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Odd Crashing? Latest Stable Hexxit?


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New to posting on these boards been, following for a long time and never really ran into issues except this time. I am running the current Stable Version of Hexxit. Now I have done numerous searches and I find that many people are experiencing these crash to desktop errors. I've done my search and I found several threads on this board. However they are either incomplete or never really resolved.

So here is the error and I will be as detailed as possible. This error occured just recently actually twice in a half hour span. And both times I placed a block. (Cobblestone to be Exact). Now the client then immediately crashed to desktop and did not generate a Crash Report for minecraft but instead generated a "hs_err_pid5040" the first time in the directory and a "hs_err_pid5856" the second time in the directory.



Now as I said I have searched prior to this post, so I saw all of the typical responses and I will answer them right now:

Yes I've Updated Java - No Resolution

Yes I've Updated My Graphics Drivers directly from my Video Card's Site - No Resolution

Yes I've Allocated More Memory to Minecraft - No Resolution

Yes I've Allocated More permMemory I think it is called.

I've Tried Launching Minecraft with -Xmx2048M -Xms4096M -jar - No Resolution

I have NOT tried to update my LWJGL (could that be a cause of these errors?)


Win 7 64bit Home Premium

8Gig Ram

AMD FX-8120 Eight-Core Processor

AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series

If you need any other info please let me know. I wold really like to resolve this issue. I am curious to know if it has to do with Dimensional Doors. The reason why I signal that mod out is because I have heard that it can cause instability in some cases.

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Was -Xmx being small than -Xms a typo? Also starting with too much -Xms may cause a huge garbage collection lag spike when it fills that starting amount up.

java -Xmx4G -Xms2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -jar Hexxit.jar nogui

-Xms is the starting amount, -Xmx is the max



Type the link name, select it, click the chain button (5th from the right), paste link into popup.

Edit: You used: -Xmx2048M -Xms4096M -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m

-Xmx is needs to be greater or equal to -Xms, and only use one of each. I think you need to use the capital letter.

Is this single player, or a server?

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Yeah that was a typo on my part and I may have used it in the launch command while reviewing over the crash files (silly mistake). I will try the command line you suggested. And thank you for the external link tip. I am so used to just url= etc.

Could it very well be the permSize causing this issue? OR more likely the jvm arguments? Wouldn't mistakes like that cause it to lock up at the start? What exactly could I look for that would indicate that? Regardless I appreciate the response and I will be trying that, any other insight? Perhaps a mod misbehaving? Although i doubt that since this is an actual java crash and not a minecraft crash.

EDIT: This is a single player

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Single Player: Just use the launcher!!!

The gear in the top right lets you set the max memory and increased permgen.

Don't set the memory externally. (You also reversed starting memory and max memory. x_x)

I use MultiMC because I have multiple instances with many different packs as well as some of my own packs as well as customize a lot of stuff. So I generally just increase the memory in MultiMC of my instance via the settings tab and then under the Java settings then I have my java path and my JVM Arguments per instance. So when I launch that instance it is all set up. That is why this error threw me off because I have one instance that has close to 90 mods in it and it runs fine without increasing the permSize. Granted those instances also don't have those noob mistakes in them that I overlooked when setting up my launcher.

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java -Xmx4G -Xms2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -jar Hexxit.jar nogui

is for a server.

java -Xmx4G -Xms2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -jar modpack.jar

I guess you'd do this? (I have no experience launching the single player any way other than the launcher.)

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With MultiMC its very similar to the Launcher. You type in how much you want to allocate. However MultiMC offers another area that allows you to edit the JVM for that instance. So in my case I would input the command: -Xmx4G -Xms2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M and save it. And now that instance has those settings saved to it. So the JVM will run with those parameters. And to my knowledge MultiMC will take those Parameters and apply them where it has to, because when I look at the startup log it states that it is increasing the JVM memory as well as the permSize.

To get Hexxit I use both the Hexxit Launcher for updates as well as another Single Player world. But recently it has been fussing up on me so I use MultiMC and import the mods and make my own changes to the configs as well as add and take things out. Like my Hexxit doesn't have the Better Storage mod because I took it out, however I added in Biomes 'O Plenty because I love the way it plays with XLBiomes.

I don't want to derail the topic though. And I do not run a Hexxit Server.

EDIT: As you can see by the log it appears to do what it is suppose to do:

Instance folder is:

T:\Minecraft\instances\Hexxit Working\minecraft\

Instance started with command:

"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx4G -Xms2G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -jar MultiMCLauncher.jar "HalestormXV" "1749058707430945534" "MultiMC: Hexxit" "854x480" "Mojang"

Loading jars...

Loading URL: file:/T:/Minecraft/instances/Hexxit%20Working/minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar

Loading URL: file:/T:/Minecraft/instances/Hexxit%20Working/minecraft/bin/lwjgl.jar

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I use MultiMC

Don't you think that information should have been included in Post #1? You're using an non-technic application to launch a technic modpack. Have you tried playing the game on your computer using the TechnicLauncher application, loading the Hexxit modpack to see how stable that is on your computer? Establish a baseline, work with what is supposed to be working correctly without crashing, then start changing it to tailor to your own needs.

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Don't you think that information should have been included in Post #1? You're using an non-technic application to launch a technic modpack. Have you tried playing the game on your computer using the TechnicLauncher application, loading the Hexxit modpack to see how stable that is on your computer? Establish a baseline, work with what is supposed to be working correctly without crashing, then start changing it to tailor to your own needs.

Not entirely, because I don't believe the launcher has anything to do with it (other then making it easier to assign larger quantities of RAM and permGen as well as autoupdating), all the mods used by the pure Hexxit pack are copied over as well as the config files. Much the same as when a server owner downloads the server files. Any tweaking i may have done, which quite literally was changing a single id in Biome'O Plenty so it did not clash with the assigned id of BiomesXL, shouldn't have any effect on Hexxit Pack, to my knowledge at least, that would cause a Java Crash.

Now one can say that naturally one of the mods I have added could be causing the issue (Mind you I only added 3), of course. But, being that this is not a Minecraft Crash though and it is a java crash and the Hexxit team has more then often managed to fix some errors in 1.0.1 alone with some crash to Desktops (such as the chests being opened which was also if i recall a java crash) i thought it well to post this error here just in case it is in fact something to do with a mod that is in the Hexxit pack/configs.

However I could also try to test with the Hexxit Launcher, that is fine. But something tells me it has nothing to do with how I launch Minecraft.

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Hey, I had this problem a couple of days ago. What I did was I backed all of my Hexxit stuff up and when you go into the launcher click on the Hexxit icon. There is the gear and it has an option to restart the pack and then just launch it and then insert your backups into the jar file.

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Minor update to this thread as I saw others on the forums posted about it as well. I tried all of the solutions posted above. And yes to those that think it was the way I launched minecraft I tried it with the Hexxit launcher as well and the same error occurred but one similarity.....it occurred near a DimentionalDoor dungeon. I really don't want to place blame on DD and perhaps it is totally coincidence. But it is something worth reporting.

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I have resolved this issue by updating LWJGL. Minecraft versions prior to 1.6 use a very old version of LWJGL and this is a common problem for me and my friends. Updating the version of LWJGL always fixes this "instant" crash for me.

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