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Tekkit toys in Real Life?


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Ugh.... Arduinos.....

Lol sorry its a running joke when i was in electronic technologies :D

Well, since that's your area, I'm sure it was a running joke for you guys. But for those of us without Engineering degrees.

I received my major in Information Tech and Apple's were and still are our running jokes.

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Well, since that's your area, I'm sure it was a running joke for you guys. But for those of us without Engineering degrees.

I received my major in Information Tech and Apple's were and still are our running jokes.

careful, Dash16 is gonna sneak up behind you, start hissing, and.... BLAM!! ;)

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I received my major in Information Tech and Apple's were and still are our running jokes.

Apples are only running jokes until they receive a minor update and stop both running and being a joke.

Arduinos are nice little toys, but a raspberry pi is what you want for real fun. And they even have a free minecraft that supports modification of the game world by external scripts.

I had a pre-revision pi (half the memory and no mounting holes), but I gave it to my nephew.

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Apples are only running jokes until they receive a minor update and stop both running and being a joke.

Arduinos are nice little toys, but a raspberry pi is what you want for real fun. And they even have a free minecraft that supports modification of the game world by external scripts.

I had a pre-revision pi (half the memory and no mounting holes), but I gave it to my nephew.

was going to mention raspberry pi, but couldn't remember what it was called. :-)

would something like that work for tekkit, or is it somehow limited in memory/power? The last I read (which was a while ago) was before I got into Minecraft/Tekkit.

EDIT: I see here that you can make a server on it, but I have a feeling that Tekkit might be too much to hope for.

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Yeah, tekkit would eat a pi for breakfast. Maybe half a dozen pis clustered together could get it started, but then you have networking latency and all that jazz.

Best use would be as a small server with a physical bridge. Use the GPIO to control stuff based on in game actions.

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