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Everything posted by TheBytemaster

  1. Alright guys, the Official Kitty Jail Tekkit Legends server is officially OPEN. Rules: Be cool. Don't grief, steal, etc. I neither want nor expect to have to make some exhaustive list of rules. The server address is: spence.mooo.com (No, that's not my name, I just borrowed the address.) Things to note: I have left mobgriefing enabled, but I, (or an op), will compensate/refund you if exessssssive damages are caused by this, (IE: creeper in your machine room.) All chunk-loading is enabled, but please keep it reasonable, as the server isn't super duper powerful. Please no more than one or two chunkloading devices per person. PvP is enabled. The server difficulty is set to Normal. The server should be on 24/7, but if anything happens to it, let me know either here or on Steam, and I'll fix it ASAP. I have made a few custom config file tweaks, the significant ones are listed below: Enjoy!
  2. I'll post here once everything is ready.
  3. So, uh, the server works now.
  4. See, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. I read that as "I can't see why" the first time around. Wait, that's 50 seconds. That can't be right. I mean, it wasn't super playable, but it wasn't THAT bad. EDIT: Tried Fastcraft, no dice. It was a bit faster, but not enough. Strangely, the server reports a steady 20tps and reasonable tick times of ~20-30ms when I use /cofh tps. (Both with and without fastcraft.) Changing the render distance from default to 6 chunks to max made no noticeable difference, either.
  5. I'll try it as soon as I figure out a way to get around the angry firewall I'm behind right now, it's blocking the download. I don't know if it'll help enough though, I tested it out with a real client, and at one point it announced it had dropped 1000+ ticks in one error message. I removed EE and it helped a little bit, but it's still unplayable.
  6. Er... So I just installed and ran the server. I've got plenty of RAM, but CPU wise... not quite sure yet. The pack is beefier than I thought. I'll do some testing, (when I get the chance, probably in 4-5 hours), to see if it's up to par. Nevermind, it's dropping ticks. Sorry for getting your hopes up, but I don't have any available hardware much stronger than this. EDIT: I have an idea. I'll have to test it out, will let you know if it works, might be a few days.
  7. Alright, question time. I've got this fresh install of Debian 8 on an old-ish machine that is suitable for a minecraft server. (And a killer upload speed of about 30mbit/s to boot.) I was planning on running a Tekkit Legends server for us all to romp around on. My problem is, I rather dislike the OP-ness of Equivalent Exchange. I was thinking of maybe disabling it, disabling certain parts of it, or changing the recipes. What opinions do you nerds normal attractive people have on this matter? I haven't played with EE in heaven-knows how long, so maybe my dislike of EE is a tad misplaced. I'm perfectly willing to leave it untouched if that's what you guys want. Otherwise, if I were to change/disable it, what would be the cleanest way to do it?
  8. "We've decided on an entirely new exciting direction for Tekkit, and as a result, Tekkit will no longer feature Thermal Expansion, Project Red, Calclavia Core, Buildcraft, Galcticraft, qCraft, Carpenter's Blocks, Applied Energistics, Mystcraft, or Steve's Carts. In order to focus on this new revolutionary direction, going forward, Tekkit will exclusively contain Magic-focused, Gun-focused, and Sword Art Online-themed mods." Yeah guys, that's what's going to... Wait, Forestry? Railcraft? Somehow that's even weirder. Pffft, "Explosive History" you guys kill me.
  9. Anywho, has anyone heard anything about a new version of tekkit any time soon? I looked around a bit but couldn't find anything useful.
  10. What in the name of Mr. Skeltal was that. ... I need more of this.
  11. You have posted here. Your fate is sealed. You can never leave now. EDIT: Well I guess you could. You already posted anyways. Man I'm tired... pay no attention to the very tired man behind the curtian. EDIT AGAIN: Here's an interesting question. If a person was in a self-driving car, which hit someone while driving itself, and did nothing to prevent the accident, even though they were in the driver's seat, could they be charged with anything? I look forward to self-driving cars, but wow there's a lot of funky ethical questions to be asked.
  12. My prediction; spells for getting rid of spambots. It's brilliant, really. The advertisement itself would create a need for the product. Anyone else remember the time when we got like 8-9 of us all playing Of Guards And Thieves at once? (That cops & robbers game.) That was the best day.
  13. Turns out blightfall runs a lot faster when you aren't running it on old Intel graphics. :v Still too laggy to be enjoyable though. Is there an optimum amount of ram for this pack?
  14. Or you could just buy a massive full-tower case and not care.
  15. Ooh, what else is in it? I've wanted something new to try out, but my laptop can't handle Blightfall. (Apparently an i7 2620m isn't oomph-ey enough to handle the ungodly amounts of taint on the map.)
  16. Well, I don't know. *gets launched screaming into ravine*
  17. "Green Lantern buys 239 watermelons. If all the watermelons have a combined weight of 900kg, what is the airborne velocity of an unladen swallow?"
  18. (Original Pokemon Games) "When you used an attack in Gen 1, this is the process the game goes through, in the order the game goes through it. Sleep check Freeze check Hyper Beam check Attack is executed Disable check Confusion check Paralysis check Attack succeeded in being used Deduct PP Did the attack miss? Damage calculation Perform effect of attack Substitute Critical hit/type effectiveness message Check if opponent faints Rage check End of turn HP loss due to poison/burn HP loss due to Leech Seed Flinch check (for opponent if attacker struck first) Amongst the things that have changed since then were accuracy rates. For instance, Thunderbolt had 95 BP, 15 PP, and 255 Accuracy. Thunder had 120 BP, 10 PP, and 178 Accuracy. Accuracy was a X/256 chance of hitting, performed during the "Did the attack miss" step in turn calculations. Swift, although having 255 Accuracy, completely skips that calculation altogether. If it didn't, it would be impossible for Swift to hit Flying/Underground opponents because Flying/Underground status causes a "multiply by 0" to occur at the accuracy calculation step. Oh, and something else ***ed up: Bide did the same thing. That's right, Bide skipped the accuracy check and always hit without fail. Technically, Transform counts, but it's not a damaging move." Oh, and also: "Focus Energy is supposed to raise your critical hit rate 25%. Except that they did it wrong and instead of multiplying it divides and makes your crit rate DROP." This is a good read: http://lparchive.org/Pokemon-Blue/code.html
  19. My profile page works again! Huzzah!
  20. Okay, this made me laugh harder than it should have once I got it.
  21. Wait, what's the equivalent exchange for a half-decent piece of music? Can I just film a bunch of mediocre let's-plays and trade them all in at once? In hindsight, maybe the phrasing, "put their entire soul into their music" is more literal than we thought. WAIT: This explains everything. This is why pop stars burn themselves out so fast, (Bieber, Miley, et al.) They literally have no soul left. The ones that manage to stay sane are the ones who actually had talent to begin with and never had to resort to alchemy IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW. Oh hey, the Chinese spam is new.
  22. Loose chips sink MIPS.

  23. help, I accidentally downloaded LMMS and started making crap Touhou remixes how do I stop Seriously though, LMMS is kinda nice, especially for, ya know, not costing an arm and a leg and your brother's entire body.
  24. *facepalms* I guess that works too, lol. Here's a thing if you feel like breaking your brain trying to comprehend "really big" numbers. http://waitbutwhy.com/2014/11/1000000-grahams-number.html
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