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Desperate mom


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I am the proud mom of a 9-year old who plays minecraft, after he is done doing his chores that is.. But the problem is that I do have certain questions he simply does not have yet the knowlegde to answer me.

For one, my computer was definitely not designed to be a gaming-computer. It does ok, for a toshiba laptop, but it spikes the 6 GB ram over and over again. Is there any trick on how I can get my computer to just fake it? I've already done what I can about virtual memory, but I think it might(or rather I know) that it is the screencard.

For two, when he installed the technics mod-pack programme(or what you'd call it) it took like ages to finish. If it did install any files on my computer, I haven't found them. I thought it might be cool if he could play while we're on car-trips, then I do not have to listen to him ask 'When are we there, Are we there yet' and similiar sentences. Is this just a desperate moms dreams or could it come true?

PS: I really think minecraft is awesome! Really. I play sometimes when he is off and about. During Christmas, we had a 'war' with 3 adults v 3 kids. Needless to say, the kids kicked our asses and we had to beg for some help.

Thanks for all or none reply!

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We as far as the Ram goes, he will want to make sure to NOT let minecraft use all 6gb. 2-3 is plenty for most mods. The graphics card isn't likely the issue, but if you do a google search on "How to update my Graphics Drivers" there are a number of simple step by step guides for how to figure out what update you need, and where to get it.

As for on-the-go use, the Launcher only needs to connect to the internet once to play with no issues. So have him start up the game before leaving the house, and it will be ready to go all through the trip, so long as he doesn't close the game entirely. If you want to see if its on the machine, hit your start button, and in the search field, type in %appdata% which will bring up the area that technic and minecraft go.

And yea, minecraft is clearly and irrefutably awesome. However, it is frowned upon to sign posts on these forums. I'd recommend reading the forum rules section, just to avoid small mistakes like that.

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As for on-the-go use, the Launcher only needs to connect to the internet once to play with no issues. So have him start up the game before leaving the house, and it will be ready to go all through the trip, so long as he doesn't close the game entirely. If you want to see if its on the machine, hit your start button, and in the search field, type in %appdata% which will bring up the area that technic and minecraft go.

this isn't totally true. as long as you've started the game once while online, it will default to offline mode when there's no internet connection. you don't have to keep it open or any of that. as long as your son is playing single player (i.e. not on a server) he can play anytime, anywhere, regardless of internet status when he starts the game or launcher.

as far as ram goes, you can control how much the game uses through the launcher. 2gigs is probably more than enough. you can change this setting by clicking the little gear icon in the upper right of the launcher window, next to the red box with an "x" in it. it's the dropdown labeled "memory"

for performance, if your laptop was not made for gaming, there's not a whole lot you can do to improve it for the most part. lowering the visibility range in the game may help though.

edit: almost forgot: the files are stored in %appdata%technic which usually ends up being C:users<insert your user name here>appdataroamingtechnic but all you need to really do is place the launcher file somewhere you can find it, like the desktop and run that. it will handle the rest. from the sounds of it you are downloading the launcher every time you start the game, which isn't needed. just save the file (again the desktop works well for this) instead of running it.

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it will default to offline mode when there's no internet connection.

hmm... I asked this bit earlier, because all I got was "failed to connect to minecraft.net". I was wondering if the staff had removed the offline mode.

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hmm... I asked this bit earlier, because all I got was "failed to connect to minecraft.net". I was wondering if the staff had removed the offline mode.

they haven't. I tested it myself before posting that just to make sure. as long as you've started the pack once while online, you're all good.

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you're not having it remember your login, are you? you need that for offline mode to work. obviously you can't log in without an internet connection.

ah, no I didn't. I like typing passwords, helps me remember them. problem solved then

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