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[SOLVED] Quarry in nether not mining?


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So here's my problem:

I've set up my quarry in the nether, using the same exact method I use on the overworld (phased pipes running power and transporting mined items) and the quarry won't work. It's set up boundaries and cleared out the area, but it won't actually start mining. It acts like it's "finished".


(The few blocks mined were me trying to get it started)

The setup:


Anyone have any solutions for me? Please?

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I thought that might be power, but I don't use pipes and wasn't sure.

no good ideas, really, but Googling it I came across the following possibilities...

(1) a redstone torch/signal somehow triggering the Quarry 'off'

(2) permissions preventing it from functioning.

Neither really seems to fit your situation, but I mentioned them just in case.

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Wait... Looking closely at those pictures am I right in guessing that you either purposely or inadvertently removed the top layer of bedrock? So that the top of the quarry frame is on level with the top of the world? Try lowering the whole thing down at least 1 maybe more blocks. The nether and the end have a much lower maximum height (128) than the overworld (256).

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I didn't remove the bedrock. It's still there, just difficult to see. I merely built the quarry as high as I could while still keeping it within the boundaries of the top bedrock (I wanted it higher so it would mine everything from ceiling to bottom bedrock). It's not on level with the top of the world, it's one block below.

Your solution of lowering it may work. It would make sense, because (I'm guessing) the quarry stops mining when it detects that it's hit bedrock. Since its top is touching bedrock, it might be registering it the same as it does bottom bedrock. I'll update when I have a bit of time to play again and can re set it up.

Thanks to both of you for your help.

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Oh, there isn't enough room for the quarry? the framework looks like it is partly inside the bedrock. Give it one more layer of height(dig down one more layer) and it might be able to kick in and run again. Not completely sure if this will actually work or not, but worth a try.

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I'm not entirely sure what's going on anymore.


I've moved the quarry 4 blocks down (In case you guys can't see, bedrock is right above the torch) and still nothing. It just kind of sits there, not moving. It's getting enough power to be operating at full speed, but it's acting like there's nothing below it to mine. I'm on a single player server so there's no issue with permissions. Did they just make it so quarries don't work in the nether anymore or have I done something horribly wrong? Does anyone have a solution for me, please?


This is really odd: I smacked the quarry with a buildcraft wrench as a last-resort. It seemed to be working, until I realized it was mining a 2x8 stretch. Doesn't even make sense, as the quarry's minimum size is 9x9.

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Don't mean to double-post but the problem has been resolved. Just so people don't make the same mistake I made:

In the nether a quarry won't work if it can see that there's bedrock above it. There has to be a layer of anything other than air between the bedrock and the quarry for it to work. Once I realized that, I filled in the top with a layer of netherrack and it works fine now. I feel really dumb for not realizing this before. Thanks everyone for your help.

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