Lethosos Posted July 18, 2013 Posted July 18, 2013 Piezoelectric tile could become the new Solar Panel in this pack. If it generates MJ for any (and every) entity that steps on it, I can get a herd of chickens into a 3x3 room floored with the tiles in question and hook up a battery to all of it for free power. Quote
Emasher Posted July 18, 2013 Author Posted July 18, 2013 What pack? They can be disabled in the config (I think). But only stepping onto a tile counts, not stepping around on it. I'll probably add a time delay on them as well at some point. Quote
Emasher Posted July 18, 2013 Author Posted July 18, 2013 I should also note that having animals walk around on them is the way the piezo generators were intended to be used. I have every intention though of making sure the mechanic is balanced and fun rather than just a free power early on thing. Especially once I nerf it by adding a cooldown time, and perhaps adding a very small chance of hurting whatever walks on it, the challenge will become trying to make the animals walk around on them (as animals don't constantly move around), as well as replenishing the animals. I'm trying to add a cattle prod to do this manually, but it's either going to require a core mod or a Forge addition in order to make it work. Quote
Lethosos Posted July 18, 2013 Posted July 18, 2013 You can sorta do it by putting the peizo at the end of a dead-end and have MFR conveyors that are set to push to the end and hooked up to a short timer. Then set your favorite four-legged critter down the hall. Quote
Emasher Posted July 18, 2013 Author Posted July 18, 2013 Alright, version 1.5.2 is now out. It re-balances the piezoelectric generators. They now output 8 MJ per step, but they have a one second cooldown time. They also have a one in twenty chance of doing two hearts of damage whenever they generate power. This requires you to do something to keep your animals moving, as well as replenish them, as they will die over time. Version 1.5.2 also fixes a bug with sockets sometimes producing infinite energy when daisy chained. I've also released an update for EmasherCore, which fixes a bug with algae not sending block updates when it's placed, or when it grows. It also doubles the output for the machine component recipes, which should make sockets much more accessible. "Lethosos said: You can sorta do it by putting the peizo at the end of a dead-end and have MFR conveyors that are set to push to the end and hooked up to a short timer. Then set your favorite four-legged critter down the hall. The nerfs in version 1.5.2 should hopefully make it difficult to exploit. You'll still be able to generate a significant amount of power, but you'll need a lot of animals, and generators to do it. Quote
Emasher Posted July 20, 2013 Author Posted July 20, 2013 I've released version 1.5.3, which should fix the infinite EU bug. Quote
Emasher Posted July 20, 2013 Author Posted July 20, 2013 Version 1.5.4 is out. It fixes the EU bug for a few modules I missed, as well as adds vanilla hopper support. It also adds a new inventory interfaces module, which allows you to view and access items in one of the internal inventories. Right click to place items in or pull items out. You can use the generic (white) mode of the socket remote to switch it between stack and single item mode. Quote
Emasher Posted July 21, 2013 Author Posted July 21, 2013 Version 1.5.5 is out. It just adds tank interface modules to compliment the inventory ones. Quote
Emasher Posted July 21, 2013 Author Posted July 21, 2013 I've released version 1.5.6 which adds in a few recipes that were missing in 1.5.5. Quote
Emasher Posted July 24, 2013 Author Posted July 24, 2013 I've just put out a quick update (1.5.7). Here's the changelog: - Removed unnecessary dependencies on BuildCraft (everything should work without BuildCraft installed now, hopefully anyway). + Added Item Extractor module (see below) + Added config option for EU to MJ ratio * Fixed tank interface render bug The Item Extractor works exactly like an item input, except it can pull from adjacent inventories. When it's not configured to use redstone, it will constantly pull items. If it is, it will pull an item every time it gets a redstone pulse. Quote
Emasher Posted July 28, 2013 Author Posted July 28, 2013 New textures (will be in version 1.5.8, which should be out minutes after I post this): I've also fixed a bug that causes dedicated servers to crash when sockets are placed. Quote
00Ducky Posted August 15, 2013 Posted August 15, 2013 I don't under stand why your mods aren't in the Tekkit pack. They are amazing. Gas craft and Engineers toolbox would be great in tekkit. The Graphics could use some work. If I was any good I would help... It would be cool to see some multi block machines in the future. Keep up the good work though! Quote
Emasher Posted August 30, 2013 Author Posted August 30, 2013 Just a heads up Engineer's Toolbox has been updated for Minecraft 1.6.2. Quote
Emasher Posted September 1, 2013 Author Posted September 1, 2013 I've just released Engineer's Toolbox It has the deployer like module (called the "activator"). Just be aware that it may still have a few bugs. Quote
jakalth Posted December 6, 2013 Posted December 6, 2013 Edit again: disregard the whole post. The MJ Adapter is simply malfunctioning atm. Posted details on your GitHub account. Quote
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