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server giving up all hope



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ive seen the stickys, really i did. but i cant answer most of those questions. i have no idea what version of java creeperhost is running.

ive posted a log, with the full error. and the report format doesnt say anything of server bugs at all. and there isnt a client involved into this, so i dont have to post a log. so why do i have that stupid newbie title? im not stupid. and why dont you just help me? i really need help. most players dont like a server being down, especcials because we were planning to re open it today!

im not stupid...

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the bug report format is there because we need that info to do any real troubleshooting. the log you provided doesn't even seem complete.

from what little I can glean it's a problem with your host anyway. you're far more likely to get a solution if you ask your hosting company's tech support about it. be sure to actually give them whatever info they ask for, though.

oh and you are, in fact, stupid. deal with it.

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the bug report format is there because we need that info to do any real troubleshooting. the log you provided doesn't even seem complete.

from what little I can glean it's a problem with your host anyway. you're far more likely to get a solution if you ask your hosting company's tech support about it. be sure to actually give them whatever info they ask for, though.

oh and you are, in fact, stupid. deal with it.

this is how you welcome me? i make 1 mistake, just a small one, and i get some kind of insulting title? and how could i know about the lack of server tech? cant you just give me one more chance to fix this post and get rit of that title/picture? im trying my best and i hoped id have a good time on the forums.

also, how could i provide you with the neccesairy info?

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this is how you welcome me?


also, no, I won't remove the picture. feel free to update the OP with the correct format and info, though. somebody may actually be able to help at that point. the format is the same for server and client bugs, btw.

lastly, I suggest you stop whining about being punished for breaking the rules.

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Golden Rule: Ask yourself, "Is my post or reply actually interesting, funny, or contributing to the discussion at hand?" i need help...

No chat or chan speak i didnt

No Signing Posts i didnt

No duplicate or redundant threads i didnt

No thoughtless posts you may call it thoughtless, i call it an unclear sticky

No asking for ETA's didnt

No Memes didnt

No PMing Admins or Mods with bug reports. didnt

No backseat modding im not a moderator, so i wont. i will warn people in case a mod may get pissed off, and help them.

No Adf.ly links i dont even have a creditcard to use them

No discussing illegal activities i didnt, even though i dont play every game legally :/

No Racial slurs or sexism dude im 14

No spamming i wont. i hate spam

No advertising or soliciting i wont.

No pay-to-play servers my server is free, but has a VIP status for sale

DO NOT post links to Technic Launchers or Tekkit Servers that aren't from us. Its a security risk, don't do it. ok

No misusing the report feature i wont report anything unless i feel insulted or somthing else wich i really dont like.

No ban evasion im new, didnt get banned and i hope i never will

No mod sass i just want help and i massed a small thing!

No Impersonating Mods/Admins i wont steal your account, even if i could.

Don't be a dickbag haha sure thing

this may piss you off. but i didnt break any rules. i did mess up at this post. ok. but i still need help. and i like the picture :/ may i edit it?

my fixed post will be down here soon.

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Launcher/pack Version: 3.0.4 (server)

Operating System: creeperhost

Version of Java: i dont know

Description of Problem: server is giving me an error saying it is giving up its hope

Error Messages: http://pastie.org/4039569

Link to pastebin of log: http://pastie.org/4040098

well, there you are. now, let me speak freely:

  1. look, the rules are above here. they dont say anything about whining. and i dont see how i am anyways.
  2. in the rules post they tell me i can quote a sticky. i did. and what do i get? a warning!
  3. i just wanted help and fun at this forum. just like i have fun with tekkit. and i really need help! why do you have to overreact like this?
  4. ill just accept the newbie thing. so be it. but will it ever be gone? do i have to wait and stay calm for a month?
  5. i found another error. its somthing with EE. i applied a fix for it, may that cause all this errors? this is the link to it: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/patch-for-ee-dm-rm-tools-no-more-griefing-with-them.6642/
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well, there you are. now, let me speak freely:

  1. look, the rules are above here. they dont say anything about whining. and i dont see how i am anyways.
  2. in the rules post they tell me i can quote a sticky. i did. and what do i get? a warning!
  3. i just wanted help and fun at this forum. just like i have fun with tekkit. and i really need help! why do you have to overreact like this?
  4. ill just accept the newbie thing. so be it. but will it ever be gone? do i have to wait and stay calm for a month?
  5. i found another error. its somthing with EE. i applied a fix for it, may that cause all this errors? this is the link to it: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/patch-for-ee-dm-rm-tools-no-more-griefing-with-them.6642/

I realize you're currently enjoying a relaxing forum vacation, but just in case you come back and STILL haven't gotten a clue, let me explain something to you: you are not the arbiter of the rules here.

attempting to rules lawyer a mod in general is a bad idea, however you picked the absolute worst person to try to do it to. I am the god damn king of rule mongers. period. let's run down your pathetic list of sniveling excuses shall we?

- doesn't say "no whining" anywhere. you're right, the phrase "no whining" is in fact not present in any rules post. you know what is? no mod sass, don't be a dickbag (a bag of dicks), mods have the final say, and ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.

- but rules say I can quote a sticky. sure you can, that's not why you got a warning though. this is a pathetic excuse for a straw man argument, plus you're STILL backtalking to the mods, the ultimate arbiters of the rules.

- I just want to have fun and I need help, why are you so mean? because you asked for it. we have strict rules here and they are enforced, as you have now seen. none of us are paid to do this, we owe you nothing, so when you come in here acting like it's your right to get answers when you can't even take the time to read the damn rules until you get called out on it, you won't get anything but insults. you wouldn't like it if someone shit all over your porch, and I don't like it when you shit all over these forums.

- the newbie avatar thing. you'll accept it? son, you never had a choice. it will go away when your warning points expire I believe, haven't had the new forums long enough to test it, but that's my understanding. so yes, you get an avatar that announces your stupidity for a month.

- other error patch. no idea, try it without the patch and find out.

I think that should just about cover it. I am regretting not using my old facepalm avatar right about now. if, when you return, you try to argue your ban in any way I will personally permaban you. I'm not your parents and I don't have to put up with your pedantic bullshit. even less so when you're not even in the right, technically or otherwise. this is the last warning you will receive on the matter.

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*stuff that makes perfect sense to everyone else*

I think that should just about cover it. I am regretting not using my old facepalm avatar right about now. if, when you return, you try to argue your ban in any way I will personally permaban you. I'm not your parents and I don't have to put up with your pedantic bullshit. even less so when you're not even in the right, technically or otherwise. this is the last warning you will receive on the matter.

This is why I love being here.

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Wow! Making a post-it-note and sticking it on the corner of my screen.

When dealing with Technic forums!

1. Follow the posting rules!

2. You are not entitled to piss here, be nice ask for help in the proper format.

3. The rules are to be followed... ALWAYS!

4. And most important. DO NOT get into it with the mods here YOU'LL lose.

As far as it goes I'm a noob here on the forums and know better than get into it with the moderators! I read the rules before I posted anything..


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  • Forum Administrators

Wow! Making a post-it-note and sticking it on the corner of my screen.

When dealing with Technic forums!

1. Follow the posting rules!

2. You are not entitled to piss here, be nice ask for help in the proper format.

3. The rules are to be followed... ALWAYS!

4. And most important. DO NOT get into it with the mods here YOU'LL lose.

As far as it goes I'm a noob here on the forums and know better than get into it with the moderators! I read the rules before I posted anything..


Or the sum it all up in one rule:

1) Don't be an idiot dickbutt

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