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Project Red and the Pulverizer


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Been playing a lot of tekkit, managed to convince my brother to even put together a small little server, however we hit a minor snag in automation. It's no doubt well known, but Project Red ores don't seem to work in the pulverizer.


As you can imagine that's a bit annoying (though the gems aren't useful for much). Are there any workarounds for the issue? Other than manually breaking the gem ores of course.

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I believe there's also a block placer and block breaker in the mod somewhere (MFR if memory serves). Just run an NEI search for them and you'll find them eventually. Then it's a simple matter of feeding said ores to the placer and watching the breaker do its thing. You should be able to then place an obsidian pipe next to the breaker and have it suck up the ores into your preferred inventory storage method.


Edit: I can not seem to find the placer. I could have swore I saw it last week.

Edited by Digdug83
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I ran into the same problem. Luckily, i used AppliedEnergistics to make my ore processing fully automatic. Just hook up an ME Precision Export Bus to a block placer and have all of the project red ores into the Export bus. Then have a one block space for the ore to be placed. Then place a block breaker adjacent to the ore and have an ME Basic Import Bus hooked onto that so all of the ores are put in. You can do the same with buildcraft wooden, gold, and diamond pipes. I prefer AppliedEnergistics as it is MUCH faster.


Oh and quick reminder, be sure to visit that area every now and then to collect that Experiance!


Oh (again) The Block Placer and Block Breaker are in the MineFactoryReloaded (MFR) mod.

Edited by PompanoZombie
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You can also feed Galacticraft Silicon Ore into the Placer/Breaker setup, once you silk-touch it or get it from Laser Drills. That is just about the only way to get silicon out of that ore.

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