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Modpack request


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After trying to make a modpack for hours and failing, I was wondering if anyone could make this modpack for me. I have a list of mods and links to their download here. (I'm on update 1.5.1) All of these links have downloads to 1.5.1

One last thing, could I add more mods to this pack by just putting them in their mods folder?

damage indicator


portal gun


Reis minimap


DrZharks more creatures


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Did you notice there is a guide on how to make modpacks for platform?

Lukeb also made THIS thread. Make a request there, might be he can make your modpack today! If you're lucky...

And for your question: Yes. If there are any ID conflicts, make sure to change them in the config.

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I didn't know you worked for the Candy Tree Department Leth?

I wish. It's actually a Touhou reference, his first avatar looked way too much like a loli and it kinda cascaded from there.

I've been on the Internet for too long.

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There's an old saying about "there are no girls on the internet." Natural assumption is that there's a guy behind every pixilated ta-tas you see in a game. (At least one doesn't come off as a creep that way, there's a natural revulsion that one gets when you imagine the stereotypical fat hairy guy in underpants behind that keyboard.)

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