CanVox Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 I didn't "dodge" your point, you're doing a really terrible job of conveying your point, or you don't have a point. Your point seems to be, "Why don't they test their stuff? Oh, they do? Why don't they let US test their stuff? Oh, they do? Why haven't they released a new version of Hexxit yet? You're saying they're testing their stuff? Bullshit!"
CanVox Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 So I've finally gone over this thread, filled with excellent reading material and I've found a few key issues here: 1. You're too fucking stupid to pregen your world. What the fuck is wrong with you? This would solve practically all of the issues you're describing- even the crash issues in BD, which I am working my ass off to fix in a way that doesn't require us to wait on Chocolatin to put out a new version and doesn't get Technic eaten alive by the Modders Rights crew, are issues that occur rarely during worldgen and either are or are not on your map. You could pregen your world, and if there was a crash, wipe the world and pregen a new one. Use BorderGuard or some shit to stop players from going outside the genned area. You'd have your server up and running, no crashes, no gen lag, by the end of the weekend. But you're so HOT HOT HOT HOT to make cash off the pack that you just throw your shit up on a server and are surprised when 90 people exploring on a worldgen-heavy pack bring the server down. This is part of the long list of things in this thread that are Not My Fucking Problem. This is Bukkit Server 101 shit, btw, so I'm not sure why I'm taking the time to explain it to you. 2. If you want to take the reins and make your own awesome technic platform pack and throw your mods together, that's awesome. We 100% support that. I'm not sure what you mean by your users all being on the "old launcher". Judging by your website, your users are all running Tekkit with magic launcher because you instruct them to "install tekkit" by installing the tekkit modpack manually into magic launcher, and then direct them to download the mods from your website via a series of ad.fly links which you make money off of. Basically you are the worst fucking human being I have encountered in my entire time playing minecraft and how about you go fuck off to Feed the Beast or something.
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