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Can you change the laser focus to focus different blocks?


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From everything I've been able to read, there is no conclusive evidence that foci change the likelihood of obtaining Certus Quartz. One source did believe a white focus would work, but most discussions don't even mention certus quartz. That said, it will have the same likelihood of being mined as other ores, so at least you know you should be getting some.

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One thing to keep in mind about those results (from the wiki) -- they were generated through sampling, so are the result of probability. The intent of the foci might not be the same, but the results were. I guess I'll have to do some more methodical sampling (if I ever get around to building a Laser Drill) to see if I can pick apart any singular advantage.

As for changing the config, sorry I can't be of help there.

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Sorry missed that you where asking for Certus Quartz. I just put Quartz to memory when I was looking. :)

But since Laser Drill creates all ores lenses are obsolete. If you have a fully automated powerplant that can deliver 200Mj/tic to the drill that > quarry since the drill will run 24/7.

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