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Everything posted by Mercalyn

  1. Wow, I remember this project. Year and a half later! I ended up scrapping my project. Oh well, at least the fun of it lasted a ways. And I don't know anything about computers either. *wink*
  2. You're right, I doubly misunderstood what you meant by that. You meant it had an unlimited capacity for how much energy it holds(/generates), not that it could discharge an unlimited amount of power. You rest your case. That little misunderstanding caused you to further explain a lot of the intricacies of electricity. Sorry about that one. Otherwise.. torches either in series or parallel don't increase the distance the power travels. I guess it ain't E-lek-trisity.
  3. Or maybe he was on topic about a joke. We just. Never know.
  4. So that's a lot of errors. It looks like Forge didn't install correctly(quite an analysis huh!). Have you tried backing up your worlds, deleting the server files, and re-downloading the whole thing yet? Is there an exception for the program in your firewall?
  5. Like, logging on to Tekkit and just typing what you want me to do If Skype is an absolute necessity I'm sure there are plenty of other programmers here willing to help(had I not clogged up your thread with me lol)
  6. I think that one costs much more than $1
  7. I have it, actually. That doesn't mean I have to like using it. What's wrong with text communication?
  8. Ooh, I bet I know what popular internet sensation that was based off of.
  9. Yes, I'm overjoyed! In all reality though--it has a little more vibrancy now.
  10. *gasp* Am I first? I lurv computers! I love OOP, programming and Computercraft! I will program, for you, and for free. How much better can it get? Oh. But I don't like Skype[sorry!]. Really though, I'd be willing to help with any needs.
  11. You mean you have a cow as a /spawn?
  12. Just so you know, you only need JRE unless you plan on doing some Java development. Does this thread point to a solution? http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/server-will-not-start.34991/
  13. ..And where are the explanation marks!!
  14. Ya I took pride in my abilities to pass the school's security attempts too. They would block .exe programs, but I figured out if you put them in the "to burn" drive, you can run games just fine :o
  15. I found the map enjoyable. I'm not gonna lie and say it was the best adventure map I've ever played, but especially for a first map it was pretty good. +You intermittently used different blocks(cracked stonebrick). +It actually did look like a prison. Do you know how many people make prison maps that don't look like prisons? -The map started off in creative mode and it didn't allow a command line to make it survival. I had to go in and convert it manually. -To get my first lever, I had to break the bed which violates rule #1 you made.
  16. I would like to try it as well. I'll be PMing you my email, since I don't want all these ^ v < > peeps looking at it(paranoid eye shift).
  17. Aww but you even made a topic with which to share your build. That's a shame. Are you at school and can't access imgur?
  18. Many people have touted the necessity for a planes mod in Tekkit, and I'm sure many have tried to program it. By no mistake is it a very large undertaking!
  19. Your calculation is my calculation, but with 8 blocks high. Oops! I forgot to add in the 3D element of it all hah. (speaking of cubic square-roots lol..). That's about 4.5 chunks in every direction, which would take 8 railcraft world anchors to keep loaded unless you were present. When it comes to computers, I've always been scared that some voltage line will fail(I mean, there are millions of them!), or some logic gate won't throughput(like an AND never, ever giving a true output). I bet each logic gate in the new Intel i7 is like a couple nanometers in length. It would probably only take a AA battery to completely fry those individually At the same time, anything larger(think... your map, lifesize ALU/2), and it would take like 10 Mega Watts of electric juice to power the whole thing at a good clock rate. Guh, no wonder computers break down. I feel bad for mine right now. I must have fried the GPU, no amount of software will fix it >.<
  20. I think that would depend on your form of storage. You can string repeaters together to have "disk" memory(hard drive, DVD, etc), but then you need a circuit to be able to access it. Although the more repeaters you strung together the higher density of bits you could attain. As far as flash RAM like the sticks you plug into your USB ports, they need reset lines, address selectors AND sequencers(or equivalent) for each byte of memory. I've tried to make my own RAM modules, it takes around 48blocks per byte(8 bits), would leave you around 48000blocks squared per 1KB. Maybe I just really suck at compact circuits though lol. You love to stray from the 8-bit = byte standard don't you? I understand, actually. It's your own standard, and it works for you. I bet whatever my computer architecture looks like, it'll end up not even being close to standard computers now. I thought square root involved a series of division and checking to see if the two halves equal eachother, and if one was higher than the other it would offset the number and try to divide some more. I know in languages like C++ there isn't a processor command for it, you have to utilize a library command like sqrt() to do it for you.
  21. You see.. If you hit START+R, and type in "cmd", you can then type in the command: start java.exe -maketea -Xcups Oh? You don't have the tea addon? I highly recommend it; it's fixed every computer problem I've ever had.
  22. I would be willing to help. By no means am I an expert(but I AM free!) -snip- EDIT: Oops, I just realized this was 4 months old. Necroposter ftl..
  23. I would highly recommend skindex. No software needed, it has an option to blend and randomize pixels. Mine: I one of d'ose female creatures.
  24. Oh haha, misunderstood. I think in his 9th picture it shows the results of every math operation(but they're very unclear still).
  25. What's interesting to me is that(in vanilla redstone), adding more torches doesn't increase the power to punch through resistance of the wire. If you lay redstone dust away from a torch, it will, due to wire resistance, stop. If you add more torches however(at the same distance), the redstone 'voltage' doesn't increase whatsoever, and however "infinite" the power from the torches provide, it isn't enough to overcome it. ..But resistance is scalar to the voltage? So if you added torches it WOULD have to reach farther. I conclude that redstone dust has logic nanites in it that appropriately resist however much power there is being sent through it. This would explain why redpower alloy wire doesn't degrade, because when you refine it, you kill off those nanites.
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