CanVox Posted July 21, 2013 Posted July 21, 2013 Hello, Voltz 2.0 has been promoted to Latest in the launcher. 2.0 maps will not be compatible with 1.X maps. We'd like you to help us test this version over the next week so that we can promote it to recommended and get Voltz back on track! Download Voltz 2.0 from the technic client, and get the 2.0 server from here: Let us know what you think!
CanVox Posted July 21, 2013 Author Posted July 21, 2013 Also I hate that I have to say this, but if you've previously used 2.0, you'll have to delete your voltz folder- in the future: - Latest builds are ones that are open for testing but are not final. - Recommended builds are builds that are complete. - Post-latest builds are ones that I'm working on and you really shouldn't expect them to work. Attempting to use a latest build if you've previously used it as a post-latest build won't work and you'll probably have to delete your voltz folder.
robertusu Posted July 21, 2013 Posted July 21, 2013 Hey i have voltz 2.0.0 and i would like to help and there are bunch of not working recepies and other glitches so just say how can i help btw i dont have premium minecraft. and if you can give me ip from some cracked voltz serever.
Lethosos Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 It's easier to buy the one-time subscription. Once you do, you can get on, no problem.
dwwojcik Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Excellent! A new Voltz! Personally, I'm more of a Tekkit kind of person, but I know this will make some very happy. I'm also very pleased so see a larger variety of mods in the pack. I think the 1.x.x was really lacking- too focused. Is the mods list final? I hope not, as there isn't any automated mining other than the MFR laser. I would suggest ComputerCraft- Turtles make mining so much easier, and of course they don't need any sort of power other than vanilla fuels. Besides, computers are just useful in general. Edit: Hypersonic Explosives work fine. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! >=D
Generalcamo Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Calclavia doesn't really want ComputerCraft in Voltz. I suggested that a lot in the past. And there is automated mining. Try using the Force Manipulator, and the block breaker. They work wonders. There isn't a proper bug forum for Voltz specifically, so I will just use this thread. And I will also rip off FTB's layout. Mod Pack: Voltz Mod: Modular Power Suits Pastebin link to crash log: N/A Whats the bug? Power Suits do not have a recipe. Can it be repeated? Yes. Known Fix: Disable the Universal Electricity recipes, as they are broken without Electric Expansion, and enable the Vanilla Recipes. Mod Pack: Voltz Mod: Mekanism and Applied Energistics Pastebin link to crash log: Whats the bug? Attaching an Electric Chest to a ME Import Bus crashes the game, rendering the world it was done in unable to be opened. Can it be repeated? Yes. Known Fix: None, short of disabling the Electric Chest.
SilverOrange Posted July 23, 2013 Posted July 23, 2013 Thank you for refreshing Voltz. I noticed it was dying down, and I hate to see such a great mod that I spent many a hours playing go to waste. If you want the domain, I will give it away and\or create a website (I am in college for computer networking, and have basic experience with web design), for no charge. I love Voltz :)
Kezzar Posted July 23, 2013 Posted July 23, 2013 A couple bugs I noticed: Mod: Mekanism Severity: Low Repeatable: Yes Bug: The "hole" on the west side of the "Electric Pump" is misaligned. Pipes still connect normally. Mod: Mekanism Severity: Medium Repeatable: Yes Bug: The recipe for the "Osmium Compressor" includes fire. Mod: Minechem Severity: Low Repeatable: Yes Bug: The "Blueprint Projector", when given the "Fusion Chamber Blueprint" (Not the WIP), projects images of MMMPowersuit's "Control Circuit" in place of "Fusion Wall" blocks, and the icon for the "Cooling System" upgrade for the power armor, as seen at the Tinker Table, in place of "Tungsten Plating". Viewed at some angles, it instead shows either a green, yellow, or white color, but seems to show no consistency in what causes the different colors. Other times, it simply shows nothing. Mod: Minechem Severity: Low Repeatable: Yes Bug: The "Blueprint Projector" does nothing when given the "Direwolf's 9x9" blueprint. Mod: Minechem Severity: Medium Repeatable: Yes Bug: The "Chemical Fusion Chamber" GUI does not let the player select items from their inventory. Instead, it automatically places them right back where they came from.
Builderb0y Posted July 25, 2013 Posted July 25, 2013 "Kezzar said: A couple bugs I noticed: Mod: Mekanism Severity: Medium Repeatable: Yes Bug: The recipe for the "Osmium Compressor" includes fire. This bug also includes many other machine blocks from Mekanism. This is because the basic circuit is not being registered in the forge ore dictionary, and there is a config option for that. #################### # general #################### general { B:ControlCircuitOreDict=false (lots of other options) } Set this to true to fix the bug.
CanVox Posted July 25, 2013 Author Posted July 25, 2013 All this does is make it so you can use the mekanism control circuit and basic circuit interchangeably. I'd rather the control circuit be required, to be frank.
Lithorn Posted July 25, 2013 Posted July 25, 2013 My Buddy and I both crashed talking to a villager who wanted to trade for what looked like some kind of Blueprint. This was the Crash Report. Its repeatable since we did the same action twice in a row without failing to crash. Not sure if its just the item or the villager or what. Also a lot of the textures from the modpack are missing/broken/invisible which makes it hard to just look for them in NEI. The Blocks textures themselves are not missing, just the ones in NEI, so im not sure what to say on that. Texturepacks wont work with the new file system
Builderb0y Posted July 26, 2013 Posted July 26, 2013 "CanVox said: All this does is make it so you can use the mekanism control circuit and basic circuit interchangeably. I'd rather the control circuit be required, to be frank. Actually, the basic circuit from UE is registered in the forge ore dictionary as "circuitBasic" where as the control circuit from mekanism is registered as "basicCircuit". You cannot use them interchangeably. Some of the recipes from mekanism call for the ID of the control circuit, but others call for the forge ore dictionary name "basicCircuit". That is why those recipes cannot be crafted if the control circuit is unregistered with the forge ore dictionary.
aidancbrady Posted July 27, 2013 Posted July 27, 2013 Hi! unpairedbracket, my co-dev, has just created a new branch specifically for 1.5. The bugs that have been mentioned on the forums here have all been fixed for 1.6, but now I have the means to do the same for the 1.5 bugs. I'll get a new 1.5 build out as soon as I can!
Lethosos Posted July 27, 2013 Posted July 27, 2013 It's nice to see a modder that will come around and help fix the little problems like this. Keeps the community together.
Generalcamo Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 Mod Pack: Voltz Mod: Basic Components/Atomic Science Pastebin link to crash log: N/A Whats the bug? The recipe for the Tin Plate (BC) overwrites the recipe for the Empty Cell (AS) Can it be repeated? Yes. Known Fix: Either change the Tin Plate to force it to be shaped, or change the empty cell to require glass (As intended) This could also be the case of an outdated API in one of the mods. I will be investigating and reporting my findings. Mod Pack: Voltz Mod: Atomic Science Pastebin link to crash log: N/A Whats the bug? The recipe for the Empty Cell does not have glass, as intended, causing the Tin Plate to overwrite the Cell recipe. Can it be repeated? Yes. Known Fix: Fix the empty cell to require glass. Feedback: When the critical bugs are fixed, this pack should be ready to go. It looks neat, and it is very different from the old voltz. Removing Minechem might be a good idea. It's buggy, and doesn't support the materials in other mods. Consider adding in RedLogic as precise redstone control is very important to voltz. MFR does a good job of having this, but sometimes you need compactness. Plus you already have microblocks: Why not make them useful?
unpairedbracket Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 I've fixed the AE conflict and the electric pump's texture, and backported the basicCircuit/circuitBasic fix into a hopefully final 1.5 build. I've given the builds to Calclavia so they should be in next time Voltz updates. Also, I agree that Voltz would benefit from the addition of RedLogic, as well as maybe some more of Chickenbones' mods (I think EnderStorage and Translocators specifically would add a lot of utility to the pack, transport-wise).
Bob_Sack Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 Mod Pack: Ampz Mod: Modular Power Suits Pastebin link to crash log: N/A Whats the bug? Item textures in the tinker table are messed up Can it be repeated? Yes. Known Fix: Not known. Maybe same bug as NEI's bugged item images
Generalcamo Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 Ampz isn't Voltz. Ampz is a third party modpack that is designed to mirror Voltz. This thread is for Voltz. "unpairedbracket said: Also, I agree that Voltz would benefit from the addition of RedLogic, as well as maybe some more of Chickenbones' mods (I think EnderStorage and Translocators specifically would add a lot of utility to the pack, transport-wise). I agree with both EnderStorage and Translocators. Translocators especially due to the lack of Assembly Line.
Bob_Sack Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 "Generalcamo said: Ampz isn't Voltz. Ampz is a third party modpack that is designed to mirror Voltz. This thread is for Voltz. I agree with both EnderStorage and Translocators. Translocators especially due to the lack of Assembly Line. I was told they were exactly the same, by the same people, only Voltz is Technic platform and Ampz is FTB platform
firestorm_one Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 Hello, me and 2 people have been playing this since Saturday and found a few bugs and issues. 1. Oil problems. Cant seem to find any under the surface after extensive searching, and if it is there then its very well hidden. So we have tried manufacturing it using the Minefactory oil fabricator but it crashes minecraft when plugged into a batterybox with a wirecable. If we did find some there's no pipes to move it around or store it. Currently the only way to extract is with the portable oil extractor which I can imagine would be inefficient. Some more oil related mods are needed else cant launch any rockets/ICBM's. 2.Needed to fix the circuit board issue else they come up as pictures of flames. 3.Non of us have found any use for Applied Energetics or mineChem. Also we have found a lot of Minefactory useless too with out any power. 4. There's an awful lot of sludge and toxic waste everywhere that again doesn't seem to have any use and looks more like oil lol. Some good things though: 1.LOVE the turrets! The laser one is most defiantly my favourite, who ever did the soundFX for it should be given a medal! 2.Really liking the different types of biomes and plants. 3.Really liking the new forcefields especially the new gfx, although I guess they need a range extending card inserted no matter what? Hope all that helps. Cheers Rob
Generalcamo Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 Allow me to address each concern with my own statements. "firestorm_one said: Hello, me and 2 people have been playing this since Saturday and found a few bugs and issues. 1. Oil problems. Cant seem to find any under the surface after extensive searching, and if it is there then its very well hidden. So we have tried manufacturing it using the Minefactory oil fabricator but it crashes minecraft when plugged into a batterybox with a wirecable. If we did find some there's no pipes to move it around or store it. Currently the only way to extract is with the portable oil extractor which I can imagine would be inefficient. Some more oil related mods are needed else cant launch any rockets/ICBM's. Wire cables and battery boxes are extremely buggy with MFR. Use the Universal Cables. As for oil, it is found deep in the ground. Diamond level. Use Liquid Pipes from Mekanism to move it around. You do not need oil to launch ICBMs. Quote 2.Needed to fix the circuit board issue else they come up as pictures of flames. Already fixed. Will hopefully be in next update of Voltz. Quote 3.Non of us have found any use for Applied Energetics or mineChem. Also we have found a lot of Minefactory useless too with out any power. Applied Energetics allows you to store massive amounts of items. It has a steep learning curve though. Minefactory has a lot of uses. As for the power issue, Mekanism is helpful. Quote 4. There's an awful lot of sludge and toxic waste everywhere that again doesn't seem to have any use and looks more like oil lol. It has a use. Try pumping sewage ("Toxic Waste") into a Composter. And try pumping sludge into a Sludge Boiler. Quote Some good things though: 1.LOVE the turrets! The laser one is most defiantly my favourite, who ever did the soundFX for it should be given a medal! 2.Really liking the different types of biomes and plants. 3.Really liking the new forcefields especially the new gfx, although I guess they need a range extending card inserted no matter what? Hope all that helps. Cheers Rob I'm sure the UE devs would love to hear that.
CanVox Posted July 30, 2013 Author Posted July 30, 2013 We continue the testing in 2.0.1:
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