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Server was working yesterday but today it isn't.

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I can join fine, but my friend suddenly can't join. This results in the server log:

[SEVERE] Reached end of stream for /{IP address}
2014-03-29 14:35:52 [SEVERE] Reached end of stream for /{IP address}
2014-03-29 14:35:52 [INFO] {player} [/{IP address}] lost connection
2014-03-29 14:35:54 [SEVERE] Reached end of stream for /{IP address}
2014-03-29 14:36:01 [SEVERE] Reached end of stream for /{IP address)

My friend also says she gets the message 'bad login'.


My IP has not changed at all, my ports are fowarded, UTorrent is running, the server is running (Tried with Bteam.jar & Launch.bat)

Mods are default, and I have not installed anything else. 


I may try deleting all the files and re-creating the server.


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You can check if the port is forwarded correctly with a port probe here; https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2


If she's getting "Bad Login" though and your server properties are set to online mode then she won't be able to join - Bad login means she's not authenticated properly on the minecraft.net server and without that your server will decline connections.  You can either tell her to close all the way out of the launcher and re-run (that should fix it, sometimes takes a couple of goes if minecraft is under heavy load) or you can turn off online mode (not always a good idea, it means anyone can connect with any name and therefore take over other players, not to mention the impossibility of banning someone who can just change names and reconnect).

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You can check if the port is forwarded correctly with a port probe here; https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2


If she's getting "Bad Login" though and your server properties are set to online mode then she won't be able to join - Bad login means she's not authenticated properly on the minecraft.net server and without that your server will decline connections.  You can either tell her to close all the way out of the launcher and re-run (that should fix it, sometimes takes a couple of goes if minecraft is under heavy load) or you can turn off online mode (not always a good idea, it means anyone can connect with any name and therefore take over other players, not to mention the impossibility of banning someone who can just change names and reconnect).


Maybe you didn't see my comment, but - my ports are forwarded, I already checked through all that.


It worked yesterday and I did not change the aforementioned setting. She has a Minecraft account, too. Thanks anyway.

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I saw your comment - if you need uTorrent though then your ports are not forwarded correctly, uTorrent is having to do it for you using upnp.  If it works without uTorrent then it's fine - that's just a tool for checking.


I don't know what you mean about changing the setting... online-mode=true is the default and that's causing the problem - if she has a bad login, she can't login if that's on.  She may have an entirely legitimate minecraft premium account, but if she can't connect to the server (bad login) then that never gets authenticated, you see?


Let me try to make this clearer - one of these things needs to be true:

1: She has to try again with the auth until she doesn't get "Bad Login" - that way she's authorized on minecraft.net so when your server checks it sees it's ok and lets her on.

2: You have to set your server to not check the minecraft.net auth server at all (online-mode=false) so it doesn't matter if she gets "Bad Login".

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Bad login = to meny launchers open , close all and try n relaunch , as loader said it's trying to re connect to minecraft but it see that your already logged in so it throws u a bad login

And I believe the end of stream thing is just a problem with this version 1.6.4 of minecraft

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