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AOTBT whitelisted server apply now!

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Guys. I am having a server issue due to my host and we did have a bad experience with a couple of greifers so in a bit (1-3 days) i will have another server up and will have a proper application. Sorry for the misunderstandings D:

Edited by mhanif62
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Game nick:fartomoter5000


Age: 12




I love this modpack and i want play with more people so i can have more fun and maybe a little witchin :3 PS:I would have sent u a skype request but theres so many Mustafa Hanif`s

Edited by Rylox11
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I have accepted everyone above and i will be contacting you in 1-3 hours after this message. I have already whitelisted and will send the ip's to you on skype. I hope you are ok with this but i am going to be creating a group call with everyone here who has applied. Thanks :D

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me and my friend Alex would like to join we are both 16 years old and pretty mature for our age we just want a reliable server that isn't down for 90% of the time

My skype name is hullstingrays


ps:only just read the previous post thought you were still looking for more people

Edited by JoesGamertag
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