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if y-control on the flight control module is set to 100%, it sometimes acts like the jetpack is off, preventing vertical liftoff.

Otherwise, like Timendainum said, your jetpack might have gotten turned off. Pushing [K] in game should open the mps control menu allowing you to keybind your jetpack and flight control modules to keyboard keys. This will alow you to turn them on and off at will. Highly suggest doing both just in case this happens again. Also conveniant to be able to turn off the flight control when you want to stay on the ground.


Jakalth reminded me of another tip. Guys on our server found that the flight controller is much more useful if you set the y-control to 0. This allows you to fly around much more like creative mode where you fly level regardless of your actual orientation. We've found this to be a lot more useful for building than having the ability to ascend and descend by looking up and down.

To go up and down in this configuration use space to go up, and Z to go down. Works brilliantly.


Y control = 100 is pretty fun, though. It feels like you're actully swooping and stuff, more jetpack-ish. I enjoyed it greatly when i used it back in Tekkit Lite before it was configurable.


Yeah, it can be fun. But for someone like me who is far to used to straifing, having to always look in the direction you want to go can be troublesome. Too used to operating things like aiming a tank turret one direction while driving a different direction... Same with turreted aircraft...


True. It depends on what you are used to, and also what you need the jetpack for. Building (especially tall stuff) would be much easier with Y = 0, but I think you can move much more quickly with Y = 100.

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