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Which mod is this from?


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I'm not sure if this has been asked before and have tried to look through each mod pack to figure out which one it may have come from. I'm referring to the second tab (denoted by the diamond armor) in your personal inventory window (accessed by pressing "E"). Could someone please tell me which mod pack this is from? What is its purpose/function? I recognize the heart canister and knapsack, but what about the other slots?


Thank you for taking the time to help me.

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AFAIK, not yet. I think he's busy getting his 1.6.2 versions working, judging from the number of dev versions he has right now. (He did add landmines and cape support, but that's as far as I can see.)

I do recall he did do some internal testing; I suspect it's a rendering issue that is preventing him from finishing it.

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Well there's the regular armor down the center, bottom left is shield (unused), top right is mas slot (unused), Right of the armor is backpack (used for knapsack) and belt (unused), Far right is necklace, ring (both unused) and the Heart canister slot.

Hope that helps and maybe we will being seeing use of those slots in future updates

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