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Posted (edited)

This server uses the B-TEAM MODPACK





The server has gone the extra mile to secure your claims to make sure they're

extremely secure, the point is if you've claimed an area no one should be able to touch it but you and your trusted friends.


If your home is claimed its safe, we also give you a few flags you can modify in your own claim areas to stop monsters from spawning or snow from collecting.




Spawn is Minimalistic, its there to help educate you about the server, and get you out to the world and playing. Its your world, we just keep it running.




No Griefing Protected Claims, No Stealing, No PVP in non-PVP Areas, No Spamming,


No Excessive Swearing.









NOTHING is banned for no reason, Experience has shown that these items have bypassed claim protection, led to server crashes or have ruined the in game economy.


 Florbs and some Weapons are currently banned.




Looking for more peeps for our player slots!

The WORLD and MOON have PVP disabled but we still have PVP enabled in the END have your duels and death matches there!

Edited by TetraD





Skype: yes/no (speech interview required)

Experience being staff?

Current rank on server?

Why do you want to be staff?

What staff/mod related plugins do you know?


Now, before i say ANYTHING i must clarify that i would like to be considered for staff, assuming i am acceptable, for lack of a better term.

I am not applying, just saying that i would like to be accepted at a later date.


Name:mfkdso /Arthur Amason


Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) yes

Experience being staff? 1 year at a server (which is unfortunately closed because it did  not receive enough donations :P )

Current rank on server?

Why do you want to be staff? I enjoy helping people, and guiding them the right way. (i have a little bro)

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? none as the server i worked on did not have plugins. (I can learn though!)


In conclusion i am not necessarily applying for staff, because that would be very premature.

Posted (edited)

Name: Akkilles

Age: 14

Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) yes panait.razvan2

Experience being staff? I have been Co-owner on two servers and head of admins on 1 server.(vanilla,and i still am)

Current rank on server?  Builder

Why do you want to be staff? I am willing  to help  the server and I  like helping people whenever I can.

On server: I've been on server for like a week  from when it opened.

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? Almost all( except  2 plugins)

Edited by Akkilles
  • 2 weeks later...

My name is Micah i love helping people and ive hepled all my friends scince 1st grade i love this server and i hope i can be a Mod or Admin or atleast a helper my ign is Xmahanoi2001 i have skype its Thelilunicorn and i have ts3 and i just cant explain how much i love the server


Name: Jevaughn Lewis

IGN: _KingFwea_

Age: 17

Skype: traditionally_bawlin

Experience being staff? Iv'e been an admin on big vanilla servers, and I used to be Co Owner of another

Current rank on server? Peasant

Why do you want to be staff? I like helping people out with their problems, and in the week iv'e been on the server I noticed I havent seen any staff what so ever. 

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? I'm not too familiar with plugins, I just like helping people.

Posted (edited)

Name: Danny (IGN: Ragin_Pacifist)


Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) Yes. PM me for Skype name

Experience being staff? Yes, in Counter Strike Source I was an admin and in a couple of MC vanilla servers I was an admin as well (DiRaCraft for example)

Current rank on server? Laird

Why do you want to be staff? Because I am very active and everyone asks me for help already. I want to help by making the market a better place. I feel bad for all the newcomers who come on and ask me: can I buy a shop? I have to tell them "no" because they are already taken.  I want to make people pay weekly to keep their shops open. I would also like to make spawn a lot better looking and make it a bit more functional and convenient. Unlike some of the mods now *cough* Laxy I will actually stay true to my word on what I hope to accomplish if I do become mod. He said he's tired of people handing out creative stuff yet lived with someone who did. I'm not going to lie to you because I am honest and these are my true intentions.  I know how to use many of the mods on the modpack and I help out new players whenever they need it. A lot of people say I should be mod because of how much I help people (even more than the current mods) and I agree. (You can ask players on the server too!) I would help with plugins since I think there is some this server should have and I can also find some that can probably replace those we already have (the PVP-SafeZone) to make less mods banned and have more fun experience overall. I have plans on one day building a PVP arena and a beautiful town where people can buy plots to build. I hope you reconsider my application. Please give me a chance.

Time on Server: About 5-6 months

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? Very experienced with World Edit and Voxel Sniper since I used to be a PVP map designer for MultiCube. Here's some of them:


Colony Wars Map http://www.mediafire.com/download/fcabd568wmp2snt/Jungle+Valley+Beta+1.2.zip


Spleef Arena http://www.mediafire.com/download/cwbf9cj3x3xmap8/Temple+of+the+Angels+V2.zip

Edited by Ragin_Pacifist
  • 3 weeks later...

Name:Benjamin (ign: DarkStarGaming77)


Skype: DarkstarGaming77 .

Experience being staff: None so far other than my friend's server which isn't on-line much, so this would be a good experience for me

Current rank on server: Yeoman

Why do you want to be staff: A great opportunity and I want to be able to reinforce the rule set up by the server as some may try to break them, also helping others will also get me my Duke of Edinburgh award

What staff/mod related plugins do you know: Chestshop , essentials, MCMMO, MCMMO rewards, Factions, Grief prevention and more

  • 4 weeks later...

Name: My name is Cornee Wolters and i live in The Netherlands


Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) Yes and it will be given if you message me in game

Experience being staff? I have been playing sinds alpha and in that time i have been an admin . co-owner and moderator alot . one tekkit server i was admin for almost a year

Current rank on server? My current rank on the server is Noble

Why do you want to be staff? I am a good helper  , i like to help people and also i am from a different time . my time is western european and mostly at that time when it is night for most mods  , i am online and no mods are online , so i thought to myself , why not improving the server by giving a 24/7 chain of moderators online. 

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? I used to own a pretty big server so i know alot about essentials , worldguard etc. etc. but the mod plugins are not my best point , but im keen to learn more about them!

  • 4 weeks later...

Name: ILR: ALex Mc: LegitGaming69

Age: 15

Skype: facebook:alex.swartz.393

Staff Experience: I've been staff on two different vanilla servers

Rank: Veteran

Why: I enjoy helping people and im a great builder so i could help making things look nice.

Unfortunately i don't very  many plugins but i am willing to learn whatever.

  On 4/7/2014 at 2:52 AM, TetraD said:




Name: Adrian


Skype: yes on home computer

not on Minecraft or Minecraft mod packs but in other games i have been mod/admin are host/co-host


been playing over 6 hrs a day for the past week or week and a half and will be able to keep this activity up for a long time

if plugins you mean commands then the basic as well as the rules involved with those commands


Posted (edited)

Can you guys please ban these people: (I can't remember their exact IGN but their names are like Mcazke and Ryanbr. SnowKing or Nathenapar told me it was them who griefed the market, and I wouldn't doubt it because I know one of the people in their groups were using the minions mod and lagged out the entire server for like two days. I think this server needs more active staff cause stuff like this should get fixed fast, takes too long for things to be fixed. Pretty much everybody's shop was ruined. Thanks.




Okay, as much as I want to blame someone, I don't really know who the griefers are. SnowTheKing told me those were the people that were involved in the griefing. I believed him because he was a donator and those who he accused were beginners. I have a sneaking suspicion that it might be nathenapar now because he and the person he accused of griefing lived/live together. Also, since he has creative mode he might be able to have access to griefing materials normal players won't. My eyes are on him now. (can't wait to see a mod's/admin's reaction when they see what they did to market :')

Edited by Ragin_Pacifist
Posted (edited)

                               Laxyboy's Moderator Application


Name: Will K.


Age: 15


Skype: will.kendrick4


Gender: Male


From: Dallas, TX


On server for: over 1 1/2 months


​I would like to become a moderator because I am sick and tired of people giving stuff out to non creative people, and people ruining other's experience by griefing shops, bases, houses, and anything in-between. I have just recently caught gligar red-handed briefing the market, but unfortunately I was too late to stop him from getting to Speedy's base. :ohdear: I hate seeing others game experience ruined by the childish griefers, and want to take action, I really feel I could make a difference in this server! I want to be the problem solver, instead of a problem creator like some. I am online every single day, and I think that is why this server has become so vulnerable. With a moderator online everyday, more incidents can, and will be prevented!


Thank you for your time, 



Edited by laxyboy
Posted (edited)

Name: Andrew

Age: 15

Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) Yes collins3601

Experience being staff? Yes

Current rank on server? Laird

Why do you want to be staff? I have seen a lack of staff on the server and i want to make a change to that. I have been on this server for over 2 months now and want to help the server grow even more. I also want to stop hackers, griefers, and exploiters from this server. I enjoy this server very much and want to help it in many ways. Also I am a great builder and i can show you a couple of my builds.

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? I dont know many plugins but i can learn them very fast






Thanks - Ninja_Monkey21

Edited by Ninja_Monkey21
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Name: Michael L    (IGN "DeathDrum666" Or "Dark")                                       DeathDrum666's Staff Application

Age: 16

Skype: Yes/ No  (Speech Interview Required) Yes (Death Drum666). Also you can find me on Facebook if you need to.

Experience being staff? Yes on 1 server that is no longer currently online.

Current Rank: Laird (Veteran)

Why do you want to be staff? Dear owner, I would like to be a staff member to not only help people that are in need of help, but also be part of an amazing server. Im very friendly to others, im friends with moderators currently on the server. I'm very active and I also help people all the time. I would like to see the server grow and help people enjoy they're time on the server. I notice that lots of people need staff help and There's no staff on to help. Im very mature, I dont go around breaking rules or anything like that. Im very experienced in the game of minecraft and attack of the bteam. I've mastered every mod, I can help other members with complicated mods. I like helping anyone I can and when ever I can. Im very relaxed with the server, I enjoy it very much and I woud just like to see that it stays that way when no moderators are on. I play just about 24/7 on the server, aways on. Also another reason why I would like to be a staff member is because there's always someone getting stuck in a corupted chunk and that person crashes server when no mod is on. I would like to be able to help people that get stuck. In a note, its been happening alot lately and no mod is ever on when it does happen. Its making other people mad, I would like to change that. I'm also a very experienced builder and can build just about anything, I also know the rule about staff giving out stuff. I do know that if a staff does this, they can get they're rank removed. I do follow every rule thats on the server, I know all the rules. I also know that If someone breaks the rules of the server, then they can be banned. I would like the gameplay of other members to be the best possible experience they could get, that no other server provides. Tetra I love your sever and I would love to be able to a part of it. If so, please get back to me as soon as possible because I want to help this server out in a huge part.

Thanks for taking the time to read this application. ~DeathDrum666~

Been on the server for about 3 Month  :)

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? I know a few such as world edit, Block log plugin, I know the stargates plugin, I learned others but cannot think of the name.

Edited by deathdrum666

Name: Autumn (ILuvPandas634 as in-game name)


Age: 15


Skype: I do indeed have one but will only share when asked


Experience In Being Staff: I was Co-Owner on a past server that shut down when Minecraft updated to 1.7.  I was an Elite Mod (highest mod rank) on another server that crashed and never re-opened when the owner placed a lot of TNT together and ignited it.  And lastly, I was a Mod on a previous server but was demoted when due to lack of server activity (I started playing AotBT :P)


Current Server Rank: Laird (Veteran)


Why I Want to be Staff: I would love to be a Staff member because I love helping people and trying to solve their problems because I have been one of those people and need and I know how frustrating it can be.  I have also noticed quite a few new comers that are new to the mod (some even to Minecraft itself) and becoming a mod would give myself more of an advantage in teaching these people about Attack of the B-Team.  This is a fantastic server and it would be an honor in making others feel the same way.


Staff/Mod Related Plugins I Know: I know the basic Plugins (World Edit, Essentials, Stargates, and etc.). I do know other Plugins but I don't know most of the names ;P If I am not familiar with some of the Plugins the server holds, I would be happy to take my time to learn them in anyway I can.  I am also familiar with most of Attack of the B-Team, but of course not all 100+ mods... yet (;


Thank you for taking your time to read this (and hopefully consider ;P)!!!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Administration Application


Name: Brian (IGN: MaXSpeeD667)

Age: 19

Skype: Yes. (Upon request)

Experience being staff? Yes. Server owner (vanilla BETA 1.8) - two months. 5-10 players regularly

Current rank on server? Veteran

Why do you want to be staff? Further the growth of the community and keep the server maintained and running properly.

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? Essentials (could use some refreshing)


Other server-related skills (if you want/need): Intermediate Linux (Debian-based) shell, JRE and MCMyAdmin knowledge 

Edited by Maxspeed667
Posted (edited)

Name: nicholasbrad

Age: 17

Skype: yes (My mic is broken atm, but it will be fixed in 5-7 buisness days, and please ask me for my skype on the server, because i do not want to post it on a public forum. -Thanks)

Experience being staff? Yes on a couple servers, all of them vanilla, but they did have bukkit on, so i do know most of the commands and other tricks that come with this plugin

Current rank on server?  Noble

Why do you want to be staff? I would like to be staff, because I love to help people as much as I like to BE helped my other people, players on the server as much as the other staff. Plus i have some good experience on other servers and i find it very amusing to have more responsibilities and privileges. And last of all, i like to give a helping hand on some community projects like the spawn, hubs ect. (Nice job on the spawn btw, Legit ;)    )

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? As i have mentionned earlier, i am pretty good with bukkit and other plugins like that, but i am human, and i will admit that i do not kow all of the commands, and that if ever you feel like i do not know them well enough, please just tell me and i can do some more research on the subject that you desire.


Thank you for your time, and thank you for considering this application.


-Sincerely, nicholasbrad

Edited by nicholasbrad
  • 4 weeks later...

Name: LisaRagamuffin

Age: 51

Skype: yes/no (speech interview required) yes Lisa Eddy

Experience being staff? No (though my daughter is an admin on a private server for Homestuck fans

Current rank on server? Laird

Why do you want to be staff? I am on most every day, and particularly now that school has started and there aren't any MODS online in the daytime i am frequently the only "mature" person online with lots of beginners.  I like to help people, and answer questions when I can.  I really enjoy the environment on this server, particularly the non PVP.  Before this server I have been playing B Team on other servers for about 7 months.  I have been told that I would make a good MOD, and I was encouraged to apply.

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? Not much, but I am a fast learner

  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Megan (xLittleCupcakex


Skype: No But I'm very Trust able 

Experience being staff? I've been Mod on my friends servers

Current rank on server? Yeoman (builder)

Why do you want to be staff? I Love aotbt I love to help people i think i'm pretty smart when it comes to mods :D 

What staff/mod related plugins do you know? none But would LOVE to Learn 

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