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I need some help...


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Alright, here's the dealio.


I'm trying to set up a server for the first time ever. Never done it before, and for whatever reason, I cannot seem to find a guide anywhere online that can help me. I heard that Technic was an easy way to set up a server, and I wanted to install some mods as well, so that brought me here. But I still have no idea what I'm doing.


So here's what I need. A simple, step-by-step guide to creating a Hexxit server that my friend and I can play on in layman's terms. Can anyone help?

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I'll give it a shot.

  1. Go to your desktop.
  2. Create a folder- name it something like "Hexxit Server".
  3. Download the Hexxit server package.
  4. Extract the zip to the Hexxit Server folder.
  5. Double click launch.bat

And that's it!


You will need to Port-Forward assuming people will be joining from the other side of your router's firewall, but there are plenty of good guides on that.

Edited by dwwojcik
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I'll give it a shot.

  1. Go to your desktop.
  2. Create a folder- name it something like "Hexxit Server".
  3. Download the Hexxit server package.
  4. Extract the zip to the Hexxit Server folder.
  5. Double click launch.bat

And that's it!


You will need to Port-Forward assuming people will be joining from the other side of your router's firewall, but there are plenty of good guides on that.

Was it supposed to launch when I double-clicked launch.bat? Because instead, I got this box:



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I was afraid of that. Something in your java is messed up. I'm not sure how to solve it but uninstalling and then reinstalling (may as well get the latest while you're at it) could fix it.


EDIT:  Try that instead. v

Edited by dwwojcik
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