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corrupted chunks in Ddoors


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So when i updated my server from 1.2.7c to 1.2.8d my players have been running into corrupted chunks in dimensional doors. how do i disable this mod? and, an effective way to delete all the existing dimensional doors? and how do i fix this also? is there a way of keeping everyone's builds? http://pastebin.com/0PJvSeAs

Edited by d3athbysp0rk
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I think you could blacklist the block ID for the door material itself, then of course delete all the pocket dimensions from your server.


This would largely just leave the dimensional door platforms but since the block ID for the door block itself would be blacklisted it wouldn't spawn.


I really hate Dimensional Doors, other than cheaping your way across vast distances I just don't see its point...its a huge memory hog for very little actual benefit.

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Sadly, i don't have screenshots. But the way my players describe it, is once they enter the corrupted dimensional door, they lagg, then tekkit crashes on their side. (Server acts as if it's loading the chunk fine) And in order to keep them from crashing once they rejoin the server i have to change the x,y,z axis that essentials saved as the cords they 'logged out' of.

Edited by d3athbysp0rk
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