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For some reason my modpack runs vanilla minecraft when running it through the technic launcher. I double-checked to have all my mods in the mod folder and my modpack.jar in my bin folder. If an expert could tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong that would be greatly appreciated, so I have less trouble in the future.


Link to my modpack's zip file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2ett7zde4iarqew/WarSimulatingModpack.zip?dl=1


Link to my modpack's information webpage: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/lightly-modded-war-simulation.514984


Platform URL: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/lightly-modded-war-simulation


I am new to the modpack making scene, so please do not get frustrated with me, I am pretty bad at this I agree, but I am trying my hardest. Thanks!

  • Discord Moderator
  • Your modpack.jar file is the Forge installer JAR. The modpack.jar file is simply the Forge universal binary JAR file renamed to modpack.jar.
  • Your modpack has no config files. This is always bad. Config files allow you to control the balance between mods and to customize mods for optimal gameplay.
  • It looks like you have either renamed the mod files to remove the version numbers (bad) or gotten your mods from somewhere other than the author's preferred distribution channels (very bad). This post may help you:
  • You have Flan's mod but no weapon packs in the Flan folder. Flan's isn't overly useful without weapons packs.

I did not try to start your modpack. If you fix these issues and still are having difficulties come back here with the details.


I know, I didn't want to add anything until I was solid that my modpack was running all of my mods. Thank you for your quick response, I will try this to fix it. Also, how do config files work? How do they help the modpack, and how can I make/get them? Thank you!

  • Discord Moderator

Building a modpack is a process. There are multiple steps to the process which can help preserve one's sanity. I would recommend using something like my BareBonesPack ( ) to test and assemble your modpack.


When you say run the pack locally do you mean through the vanilla launcher? Through forge, as you would a normal mod?


Vanilla launcher or some multi instance tool like MultiMC.

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