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Everything posted by TheBytemaster

  1. The Technic Launcher works perfectly well on Windows 10. Source: I am playing Tekkit Legends right now on W10.
  2. Argh, server isn't working right, it's rejecting the latest client. I'm working on fixing it now. The server is now fixed! also, COPPER ORE HAS BEEN RETROGENNED If any of your stuff was overwritten with copper, let me or an OP know and you'll get refunded.
  3. We just talk about whatever. It's basically what keeps us from derailing every other thread in the forums. And now you can never leave. (We also have a Tekkit Legends server. *Which has just been updated to the latest version.* The address is a few pages back if you'd like to join.)
  4. How comical
  5. So I was playing Hacknet way too late at night yesterday, got bored, decided to write a greentext for some reason. (I don't actually use 4chan.) Probably because I was up too late. (Contains some spoilers) I love this game.
  6. Alright, Teraku, I got splunk running last night and was able to sift through the firewall logs. You should be good to go now.
  7. If there's a way to just give me the rights to clean out spam, I'd totally help. Must not make obvious joke.... must...... not....
  8. I'm guessing that'll turn out to be an exaggeration. I mean, yeah, you probably won't be able to run it full tilt on a core2duo, but I suspect most i5 models should be fine.
  9. https://www.dubtrack.fm/join/kitty-jail I'll be here all day, so COME ON AND SLAM Yes, the UI is really terrible, but it'll work until https://turn.fm/ is up. Hmm, I'm not quite sure what's going on then, my guess would be that your IP is appearing to the firewall box to come from a country I haven't white-listed. It'll be a few days before I get access to the firewall again, but I'll try and figure out what's going on as soon as I can. The logs are rather detailed, so I'm sure any connection attempts you've made will be in there.
  10. Uhh, let me go look at that. Whoops, sorry about that, fixed now.
  11. Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the biggest nerd of all?

  12. Anyone want a key for Skullgirls? I also have another one for Planetary Annihilation if anyone wants it. Also, the server will be updated to the newest build tomorrow. The server has been updated. Also, this is great/terrifying. http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/10/usb-killer-flash-drive-can-fry-your-computers-innards-in-seconds/ I mean, it wasn't hard to do with a disposable camera flash before, but the fact that he got the thing into a regular-ish looking USB drive, (and uses the computer's own power against it), is quite impressive. Also makes it a *lot* easier to trick people into plugging them into computers. "Yeah, I found this contraption with a circuit board, big batteries, and lots of wires all over in the parking lot. It had a USB port, so I plugged it into my computer. Not sure why but it stopped working after that."
  13. Woah, you're right. Never saw those before. I thought spam threads got deleted when the user was spam-cleaned.
  14. That looks like Uplink but more stressful and co-op. I love it already.
  15. Now you just have to maintain it by looking at all of the shovelware released every day. (Assuming any of that fits into whatever filters you have.)
  16. Hermm, interesting. I'll try and find that. Thanks for letting me know how to fix it.
  17. Sadly, and rather irritatingly, I'm having somewhat severe problems with the internet connection, (as those who kept getting dropped by the server may have noticed), which is odd, because it's been completely solid for over a year, and of course now it suddenly decides to be flakey. I suspect our network is entirely down right now, not there to check/fix it. Techs are scheduled to come Thursday, and I've specifically set aside time to be there in person when they come. Until then, I have no idea what times the server will be connected, but I've left it on so that you can at least play while the network is working. (For the past few days it's been working most of the time, maybe try back in an hour.) Sorry, had family over, couldn't find an excuse to lock myself in the basement with the server for an hour. I'm working on upgrading a copy of the server I made this morning right now. (Don't worry, I'll copy the maps, so any changes you guys manage to make today before I get back will stick.) EDIT: Server's updated, no problems transitioning, other than maps being reset. EDIT AGAIN: Turns out teleporting via map has been disabled, despite my vast and unknowable copy-paste skills. I think I'll leave it like that though, to encourage building railroads and such. Also, I've scattered a handful of IC2 rubber trees in the already-generated area, so you shouldn't have to go too far to find one.
  18. I should make a twitter ebooks account that just pulls text from this thread. That would be the best thing.
  19. Fixed the network problems. Speedtest ping is now 6ms, and our upload speed went from ~4mbit to ~40mbit. So yeah, server should be better now, and if it starts degrading again, now I know how to fix it. Teraku, you should be unblocked now. As well as any ireland/scotland/england/whales people. With the better network response, it might actually work reasonably well overseas now.
  20. You're being blocked by the firewall. The server is located in the western US. The upload speed is *supposed* to be more than enough, (it's about 30 mbit), but there has been some occasional network lag for some people, so it might not be the best server for you. I can unblock you if you still want to try though.
  21. I forgot to mention this earlier, but if anyone from outside the US/Finland has trouble connecting, let me know and I can fix it. (Network firewall does geo-whitelisting).
  22. “The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.” -Douglas Adams

  23. Sorry, I figured out why you and Neo couldn't connect yesterday. Fixed now. Should we set up a discord channel for the server?
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