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Posts posted by sct

  1. I was going to wait until the stream to ask about this, but maybe it's worth saying now. Is it possible to differentiate server specific packs from other mod packs? My pack is designed specifically for a single server and I know there are a lot of other packs just like that. Maybe making some check boxes for pack makers to define their set up could ease in categorizing packs and make searching simpler for users in the long run. Everyone is looking for something different. Some people want to play something cool by themselves or find a fun pack that they can use to make a server on their own. And in the case of my pack, it already comes with the server and you just need to download and log in. Separating these categories could also help make different types of packs with higher quality more visible that might fall under the radar because their scope isn't as grand as some of the more popular packs. Just some thoughts.

    We have addressed this in the new Platform. We will go over it in detail during the stream.

  2. I think it would be awesome for you guys to rent out Solder instances with a pre-done shared library of mods. As for modding other games, Starbound already has a great modding community and could benefit from having it's own Technic Launcher. Also about having more options than a +1 for rating packs, I worry that packs will get abused with a bunch of 1 star ratings (or however it will be done) from people who have potatoes that can't run the pack. The +1 may be simple, but it is also genius in that it prevents abuse by only allowing for a positive rating from those who enjoy the pack.

    I wouldn't worry about the new system replacing ratings. We will go into detail about how it works Saturday.

  3. Issues with the wiki should be resolved. Accounts are no longer linked to forum accounts and registration is open again. If you already had an account from xenforo you can request a password reset on the wiki.


    If you need a new account just create it on the wiki as per usual and verify your email address.


    Sorry for taking so long to fix this!

  4. The Platform was designed with server owners in mind. You just couldn't easily modify base modpacks like Tekkit without having all your players make the same changes on the client end. That was a pain in the ass! The Platform solved this problem and now you see servers like Tekkify thriving with their own custom modpacks. We even have some really awesome custom stuff like Crafting Dead.


    It seems you don't like progress. :v:

  5. I bumped up the max. You should be fine now.


    Just use an image host like imgur. They give you [img ] tagged images and you can paste those links into your post. You get to have more pictures, and we don't have to host them for you. Win win!


    yeah the limit is applied to all img tags regardless of where they are hosted. Heh.

  6. Since she isn't someone who works on the mod pack you shouldn't expect her to be the one to solve its problems, and there are problems. Like she was saying some of the mods do sort of negate one another. You can do something somewhat difficult in order to be able to fly in any morph and lose the ability once you die, or just simply go into a cave and kill a bat and fly whenever you want and even fit into one square areas. Also there's the whole problem of hamsters not spawning in the wild and I think wolves as well. I was actually really bummed to find out I was scouring the world for a hamster just to find out a glitch is preventing them to appear.

    CanVox is working on fixing the hamster issue. I wasn't aware about wolves either but I guess I haven't seen any either now that I think about it. I will bug him about it.


    In regards to bats being overpowered, well... that's intentional design. I know it conflicts with flight from genetics but it doesn't change the fact that we weren't trying to nitpick balance everything in the pack.


    never called any thing "terrible design" unless your talking about the ridiculous imbalance that I addressed that people seem to love so much they spend time posting paragraph after paragraph defending it because they have nothing better to do i.e. not play it. Thank you for clarifying the issue for me as I was unaware of how or what the problem was.


    Why is it blowing your mind people love this pack? Does everyone have to think like you? I just don't understand. :psyduck:

  8. My recollection is that the previous setup would take us directly to unread posts (e.g., when clicking on the "Help Test Tekkit 1.2.4" thread); now I always start out on Page 1.  True, I could jump directly to Page 18, but it's possible that I was last reading on Page 16.  It's not huge, but it's admittedly annoying to have to scroll around to figure out where I was last reading.


    Looked through the settings and couldn't find something related.  Is this happening to anybody else?

    If you click the circle (or star) to the left of posts it will take you to the most recent unread post.

  9. there are issues with the collaboration of mods that should have been ironed out at the start of release. If we allow content to come out and be acceptable in an imbalanced and bugged state then every game will end up being like Battle field 4 launch. I do not support any release that has issues as it would be easier to just fix them before launch instead of patching them and making the game >crash at start up


    You are grasping at straws here. You realize that crash was because Morph grabs a file from iChuns GitHub that happened to be improperly formatted due to some merges he made last night? He fixed it in 30 minutes.


    e: And why is it so hard for you to accept that this pack just isn't for you? A lot of people here love the imbalance and ridiculous aspect of the pack. That's the whole point. You are calling it terrible design but it was the intended design.

  10. Well your ended your first post in a rather insulting manner. "Thank about what you put into your mod pack." We have been working on this modpack for months now so to tell us we didn't think about what went into it... well...?


    I understand you don't like it and that's fine. It's not for everyone.

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