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Everything posted by Sir_Obama

  1. It tells you in the log which ID (or slot) is taken. Also, it should have part of the mod name in the same line. (Something like: slot 700 already in use by somemod.someitemfromsaidmod) Go into the config folder, find the config for craftheraldry, and change the occupied id to something else, repeat until it stops crashing. Note: if it is items only that is causing you grief, you can hop into default hexxit and search random numbers in NEI (if you have id's turned on) and see which are taken.
  2. Check out this: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1416154-how-to-fix-internal-exception-javanetsocketexception-connection-reset/ It has some troubleshooting tips for that error
  3. Yeah a timeout would be a connection issue. Are you able to connect to the server? Just to rule out any possibility that the server files are the problem... If you can get in, then it's probably the connection between you two. You could try restarting hamachi on both ends, make sure everything is still set up properly.
  4. A connection time out would either mean the server is down(make sure it's running), or the info is wrong(double check both hamachi's are open, connected, and using the proper info), or her internet is too slow to connect before the timeout(doubt it since there were no problems before). Just to be sure, which config files did you edit? Edit:: In hamachi, make sure the dot beside your friends name is green and not blue.
  5. (I probably should have asked this first haha) What is the error or message it gives her when she tries to connect?
  6. Your friend will need mo'creatures and custom mob spawner installed as well, both the client and the server need to have the same mods installed in order to connect.
  7. Both you and your friend need hamachi running/be in the same hamachi network. Also, make sure your friend is using the correct ip from hamachi. EDIT:: Make sure you go into your hexxit server folder, open the server.properties and where it says "server ip=" change it to server ip=(your hamachi ip) without parenthesis of course. (Since your friend could connect before, this is probably not your problem, sorry.)
  8. From the rules of the internet: haha, jk, my mistake. Glad you got it working (L)
  9. Try resetting the mod pack (click the little gear where it says hexxit in the launcher, then one of the options says "Reset Pack"), launch the game and it will revert it. If that fails, try a fresh re-install. also
  10. Have you modified hexxit in any way since downloading? also
  11. Yes it does, I assumed he figured that out since he claimed the terrain gen block id's began conflicting
  12. It's mainly just trial and error.
  13. You'll need to post more info than that. "my hexxit keeps crashing" could be caused by anything. Do you have an error log? crash report? anything?
  14. Sir_Obama


    He has 32bit windows, meaning he has 32bit java. He can't allocate more than 1gb on a 32bit system.
  15. He has 32bit, can't allocate more than 1gb.
  16. When you put mo'creatures and custom mob spawner in, you have to launch the game and let it crash, then the configs should be auto created. They then can be found in the config folder for hexxit. (Config may be called MoCProperties and MoCBiomeGroups) You can either change the conflicting ID's with zulu, or to remove it, go into the mods folder and delete ProjectZuluComplete, and in the config folder delete the project zulu folder.
  17. It is the secret rooms mod. Using the same level seed and the same chunk in the same biome at the same x,y,z: -Creating a portal to the twilight forest and surrounding it with items from the secretrooms mod will result in a chunk reset upon return. -Removing secretrooms and repeating leaves the chunk how it was It is NOT because of battletowers, a battletower does NOT ALWAYS spawn, it is just a chance since the chunk is being re-created. The problem is the chunk error, which for some reason is caused by secretrooms.
  18. It appears to be secretrooms. Removing the mod stops this from happening I think
  19. I used to only have 3gb allocated, I lowered it to 2gb, and the memory leak is still out of control, I guess i'll just deal with restarting my client every hour or so, and hopefully they'll fix it soon T.T
  20. Just add it in, boot up, wait for a crash, then check the log to see what ID is already being used. Go into the mo'creatures config, change that id to something else, and re-try until the crashes stop and it lets you in.
  21. I don't get why I can't re-create this in my world. I can literally defeat a battletower, build a house in it, fill it with secretrooms doors and stuff, fill it with all my hard earned loot, make a portal to the nether, gather things from the nether, go to the twilight forest and hunt, come back, and everything is exactly how I left it every time. All on single player lan. =/ Everyone says it is the secretrooms mod, but I can't get it to happen.
  22. Can anyone give me a detailed walkthrough of what they did right before the reset? I just spent an hour building a house IN a ruin, filled with over 50 secretrooms blocks, a nether portal, a twilight portal, and a bunch of random loot, but no matter what I do, I can't get the chunk to reset. If I had a reliable way to re-create it, I'd be grateful
  23. Hey I was just wondering if the current build of Hexxit has a memory leak issue? Recently i've been noticing that after a few hours of playing, my ram usage has gone from 3gb to 14gb. This never happened with tekkit lite, or previous versions of hexxit, but ever since the update I've been having to restart my client every hour or so. I have 3gb allocated in the launcher to hexxit, and have tried with increase permgen both on and off. Side note: used to have optifine standard hd, removing it seemed to slow the leak, but hasn't gotten rid of it. Client has computer craft added to it, dimensional anchors added(none active in world), dimensional doors removed, and all id conflicts have been corrected. No error reports or crash logs, just my resource monitor telling me javaw is using 14gb of ram. =/ Edit: I have windows 7 64-bit. 16gb of ram. -Used to have java7u25, worked fine until hexxit update, tried updating java to u40, no luck.
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