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Everything posted by rcmaehl

  1. Updated with Enderchest.cfg and a few other tweaks.
  2. Edit /plugins/tekkitrestrict/General.config.yml Install EE Patch Edit /plugins/tekkitrestrict/EEPatch.config.yml
  3. Whoops. Forgot about this thread for a bit. Anyway updated it with better patches, plugins, and suggestions. I'm going to edit this all day today for formatting and with other suggestions that I haven't added. So stay tuned.
  4. If that's the case, you can unban: Nukes - if set their explosion to the size of TNT (or smaller if you want!) in /config/IC2.cfg Dimensional Anchors - if you set maxchunksperplayer to 0 or 1 in /config/immibis.cfg
  5. Well a few new dupe items: Mining Lazer + Auto Crafting table Item Loader Advanced Item loader A few crash items: Enderchests Redstone + Redstone cable REPs Lemme go back in my own changelog to see what else I'm forgetting.
  6. You've completely patched your server right. RIGHT? If you've been gone a while there's about 12 ways to crash the server, and quite a few dupes that you probably don't know about.
  7. Something has to be corrupted. I've never seen tekkit, or any minecraft do this. Questions: 1. Has your computer Blue Screened in the last 6 months, and if so, how many times? 2. Do other applications randomly crash often? 3. Do you have problems with any other programs that use java?
  8. Update your java to 7u45, then try. If that doesn't work, reset your mod pack (click the gear on the left of the launcher under the tekkit classic logo) If that doesn't work, you could try upgrading to the latest version of Ubuntu.
  9. Try using Tekkit Classic 3.1.2 instead of 3.1.3. As 3.1.3 is naturally buggy.
  10. "The server log shows no errors or reasons why it should have crashed." Sir, there are THREE Severe Errors in your Error Log. From the looks of it, this issue appears to be caused by Snaju's database erroring out, but I'll look into it.
  11. Use these Video Settings: Graphics: Fast Render Distance: Tiny Smooth Lighting: 0% Performance: Vsync 3D Anaglyph: Off View Bobbing: Off GUI Scale: Normal Advanced OpenGL: Off Brightness: Moody Clouds: Off Fog: Fast Fog Start: 0.8 Set everything in Details to OFF. If you can't switch it off, set it to Fast. Set everything in Quality to OFF. For Mipmap Type use Nearest. Set everything in Animations to OFF. There is an All OFF button. Performance Settings -> Smooth FPS: Off Performance Settings -> Smooth Input: On Performance Settings -> Load Far: Off Performance Settings -> Preloaded Chunks: Off Performance Settings -> Chunk Updates: 1 Performance Settings -> Dynamic Updates: Off Other -> Fast Debug Info: On Other -> Debug Profiler: Off Other -> Weather: Off Other -> Time: Day Only Other -> Full Screen: 1024x768 Other -> Autosave: 30min
  12. Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException This mean there was an interaction with something that doesn't exist.
  13. This should not be possible. Is it just that one spot, if so your computer might have had a small issue sometime or another and just screwed up once. I'd recommend booting and running memcheck.
  14. The craftingtable + player inventory gives a total of 90 slots. Now if the player doesn't have access to the block on the server side but the client assumes it does, the client would show a total of 90 slots while the server would still only give the player access to 45. The server is throwing a fit because the client is trying to interact with slots that don't exist to the server because the client doesn't have access on it's end, which is making your server auto-restart. You have a few options: 1. Disable the server auto-restarting (The error will still show up, but that can't be fixed with this option) 2. Have your users patch their clients (No error will show up, but I don't think a patch for this exists though. Also, most users don't know diddy squat) 3. Disable Automatic CraftingTables MKII (No error will shop up because there's nothing to cause it) 4. Try switching to something other than GriefPrevention (May or may not fix this depending on how the new plugin works) Also, some additional patches you might want to look into: dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/tekkit-restrict/pages/taeirs-fix-pack/
  15. First off, you shouldn't be using Tekkit 3.1.3 unless you want your client to crash every time you do something. Second off, Please update your java. Finally, have you tried resetting your modpack? If not: 1. Click the gear on the left side of the launcher under the tekkit classic logo 2. Click "Reset Modpack" 3. Click "Yes" 4. Click "Play" Once you have done ALL, and I mean ALL not just one or two, please come back if the issue isn't fixed.
  16. Are you SURE it's the same issue? Please post your console logs.
  17. Please see my reply on: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/tekkit-classic-crashing.54982/
  18. Try resetting your tekkit. 1. Click the gear on the left of the launcher under the tekkitclassic logo 2. Click "Reset Pack" 3. Click "Yes" 4. Click "Play" Note: You are running Tekkit 3.1.2 NOT 3.1.3
  19. Click the other gear: http://i.imgur.com/aiPJXYc.png?1
  20. You can also try Recuva: http://www.piriform.com/recuva Just a note: All these recovery programs will take at least a hour or more to do a complete scan of your hard drive.
  21. Upload it to an image hosting website such as imgur. Then post the link. Also, there is this thing called the edit button. You don't need to make 6 posts within 10 minutes.
  22. According to CanVox (had to ask him since I haven't encountered an issue like this before): <CanVox>: Someone is clicking on a 47th inventory slot in an inventory that bukkit thinks only has 45 slots Which, I'm guessing, is what "[WARNING] Failed to handle packet: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 47, Size: 45" means. I've confirmed that the AutoCraftingTableMKII has 45 slots if you exclude the Also noted was that your plugin list doesn't list tekkitcustomizer while your crash report does. I was able to reproduce this error under different circumstances on my own server and my server did not crash. A few questions: 1. Have you patched your server at all (EE patch, Taeir's Fix Pack, or other patches)? 2. Does this give an crash errors to the client ('Internal Server Exception', perhaps)? 3. Are you sure that the server is actually crashing and not just being forcibly restarted by a false-positive by whatever restarts your minecraft server (Error : Minecraft server error. Server will be restarted.)?
  23. -Old suggestion removed- After rereading your crash report, please include a list of what plugins you have installed and their versions OR pastebin your server.log and I'll find them.
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