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Everything posted by Terminator2906

  1. This is the best server on Tekkit 4 that i have ever played on! Keep up the awesome work Tristin!
  2. Agreed, this thread needs to be stickied so people stop bitching about IC2 and Redpower being the only mods able to do XYZ
  3. IGN: Terminator2906 AGE (14+) 15 Tekkit experience? if any: Built a nice house and factory in Tekkit Classic and made a alright base in Tekkit Lite Did you read the rules: Nope
  4. Nuclear power that blows up about 100 times larger than any engine. IC2 and RP are most likely not going to be added back in, get used to it. The tekkit team are also looking for more generator options. So for now, get used to the fact that you have to use engines, they are more minecraft like than a nuclear reactor anyways.
  5. Very nice server, i recommend it to anyone who wants a server to play on for the new tekkit
  6. I was pretty pissed at first when i saw that IC2 and Redpower were gone from the mod list, but when i saw that it had TE, AE, and MFR, i got excited. I've never messed with any of them, because redpower and IC2 took there place, but now i have good incentive to play around with them and they look really cool. Give them a shot if you haven't, being resistant to change means that when we have flying cars in the future, you will still use your cheap ground based one.(Resistant to any change, not just in mods)
  7. Your correct about that, i think since the new tekkit is in 1.5.1, RP and IC2 have yet to be updated, so they can't be put into the pack at this time. To be honest, i wouldn't miss IC2, getting a chance to mess with TE will be fun, but i would miss redpower.
  8. Forum Name: Terminator2906 IGN: Terminator2906 Age: 15 Country: USA Have you ever been banned?: No. If you could be any superhero or villain, who would it be and why? Batman, who wouldn't want to be a billionaire who becomes a hero every night ? And because hes just plain awesome.
  9. I REALLY hope this is just extended downtime and not a permanent shutdown, but the latter is seeming more and more true everyday.....
  10. Comwizz, we need you on the server ASAP, someone has absolutely annhilated spawn with 2 hypersonics and a exothermic missle, we need you or kyolie as soon as possible
  11. Here's the crash report I got when I tried to login http://pastebin.com/kg7zbGLz Just saw the thread updated, Thanks comwizz
  12. theprolo is banned for having a trident/pitch fork, don't you know how dangerous things like that are ?
  13. Adlersch is banned for being blue. What kind of normal person is blue ?
  14. This is honestly the best tekkit server i have ever played on, as I expected, this server is awesome!
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