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[BUG]: Conductive Pipes Does not work



I have configured serveral types of arrangemants one of them as shown in the Attached image.. i know the texurepack support the energy and i have attached just engines too the mining well and got it to work.. its the pipes that for some reason dosent transmit the energy i have tried with just 2 pipes from engine too well (i use the well just too see if the power is transfered) and even there nothing happens..

is it the mod that is buggy or out of date or is there any other thing that could be the problem? i know the texturepack supports the "blue line" since i seen sevral others tah use it.. it's simply the poer that does not transmit too the wodden pipes..

does anyone else have a the problem or the solution too this error?

6 answers to this question

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Three thoughts. First, you are only using four engines, those could be attached directly to the box.

Second, what is that object you are trying to power? You say it is a mining well but I do not know the sphax pack well enough to be sure. Try running a pump with that setup instead and see if it works.

Finally, those are redstone engines, they are weak as shit. Are they even powerful enough to run that device? They aren't even warmed up. They could be emitting so little power that there is no line to show since it aint gonna run anything.

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I did experiment with putting 4 redstone engines direktly too the box and it took about sec too start mining (mining well not a Quarry less energy required) but with the Conductive pipe i whaited for 10 minutes and not even the first mining pipe showed upp.. im pretty shure that 4 golden pipes loose that mutch energy.

im pretty shure that the piping is bugged i have done several experiments with this ant the results show the same.

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There is a small amount of energy lost when traveling through the conductive pipes. You are outputting so little that it is lost in transmission.

I agree. Try using steam engines in place of the redstones and I betchya it works.

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