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Everything posted by TheBytemaster

  1. Prose, I suppose, should all go in here. Rhyming or not, we'd both love to hear. Poems or stories or fragments of writ, Come, gather 'round! Let's all show our wit!
  2. That's amazingly catchy.
  3. Round three.
  4. ​It won't be nearly that hollywood-ish or quick, but in theory, yes*. *Probably not, but eh.
  5. ​Yeah, but it works. (For a certain value of "works" anyways.) That would be more impressive, though, I wonder if I could get something like that to work. (I'd probably cheat and just use a mic though.) On second thought, too lazy.
  6. Side-channel attacks and air-gap jumping techniques never fail to amaze me. http://www.wired.com/2015/03/stealing-data-computers-using-heat/ If this was in a movie I'd call it dumb Hollywood psuedo-hacking, but here it is, in the real world, working.
  7. ​Apparently there's a colorblind mode, but as far as Neo's concerned, it's not very good.
  8. HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE TL;DR, I broke the scale, and then made a color pun while laughing.
  9. *accidental double post derp*
  10. EDIT AGAIN: We'll compromise and put this in a spoiler. Contents are mildly disturbing depending on how much anime you watch.
  11. *whistles in amazement* That's really great. You continue to make me envious.
  12. Ugggh, power inverter for laptop's screen is burning out again. Hope the new one gets here before this one dies. On that note, does anyone here have experience with Autoit?
  13. ​Yiiiissssssssssss. *fistpump* LET THE WILD MILD CHILD RILED-UP RUMPUS BEGIN
  14. Yes it is. You should join in. Everyone should. The more the merrier. EDIT: Darn you and your ing ways, Neo. I nominate "Kitty Jail 2: You can (not) escape"
  15. *is very sad* Oh well, I suppose it can't be helped. Wait a second. This is an oppertunity to post anything and have it remain on the front page of the new Kitty Jail thread for the forseeable future.
  16. ​The old one will likely be back in a day or two. I'm assuming that it'll be done towards the end of the pack.
  17. So uh, this is cool. http://tomorrowcorporation.com/posts/retro-game-internals-punch-out-passwords
  18. This is true, I should have considered such. Like again unto this fine piece of artistry.
  19. Give it up for the best music video of all time.
  20. Wrench wench bench clench sentch...ery,

    Hey, I tried.

  21. *Breathes massive sigh of relief*

    1. Kocken926


      Ha, you breathed unnecessarily!

    2. TheBytemaster



  22. Where on earth is Carmen Sandiego the Kitty Jail?

  23. Can anyone else hold in their sneezes? Or am I a superhuman?

  24. The deer-like one is really, really good. I love it. Reminds me of the weird deer-god thing in Princess Mononoke, but less lovecraftian and more beautiful.
  25. Wait a second... I can have more than one status on the front page at a time.



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