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Building Question

Andy Miller

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I am planning out a galacticraft space ship launch pad and I would like to build it underground and of course cover it up on the surface. I would like to use MFFS to make a field that is camo'd like grass over the launch pad.

My question is will the field let the ship and myself pass or will I explode into a million pieces and regret all my life decisions (particularly the design plan).

Thank you for any help on this.

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Hey I can speak from experience on this one! You won't explode, but you won't get past the field either. The rocket will simply stop at the field like it was a ceiling. When I tried it I had to get out of the rocket, turn off the field, and the rocket continued without me. Don't remember if I ever tracked it down or not.

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Neowulf, I never heard of this, but sure enough it is part of the 1.1.0 pack. I am very behind the times. Umm, care to share what kind of script/program needs to be made for that?

Phoenix, that sounds like a good idea too. Would you just have it hooked up to a ton of repeaters with delayed time?

Another idea I had is can the MFFS remote control be used to turn off while in the ship and then on while in launch?

Just keeping my options open.

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Neowulf, I never heard of this, but sure enough it is part of the 1.1.0 pack. I am very behind the times. Umm, care to share what kind of script/program needs to be made for that?

OpenCCSensors has been in tekkit since tekkit lite I believe. Definitely part of the entire range of MC1.5.x tekkit versions.

As for code, http://www.computercraft.info/wiki/index.php?title=OpenCCSensors

The example at the bottom is exactly what you want. Trigger the forcefield projector on/off with a redstone signal based on player proximity and have the sensor near the roof of your launch tube.

For bonus points you can alter it to check the target name and y position and only trigger for certain players in sensor range under a certain height. That way it doesn't open for random players walking ontop of your field.

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Computercraft is just as secure as anything in minecraft can be, you just have to figure out how to not do things like a basic computer that controls your front door by waiting for a plain text password and outputting a redstone signal when it matches.

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