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My advice is to run a youtube search for atomic science tekkit v1.1.8 and see what comes up. I'd link the ones I watched but I no longer remember who did them. You should see at least a handful though.


lots of little tips here in the forums as well. My suggestions, try Direwolf20's videos to get you started. He's pretty good with videos. Otherwise there are a few video's made by Tekkit forum regulars in the lets play section that might help you out.


A multitude of wikis are quite useful.

Buildcraft wiki for items relating to it. http://minecraftbuildcraft.wikia.com/wiki/

Steves cart main page wiki. http://stevescarts2.wikispaces.com/

I use the Voltz wiki for atomic science but for the most part I would recommend youtube specific videos.

Galacticraft I had to use youtube videos but theres this now... http://wiki.micdoodle8.com/wiki/Galacticraft

Applied Energistics - http://ae-mod.info/

For the most part... if you want to learn how a specific item works type the item into google... you'll get wikis, youtube videos, and forum posts from numerous forums.

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