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Everything posted by Sir_Obama

  1. at StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.core.PocketManager.createAndRegisterBlacklist(PocketManager.java:697) In my experience, deleting the dimensional doors blacklist file (in your world save > Dimensional Doors > data > blacklist) will fix this. It appears to replace all its entries with null for some reason, and deleting it will force it to re-create the black list. Note: Pocket dimensions may have corrupted, and after the black list error is fixed, you may run into others. Server crashes cause dimensional doors to go ape sh*t.
  2. Number pad 0 will disable WAILA (the rectangle at the top of the screen)
  3. There would be something a long the lines of "Dimension does not exist" or "Failed to handle packet: kicking player" Its most likely a conflict with a mod added by op, or just a rare occurrence
  4. While I don't know the cause of the issue, and have never had it myself, the reason for the crashing upon login is due to your character being physically located in a dimension that is somehow bugged. Deleting the dimension folder would only mean your character is now in a dimension that does not exist, and the only way to fix this would be teleporting your character out. How to retrieve your character: 1) You can use MCEdit to move your players location to the overworld(there are many fantastic tutorials out there) 2) You can maybe use NBT editor to change your location in your servers player.dat file. (don't know if player location is stored here though) 3) You can promote a trustworthy friend to OP, and as soon as they see you come online, use: /tp YOURNAME FRIENDSNAME 3a) They need to have the command pre-typed and ready to hit enter as soon as it says you're online, so the teleport happens before the server boots you again. There are some other methods, 1 and 3 would be the easiest.
  5. I'd look into the mods you've added. I'm running a 1.2.8d server and its been at 3gb ram usage for a week
  6. Extracells and Tinker's construct for sure would be sweet, I have them added in my server and absolutely love them. Also bibliocraft is great, just to make interior design more fun.
  7. I love WAILA for most things, but it gets frustrating trying to make secret doors or qcraft walls when people can just mouse over the block and see that something is hidden there.
  8. If I can get it to happen again, i'll upload a log with the error, busy today so might not be able to till tomorrow
  9. I can confirm this. Players keep going into random doors in the world(the ones that spawn in at gen) and then get "Internal Server Error". Only way to fix it is to port them out manually myself.
  10. I'm not able to test it myself atm, but do Ruby, Sapphire, and Peridot axes work with Treecapitator yet? Had to add them to the config myself in 1.2.6, not sure if that was intentional, or missed.
  11. I actually find computercraft easier to use
  12. really? that's good to hear, have to try that out later!
  13. Is there a way to monitor the amount of RF in a Redstone Energy Cell with computercraft? I tried a power sensor, but it doesn't seem to work with thermal expansion 3. Any work arounds?
  14. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 3972 is already occupied by calclavia.lib.multiblock.fake.BlockMultiBlockPart@9cb1cd3 when adding micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.blocks.GCCoreBlockAluminumWire@282151d9 Aluminum Wire from Galacticraft is trying to use an ID that is already in use. Go into the config and change the ID for it.
  15. You can't compare a game to math though. The purpose of math class is to teach you a life skill that can be applied in many different fields. The purpose of a game is to entertain the player. I know a lot of people that enjoy using all the cheats they can and god-moding games because they like the feeling of being all powerful in a game world, that's the way they enjoy the game. You and I enjoy the game through problem solving and difficulty, but not everyone finds that fun. Don't think of a game's variable difficulty setting as a way to slowly climb up the challenge ladder and play as hardcore as possible. Think of them as individual settings to be played in any order for any length of time, or sometimes not at all, in an attempt to cater to each type of gamer.
  16. I have nuclear reactors online, AE sytems to autocraft everything, drives full of resources, and I have not yet made an enchanting table. Level 120 and have died at level 60 ~10 times. Thanks for reminding me that enchanting is a thing lol
  17. Minecraft is great because you can play it any way you like. Someone might enjoy manually gathering resources, and then automating the crafting process, but doesn't like high difficulty games, so they play survival on low difficulty (no exploding ores), whereas someone else(like me) might like manually gathering resources, automating crafting, but enjoys the game in its most difficult form(hardcore difficulty, explosions on, lots of mobs). "Easy mode" can be defined differently by each person. I see anything below hardcore as "Easy mode", but OP might struggle on medium. Essentially, minecraft lets you play the way that YOU will most enjoy the game. That's why it rocks.
  18. I agree, I dig those F***ers all day long and take every explosion right in the face. Too hardcore for this world.
  19. The mod is called NetherOres. It is part of Powercrystals. You can find the config in tekkitmainconfigpowercrystalsnetherorescommon.cfg In that file is the line: # NetherOres have a chance to explode when mined if true. B:ExplosionEnable=true change true to false also, if you really want easy mode: # If true, when NetherOres are mined, nearby pigmen become angry to the player. B:AngryPigmenEnable=true
  20. First off, I don't support spitting in food, lol, it's disgusting. But it does happen, and I don't think it was a bad analogy. Basically I was just saying that claiming: "EVERYONE in the world understands, except Technic mod pack creators" when trying to get help is like going up to a fast food worker, calling them stupid and then asking them to make you your food. You get treated the way you treat others.
  21. Straight up insulting the people providing these services will NOT get you quality results. This post is like yelling at a cashier in a fast food joint only to get a spit burger with cheese.
  22. I'll just put up with 1.6.4 version for now, hope it gets back to its glory so I can experience it.
  23. When was Atomic Science at its best/most fun? I love the mod, but just wondering if there is an earlier version that works better.
  24. Is atomic science borked in 1.2.7 only? All my reactors and turbines work in 1.2.6 Excluding the slight issue with only 8/10 turbines spinning half the time.
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